First is oil, next is food…watch!



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2021
Kansas City, MO

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I dont need that twit to explain it. There have always been speculators and 50% Win and 50% lose. There is NOTHING wrong w/ that, its called the free Market. Happened under Trump, Obama, and every other President. This is NO different. It is simple economics. Supply/Demand drive the price. Reduce Supply (Cancel Pipelines/Increase Regulations/Tax Oil Companies/Pledge to put them out of business) and Price goes up because they slow down production. Increase demand without increasing supply ("Free stimulus" money) and Price goes up. Do a deal w/ Iran and the Saudi's (their arch enemy) tell you to go F yourself when you ask them to increase production. I really wish folks truly understood what/who they are voting for vs. some giggling moron or crap in their pants fool who tells you "its complicated". God, those tweets must have really pissed some fools off who are now questioning their vote.


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Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
I dont need that twit to explain it. There have always been speculators and 50% Win and 50% lose. There is NOTHING wrong w/ that, its called the free Market. Happened under Trump, Obama, and every other President. This is NO different. It is simple economics. Supply/Demand drive the price. Reduce Supply (Cancel Pipelines/Increase Regulations/Tax Oil Companies/Pledge to put them out of business) and Price goes up because they slow down production. Increase demand without increasing supply ("Free stimulus" money) and Price goes up. Do a deal w/ Iran and the Saudi's (their arch enemy) tell you to go F yourself when you ask them to increase production. I really wish folks truly understood what/who they are voting for vs. some giggling moron or crap in their pants fool who tells you "its complicated". God, those tweets must have really pissed some fools off who are now questioning their vote.
Written by a man who knows what he is talking about!

Commodity Speculators perform an important function. They are necessary to ensure adequate quantities of commodities are available to manufacturers and retailers at known prices. Sometimes they make a profit, sometimes they lose a fortune but they are under contract and must provide as agreed.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2021
Kansas City, MO

  1. 700-4
Written by a man who knows what he is talking about!

Commodity Speculators perform an important function. They are necessary to ensure adequate quantities of commodities are available to manufacturers and retailers at known prices. Sometimes they make a profit, sometimes they lose a fortune but they are under contract and must provide as agreed.
Fully agree HBarlow. An inconvenient FACT for Democrats is that NOTHING really has changed other than Crappin' Joe taking over.
- There is always world unrest. This may be a bit more but still the same.
- If we were energy Independent (like we were under Trump), not only would we be not impacted but we would be profiting.
- When you cancel a pipeline (that would be complete by now), that is 800K barrels lost we could be using and lay off 1000s.
- When you cancel Federal Leases (Oil companies slow down exploration/production). and lay off workers.
- Increased regulations further impair them. Slowing down production, raising the costs that are passed to consumers.
- Pledging to put Oil Cos. out of business moves investment capital away, makes it costlier for them and is passed to consumers.
- Doing treaties with Iran (who is hated by Saudi/UAE) pisses off S/UAE so no they WONT help us.
- Buying "dirtier" Russian oil pollutes more here and costs more. Driving price up AND helps are enemy. Russia.
- Allowing Nordstream pipeline (via lifting sanctions) allows Germany to buy LnG from Russia, NOT U.S.

So Yes, Joe you stupid did a LOT to drive the price up.


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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
It is simply incomprehensible that a great nation with full employment, growing stock market, high wages, great prosperity, NK silenced, the Taliban defeated and disappearing, Iran under control, China and Russia quiet, would allow a senile and incompetent career criminal to steal an lection and illegally occupy the most important office in the land.

If we take this situation seriously it will make us crazy. I try to ignore it.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2021
Kansas City, MO

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But you know....Donald Trump was "mean" and an unarmed fool in a Buffalo Head mask carrying a sign was threat to our Democracy. What a croc of S...hit. He was prosecuted and is serving time. MOVE the F on. BTW...why are we not looking at Pelosi's texts the day before and day of. You realize the Capital Police report to the Speaker of the House right? What instructions were they given?


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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
We have become a nation of pitiful sheep following the lead sheep with the bell tied around her neck who is leading us idown the path to communism.

Tens of millions of ordinary Americans, both highly educated professionals and hard-working blue collar tradesmen agree with us . This huge group has no leader and no voice since Rush Limbaugh died but we swept aside fifteen empty suit RINOs who gathered on that stage back in 2015 and to my surprise, we elected Donald Trump with all his faults.

Donald Trump was the greatest president since Ronald Reagan and perhaps the greatest president ever but we had no leaders to stand up when the American communist party stole the last election.

