P1000 Catastrophic failure



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May 18, 2016
Riding a Canned Ham.

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The verdict from corporate is in and they will not be taking care of this machine. Apparently I maliciously swamped it. According to corporate there are no other cases of this machine hydrolocking and the case is closed. The service dept says it can't be closed until they close it. Honda will not be taking any responsibility for the poor intake design at all and they apparently are "not working on a different design because there hasn't been an issue "


You should show them the Wolverine video. Stock Wolverine, that is nearly $4,000 cheaper, doing that 3 times is fine, but their machine swamps out?

By saying that, they are basically admitting that they have an inferior design and apparently they don't want to even figure out how to fix it either. Otherwise they would want your machine back to autopsy and figure out the failure modes and try to create a design fix. For goodness sakes, it is an OFF ROAD vehicle. It should be designed go through stuff like that. That is why people buy the darn things. What would happen if you were moving forward in a driving rain? :mad:

I think you should at least do a Youtube video as a public service announcement so that people will at least not take it into water at any any speed that might let water get to the hood or get it snorkeled and save others from a similar fate. Because the only 2 options are that it is a poor design or there was something grossly wrong that let the water in. If it was something grossly wrong, they should fix it.

So have they given any other explanations as to how you got MUD in the engine from a splash of water?

You have my condolences man and respect for staying true to Honda, even after they have basically told you to jump in the lake. (Just not in their product, because you would swamp it and ruin the engine....o_O)


Apr 5, 2016
Honda wont step up until this happens to others....they will consider it rider error, or abuse. So,......What is the easiest fix? I see the design, it looks bad. Looks like a water trap. How about a airbox drain pinch tube installed at bottom?


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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Corporate gave no recommendations. Said it came in super muddy and it was obvious by the recommendations of the dealer that that I "swamped it" and she would contact the dealer yesterday. I called today and she said she had but that isn't the case. My dealer was never called at all. It upsets me that I can't talk to someone at Honda directly, can't show anything I have it's just someone sitting in an office that doesn't get out and ride. Yet they assume that Not sure on mud but think it blew through the paper. I will stand by it as this has been my first hiccup with Honda ever but it's a big one and hard to swallow. I really love the machine the power the transmission everything. Just not excited to have to pay for an untested design that is prone to fail and wait up to several months to ride. I did NOTHING WRONG!


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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The verdict from corporate is in and they will not be taking care of this machine. Apparently I maliciously swamped it. According to corporate there are no other cases of this machine hydrolocking and the case is closed. The service dept says it can't be closed until they close it. Honda will not be taking any responsibility for the poor intake design at all and they apparently are "not working on a different design because there hasn't been an issue "

Well I certainly hate to hear that verdict. It still is perplexing on how that much water got into the crankcase, to get that much it had to be sucked in, any chance the air intake tube running down low is cracked? I could see one getting damaged quickly without proper full coverage skid plates.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
Honda wont step up until this happens to others....they will consider it rider error, or abuse. So,......What is the easiest fix? I see the design, it looks bad. Looks like a water trap. How about a airbox drain pinch tube installed at bottom?
Ya two things. An elbow backwards off of the intake hose and a drain on the lower shaft.


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Mar 21, 2016
North Dakota

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It's easy to disregard a single warranty claim! But a claim with video proof should provide suspicion enough to further investigate. Honda has always been, and I hope always will be, a company which takes care of its customers because of the quality of its products. To blow this off and close this claim without examining all evidence related is concerning to me. I would personally like contact information of the Honda rep to express my concern. Honda means a lot of things to a lot of people, and although I do not know cumminspusher personally I understand through this forum that cumminspusher uses his Honda to support his family unity! So with that said...from my observation Honda,to cumminspusher, means family. So although this tragic event doesn't impact his work, it does impact his family and his families way of life. I'm just saying Honda needs to take another look. If they don't, I support this forum and those who make it what it is...a family of Honda supporters! With that I would ask Hondasxs to start a link to donate to supporting cumminspusher and would like to be the first to donate and ask all forum members to do the same. I pledge $20. Hondasxs how do I deposit this into an account for cumminspusher?


