Who are the winners and losers of the post cv-19 era?



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The underused resources of the ship and Jarvis Center are worthy of a True investigation. And the lack of attention to it during the Cuomo family interview should wake up those “Woke” viewers how pitifully biased their source of information has become.
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My guess is that they were never going to use it unless they absolutely had to because it was Trump's idea. Stuck them in the Nursing homes instead.


Montecresto el segundo
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Trump sent the Comfort to be used for non Covid hospitalizations in the city, as a relief valve for the hospitals that were congested with Covid patients.

Here’s what Trump actually said about It.....

Trump said at Sunday's press conference that while the Comfort "was not supposed to be for the virus at all, under any circumstances ... it looks like, more and more, we're going to be using it for that.

"If we need it for the virus, we will be using it for that," Trump said. "They'd prefer not, for obvious reasons, but if for any reason they need it, it's ready, willing, and able.

There did come a point that Cuomo needed it for CV19 patients and he called Trump and asked him to allow it to be used so....And Trump did.

And New Yorkers give Cuomo an 81% approval rating on handling CV19, as opposed to Trump’s 35%.......Clearly Cuomo is the winner, and Trump is the loose in CV19..........
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Montecresto el segundo
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My guess is that they were never going to use it unless they absolutely had to because it was Trump's idea. Stuck them in the Nursing homes instead.
Sorry, but that’s just not true, fake news....🤷‍♂️


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Trump sent the Comfort to be used for non Covid hospitalizations in the city, as a relief valve for the hospitals that were congested with Covid patients.

Here’s what Trump actually said about It.....

Trump said at Sunday's press conference that while the Comfort "was not supposed to be for the virus at all, under any circumstances ... it looks like, more and more, we're going to be using it for that.

"If we need it for the virus, we will be using it for that," Trump said. "They'd prefer not, for obvious reasons, but if for any reason they need it, it's ready, willing, and able.

There did come a point that Cuomo needed it for CV19 patients and he called Trump and asked him to allow it to be used so....And Trump did.
Thanks for the clarification, it makes since! All this shut down is all about not over whelming our health system, that's smart. People are still going to get sick and some pass from this Virus, sad, but that's life


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Was thinking of selling face masks with attached blinders, but Fake News actually has the market covered.
Well let's see some prototypes to see if your blown outa the water!
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NTC Ambassador of Walls
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Well let's see some prototypes to see if your blown outa the water!
Works with many styles of masks. Also repels unwanted hair sniffers. LOL

1C37EB12 AE15 4CC5 B2F9 8385C3CF78C7


Understanding women Vol. 1
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Freedom is the biggest loser to date in my opinion.
I am not faulting what has been done in the past. Politics and lack of information at the time played a large role in what took place.
To continue to justify the illegal actions of misappropriation of funds, illegal laws and costing people the ability to provide for their families isn't an argument I am willing to hear. Encourage good health habits and encourage people to wear mask but past that, I am against it.

So today, I saw this article and congratulate this sheriff for what he said.

Sheriff Revolts Against Lockdown: 'We Are Not Stormtroopers. We Are Peacekeepers'
BY MEGAN FOX MAY 18, 2020 6:23 PM EST
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5e1af149 26c4 4b05 b5f0 2f1afc5935ba 730x487E. Jason Wambsgans/Chicago Tribune via AP, Pool, File
In a passionate Facebook post, Sheriff James Mendrick of DuPage County, IL, broke his silence in the wake of the Chinese virus pandemic-induced lockdown rules that have businesses gasping to survive. “As Sheriff, I feel that my own 1st amendment constitutional right to free speech has been completely trampled on by a governor who has threatened my Offices’ reimbursement and grant funds as a tool to force me not to speak,” he wrote. “I just can’t do this anymore. I stand with our citizens and businesses of DuPage County who have offered no trouble or no resistance to any rule we put upon them, no matter how strange.”

Peacekeepers don’t terrorize citizens
Mendrick praised his community for their compliance and willingness to pitch in to help and he said he won’t reward them with arrests and harassment for trying to open their businesses. “I’m just having difficulty with what looks like politics pitting everyone against each other and then wanting the police to arrest everyone who disagrees,” he continued. “We are not stormtroopers. We are peacekeepers.”

Mendrick takes his job as a protector of the Constitution seriously, and Governor Pritzker is going to have to learn to live with it. “All these years, you have told us that you want law enforcement that thinks before arresting, doesn’t violate your rights and treats their citizens with decency,” he wrote. “Now you have that and are asking us to regress into what you didn’t want and didn’t deserve. Please let us be the law enforcement you always asked us to be. Non-oppressive.”
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CST is the Best!
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You seem convinced that you have it all figured out. And the rest of us, well, we just haven't been enlightened.

I think our individual viewpoints are a reflection of our circumstances. If I lived off the grid and was financially secure then I would be more likely to beat the drum for everyone to stay home as that would be the only thing to fear.

If you have kids who are not being educated, or don't have food for your family tonight, it might feel a bit different.

If you feel that the government is over reaching, we are losing our freedom that others fought for and heading for financial collapse, then you might have another view. 1000 links on this thread won't change anyone with what working in the background for each one here.

A snapshot of any country today and saying it was right or wrong is premature. We all have opinions but they are not facts.
How will history look back at this debacle, will be interesting, knowing that we cannot stop it yet we have imploded the economy and our children's future as if printing money will substitute for a vaccine.

Early on, one of the doctors said we need to flatten the curve but that it would reach us all. That hasn't changed.
So we have been there and done that.

So, in 10 years, if it reached us all, killed some and Sweden's people and economy are happy and healthy while we are bankrupt, vulnerable to our enemies and hopeless. What method was best? The answer is, we simply won't know for quite some time.
I have seen no evidence of him having children 🤷‍♂️
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