Too many Americans did not recognize what Donald Trump accomplished and, like sheep, followed the lying media's lead and focused on his twitter account and his foolish public comments.

We may never recover from the stolen election and the four years of this moron FJB. Nobama, the first enemy to occupy the White House set many things in motion. The communists are deeply entrenched. They own every federal agency, the media, academia, public schools, and Hollyweird-the the entertainment industry.

An astonishing number of Americans are oblivious to what is happening.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2021
Kansas City, MO

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Never fear, the rest of the world is watching this freaking moron struggle to read cue cards and then the other giggling idiot saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed" while folks are dying in Ukraine. That of course was after she tried to tell Europe what "real war" looks like. My God, he says on Saturday Putin cannot be allowed to stay in power, then he says he wasnt calling for regime change, then today he said he wasnt walking anything back. Complete embarrassment to the office and the least for those with a pulse who pay attention. Well, I guess tomorrow we will be told it is "complicated" and that Putin is to blame for everything.


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Feb 25, 2021

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Never fear, the rest of the world is watching this freaking moron struggle to read cue cards and then the other giggling idiot saying "a friend in need is a friend indeed" while folks are dying in Ukraine. That of course was after she tried to tell Europe what "real war" looks like. My God, he says on Saturday Putin cannot be allowed to stay in power, then he says he wasnt calling for regime change, then today he said he wasnt walking anything back. Complete embarrassment to the office and the least for those with a pulse who pay attention. Well, I guess tomorrow we will be told it is "complicated" and that Putin is to blame for everything.
nothing will ever be their fault again. biden is just a puppet of the the new world order! who are they you ask, well just all the elitists of the world which includes all the usual suspects including aforementioned bill gates and all members of the economic forum in germany of all places! this elite click started years ago as Club Of Rome! look it up, you will know who they all are! nothing we all know, that are paying attention, is lies or bulls***. that all comes from governments (all over the world), the mainstream media (all over the world) and way to many other communist social media outlets (hollywood too). funny how all the bad things they have to say, or blame others for are exactly EVERYTHING they do, and this has been going on since trump took office. lies, smoke and mirrors, and more lies is all you get from them. nuff of that! so, im not preaching any groups bulls***, but, this new world order agenda (look it up if you want) as mentioned previously, first order of business is population reduction. how, well, they say, from wars (hmmm), civil unrest (hello), and disease and starvation (oh, hello). so, where we are, is fuc'd and a lot of, We The People, around the world are finally starting to realize this and some are fighting back, if you pay attention to sources that still let you know what goes on in the world. what man in a mask in his campaign speeches with 10 or12 people watching, talking about dark days ahead for america, wins an election!!! you were paying attention i hope. you know they will say he never said that now. We The People here need to start the fight against this, and soon, if you want to keep your freedom! imo. but i fear they have made men here, weak, useless feeling and dependent on them, which will not be a good outcome. things they are after are happening quick these days and i'm an older guy, sure don't want my last days at the end of a soup and bread line when they dry up.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2021
Kansas City, MO

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Only so much the normal person can do but here is something I absolutely committed to doing the rest of my life the day Biden was declared the Winner of the election.
- Unsubscribe to ANY local newspapers. I refuse to pay these liberal cut/pasters a dime for news.
- Watch cable news and turn the channel when Fox (repeats the same story) MSNBC/CNN until I hear the first unfounded accusation or unimportant story. For example, anything about what Trump may have done or if they are running an Jan 6th story when folks are getting killed in Ukraine. He is not President and I want to know what is being done, not who wants to blame.
- I will listen to stutterin' Joe until he tells a lie or blames someone else. Usually 5-10 minutes.
- I will NOT listen to Heels Up Harris for anything.
- I do listen to "Peppermint Patti" Psaki trying to deflect/deny the stupidity this administration is doing. Just answer the question.
- I do correct ANY liberal who makes unfounded political statements and ask them to cite their source and it is not "....well Trump..." (I have already eliminated 2 long time friends on my contact lists due to their inability to at least consider an alternative to their liberal bias)
- The first time I hear something is racist. I turn the channel or exit the conversation.

I have no issue with those who disagree so long as they can provide facts or a logical reason for their position. Not "what they heard" or not any "Dems are for the working man" BS. Again, we can disagree as civil folks...THINK for ourselves and decide what is BEST FOR US vs. the BS narratives so many on both sides recite. Dont be manipulated by politicians or wealthy elite.


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Feb 25, 2021

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