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
Well I certainly hate to hear that verdict. It still is perplexing on how that much water got into the crankcase, to get that much it had to be sucked in, any chance the air intake tube running down low is cracked? I could see one getting damaged quickly without proper full coverage skid plates.
Honestly Jackal a cracked tube would be better as it would allow the water to escape. Water goes in and there is no escape except eventually through intake. Judging by what happened to me there's about three quarts of room for water to sit under the passenger seat


i4WD=imitated 4WD
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Mar 17, 2015
Guntersville, AL

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It's easy to disregard a single warranty claim! But a claim with video proof should provide suspicion enough to further investigate. Honda has always been, and I hope always will be, a company which takes care of its customers because of the quality of its products. To blow this off and close this claim without examining all evidence related is concerning to me. I would personally like contact information of the Honda rep to express my concern. Honda means a lot of things to a lot of people, and although I do not know cumminspusher personally I understand through this forum that cumminspusher uses his Honda to support his family unity! So with that said...from my observation Honda,to cumminspusher, means family. So although this tragic event doesn't impact his work, it does impact his family and his families way of life. I'm just saying Honda needs to take another look. If they don't, I support this forum and those who make it what it is...a family of Honda supporters! With that I would ask Hondasxs to start a link to donate to supporting cumminspusher and would like to be the first to donate and ask all forum members to do the same. I pledge $20. Hondasxs how do I deposit this into an account for cumminspusher?

I'm $20 in, where is the hat @Hondasxs?

Sent from my iPad 7G


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Mena, AR

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The verdict from corporate is in and they will not be taking care of this machine. Apparently I maliciously swamped it. According to corporate there are no other cases of this machine hydrolocking and the case is closed. The service dept says it can't be closed until they close it. Honda will not be taking any responsibility for the poor intake design at all and they apparently are "not working on a different design because there hasn't been an issue "
This is unfortunate and unsettling. Sounds like they don't have all the facts or your dealer is telling Honda one thing and you another. If I was sure I was right I would have my attorney look into this.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
This is unfortunate and unsettling. Sounds like they don't have all the facts or your dealer is telling Honda one thing and you another. If I was sure I was right I would have my attorney look into this.
I have said this once and I will say it again, "HONDA might be in trouble in the near future." I will donate where to send a check?


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Sep 25, 2015

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It's easy to disregard a single warranty claim! But a claim with video proof should provide suspicion enough to further investigate. Honda has always been, and I hope always will be, a company which takes care of its customers because of the quality of its products. To blow this off and close this claim without examining all evidence related is concerning to me. I would personally like contact information of the Honda rep to express my concern. Honda means a lot of things to a lot of people, and although I do not know cumminspusher personally I understand through this forum that cumminspusher uses his Honda to support his family unity! So with that said...from my observation Honda,to cumminspusher, means family. So although this tragic event doesn't impact his work, it does impact his family and his families way of life. I'm just saying Honda needs to take another look. If they don't, I support this forum and those who make it what it is...a family of Honda supporters! With that I would ask Hondasxs to start a link to donate to supporting cumminspusher and would like to be the first to donate and ask all forum members to do the same. I pledge $20. Hondasxs how do I deposit this into an account for cumminspusher?
I'm in for $20.00 :)


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
It's easy to disregard a single warranty claim! But a claim with video proof should provide suspicion enough to further investigate. Honda has always been, and I hope always will be, a company which takes care of its customers because of the quality of its products. To blow this off and close this claim without examining all evidence related is concerning to me. I would personally like contact information of the Honda rep to express my concern. Honda means a lot of things to a lot of people, and although I do not know cumminspusher personally I understand through this forum that cumminspusher uses his Honda to support his family unity! So with that said...from my observation Honda,to cumminspusher, means family. So although this tragic event doesn't impact his work, it does impact his family and his families way of life. I'm just saying Honda needs to take another look. If they don't, I support this forum and those who make it what it is...a family of Honda supporters! With that I would ask Hondasxs to start a link to donate to supporting cumminspusher and would like to be the first to donate and ask all forum members to do the same. I pledge $20. Hondasxs how do I deposit this into an account for cumminspusher?
I really like being able to talk and have others understand! Thank you so much. I'm very honored really! This is a great site with many great people and I'm not sure how I would've handled this without this kind of support. Yes this "sports" we're in is everything to us! It's f***ing everything to my family and friends. My house is crap I don't own anything newer then 98 other then our camping equipment. We've sacrificed everything and even though Weve got a few things so we can do this I'm day to day. I bought our 60k home to afford this. It showed me early obit brings unity in our family and I'd rather grow my kids up like this then down the wrong road with drugs jail possibly worse. So yes it really is everything. We do all we can to keep dependable equipment that's why I am very one sided on things. Honda has become a huge part of this. We started on bikes and although I still ride and can and will ride very hard at times like others here I've got a lot of responsibility and that's where the sxs came in. It's become a very very big part after the sheer dependability of the 700. We didn't go last weekend and may not for awhile because of this. This was a big hit! It hurt us all! I'm about to sell my crf because honestly I need my job and my family vehicle is more important. If anyone saw this bike they'd get it it's an 05 crf 250x I bought new and have done massive amounts of stuff to it over the years to it rather then buy new. I had many chances but bought others equipment. it has over 14,500 documented miles and many that aren't. Wife's bike same same story. We try to support any that come with us. We have lots of kids that have it rough that we bring up so they can get away. Battered women people in bad situations the whole nine. Built our bus to sleep up to 12 but there are only 5 immediate. We will provide for others before ourselves. We live very modestly hotdogs Mac and cheese and frozen nuggets. Why I say this isn't to get money donated help or anything. Never taken food stamps or relied on the government in any way. I pay my taxes. Moved out at 14 and never asked for crap after that. I don't appreciate people trying to "help me out" I'm proud of who I am and our group of friends and family they are the best. We've had I really rough before and it's been a very long road but my family is strong because of what we all believe in. Im not asking for anything back everyone please understand I'm not asking for anything here but @Eltobgi said we do this for family...he's got it right. This last weekend was a lot. I'm doing all I can here. Our way of life was just uprooted. There's people worse off and that keeps me sane but it a lot!with that said it'll be ok. My family will make it we've came too far! I'm not giving up!! Please don't set donations or any wired crap. I won't take it. I absolutely appreciate it but there are plenty of ways to help people that need it. We'll bounce back. I don't take from hungry mouths.without the dependability of this company we would've never gotten this far. I've owned everything and there IS A DIFFERENCE! But I'm pissed at Honda. I really am. You can't talk directly with the Honda rep. He WILL NOT TALK WITH US NOBODIES! Not happening. It is like talking to God directly- you know he's there and hope he's listening. We did no wrong here. We were following a boy through the woods what else can I say here. This will now cost us our home in the woods. I'm pissed!!! My only advice don't let it happen to you! Snorkel this vehicle! Stay away from water at speed till its fixed. It's a problem. I don't care about the heat or dust or dump box anymore. My Pioneer become an 18k dollar paper weight. Treat that vehicle well but beat the hell out of it. It's still a Honda! It's just got a flaw. I'm not use to a flaw in a Honda and this one cost me. There are others but they are doing a great job of keeping it quiet.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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Guys please! Thanks so much! I appreciate it!! I shouldn't be b****in I'm really sorry! It hasn't happened in a long time but I need to sign off. Don't take this wrong but I need to regather up my s*** suck it up and realize there's people worse off. I'm just upset in something I've believed so strong in over the years. I'm still in Honda is the best I'm certain of that. I don't preach crap. I'm going to handle it the best I can. Good night guys. Thanks for all of the positive assistance! Thank you. View attachment 16575



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Mar 21, 2016
North Dakota

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I really like being able to talk and have others understand! Thank you so much. I'm very honored really! This is a great site with many great people and I'm not sure how I would've handled this without this kind of support. Yes this "sports" we're in is everything to us! It's f***ing everything to my family and friends. My house is crap I don't own anything newer then 98 other then our camping equipment. We've sacrificed everything and even though Weve got a few things so we can do this I'm day to day. I bought our 60k home to afford this. It showed me early obit brings unity in our family and I'd rather grow my kids up like this then down the wrong road with drugs jail possibly worse. So yes it really is everything. We do all we can to keep dependable equipment that's why I am very one sided on things. Honda has become a huge part of this. We started on bikes and although I still ride and can and will ride very hard at times like others here I've got a lot of responsibility and that's where the sxs came in. It's become a very very big part after the sheer dependability of the 700. We didn't go last weekend and may not for awhile because of this. This was a big hit! It hurt us all! I'm about to sell my crf because honestly I need my job and my family vehicle is more important. If anyone saw this bike they'd get it it's an 05 crf 250x I bought new and have done massive amounts of stuff to it over the years to it rather then buy new. I had many chances but bought others equipment. it has over 14,500 documented miles and many that aren't. Wife's bike same same story. We try to support any that come with us. We have lots of kids that have it rough that we bring up so they can get away. Battered women people in bad situations the whole nine. Built our bus to sleep up to 12 but there are only 5 immediate. We will provide for others before ourselves. We live very modestly hotdogs Mac and cheese and frozen nuggets. Why I say this isn't to get money donated help or anything. Never taken food stamps or relied on the government in any way. I pay my taxes. Moved out at 14 and never asked for crap after that. I don't appreciate people trying to "help me out" I'm proud of who I am and our group of friends and family they are the best. We've had I really rough before and it's been a very long road but my family is strong because of what we all believe in. Im not asking for anything back everyone please understand I'm not asking for anything here but @Eltobgi said we do this for family...he's got it right. This last weekend was a lot. I'm doing all I can here. Our way of life was just uprooted. There's people worse off and that keeps me sane but it a lot!with that said it'll be ok. My family will make it we've came too far! I'm not giving up!! Please don't set donations or any wired crap. I won't take it. I absolutely appreciate it but there are plenty of ways to help people that need it. We'll bounce back. I don't take from hungry mouths.without the dependability of this company we would've never gotten this far. I've owned everything and there IS A DIFFERENCE! But I'm pissed at Honda. I really am. You can't talk directly with the Honda rep. He WILL NOT TALK WITH US NOBODIES! Not happening. It is like talking to God directly- you know he's there and hope he's listening. We did no wrong here. We were following a boy through the woods what else can I say here. This will now cost us our home in the woods. I'm pissed!!! My only advice don't let it happen to you! Snorkel this vehicle! Stay away from water at speed till its fixed. It's a problem. I don't care about the heat or dust or dump box anymore. My Pioneer become an 18k dollar paper weight. Treat that vehicle well but beat the hell out of it. It's still a Honda! It's just got a flaw. I'm not use to a flaw in a Honda and this one cost me. There are others but they are doing a great job of keeping it quiet.
It's people like you that make his world a better place! Our words are one thing but when our actions support those words we become an example to others and a part of the solution to fixing what's wrong in this world! If I were able, I would be there to help you rebuild your ride, but since I can't be there I can help in this way and I'm sure others feel the same. So...think of it as a way for all to help make this world a better place by helping you do what you do. Please keep in mind that you have no choice In this matter. I stand firm on my pledge and ask others to as well! Come on Hondasxs where's the hat?


Go ride!
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Jun 15, 2014

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It's sickening to hear this. Its easy for honda to say water in the motor it was swamped end of story. But there is something going on here and they need to take the time and find out the exact cause. Then make a decision. We here all live thru each other somewhat and are a family. Let's just get this fixed and move on. If a bunch of us threw our beer money your way it's not charity. We just don't want to go very long without your pictures and stories. So we need to get you back on the trail!


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Sep 25, 2015

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It's people like you that make his world a better place! Our words are one thing but when our actions support those words we become an example to others and a part of the solution to fixing what's wrong in this world! If I were able, I would be there to help you rebuild your ride, but since I can't be there I can help in this way and I'm sure others feel the same. So...think of it as a way for all to help make this world a better place by helping you do what you do. Please keep in mind that you have no choice In this matter. I stand firm on my pledge and ask others to as well! Come on Hondasxs where's the hat?
CumminsPusher Eltobgi is right. On the club rides if someone tears off an AArm the group circles the wagons and gets them fixed up and going. This is an online version of that. You have become a friend and I insist you take the money and quit crying about it!:D:);)


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Mar 21, 2016
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It's sickening to hear this. Its easy for honda to say water in the motor it was swamped end of story. But there is something going on here and they need to take the time and find out the exact cause. Then make a decision. We here all live thru each other somewhat and are a family. Let's just get this fixed and move on. If a bunch of us threw our beer money your way it's not charity. We just don't want to go very long without your pictures and stories. So we need to get you back on the trail!
Well said plumber32! We are so selfish! Lol.
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I don't mind collecting if you guys want. But looks like the trouble is going to be getting @CumminsPusher to accept.

Here is a dedicated channel for the "Get CumminsPusher back on the trail fund".
[parsehtml]<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="G5JSTHS96VNYN">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
[/parsehtml]Or use this link ---> Get CumminsPusher back on the trail fund. - PayPal

I know I promised him a lottery ticket. I will come though and have one ready for Saturday's Powerball drawing in his name.
Anything over $25 won will be sent to him. Any less winnings will be re-invested into another ticket until PB or Bust!
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