First is oil, next is food…watch!



Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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A good point but food shortages caused by hoarding are always temporary until panic fades and shelves are restocked.

My understanding is the need to import wheat could easily be resolved if farmers shift some production from useless and harmful ethanol which is nothing more than a scam, back to wheat which is needed for food production.
In 2019 alone, the global grain harvest was only 35-45% of the normal harvest due to worsening weather conditions all over the planet. Each consecutive year after has been equally worsening.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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Another thing is China has been buying up all the soybean and corn futures for many years. I’ve, in the past shared harvest reports put out by the USDA and many other references over the past few years on here.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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When will folks realize that the mainstream media is complicit it everything bad happening to our planet? They’re not the cause of shortages but they will never tell us the truth!!!


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Aug 22, 2014
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I'm not concerned when extremely wealthy people like Bill Gates buys vast acreages of land. A billionaire has to put his money somewhere and land is a good investment.
Here's one reason Bill Gates buying land is a worry...................

Another is my 1st hand experience is how the Biden liberals have taken over the FDA and USDA. I now get weekly emails from USDA pushing high risk and easily obtained government loans for minority "farmers." They have millions set aside to give out to people who have no right, no background, no experience and no family ties to agriculture. They are pushing hard to get farming and farm family land AWAY from conservative families. They have plenty of hairbrain agendas they want to push, that work about as good as their clean energy crap does...... Like growing tomatoes indoors in vats of chemical induced water. No soil. For some reason pouring massive pads of cement, building giant buildings, heating them all winter and soaking veggies in chemical water is better to them than....... tilling the soil, fertilizing it either conventionally or with manure, and letting mother nature occur is evil to them. Think of how much they like to blame cow farts for global warming vs looking at how dirty their cities are.

Another thing is that they hate relying on conservative farmers to feed the liberal voters.

If nothing else it's about control. The republican party used to rely highly on oil tycoon money and the dems have been beating up that income source for decades.... Now they're coming after the farm money and land. Every piece of land that they get away from a conservative family is a huge win to them. And, now with the internet, social media, church scandals and plain old loss of morals, conservative farm kids are more and more likely to sell the family land for millions vs. a life of hard labor. Because of the brainwashing, farmers are looked at as evil and get very little respect for all the hard work. Enter people like Bill Gates who are pushing for a one world economy. Like I always say...... democrats are playing chess and conservatives are playing tic tac toe. Because of the very uneven and biased media conservatives are always distracted with playing defense while the democrats swoop in and steal whatever they can. City and country used to get along hand and hand. Now they're enemies who reluctantly have to work together. Democrats want to take everything they can away from conservatives and farmland is a huge win for them.


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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

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My understanding is the need to import wheat could easily be resolved if farmers shift some production from useless and harmful ethanol which is nothing more than a scam, back to wheat which is needed for food production.

It's way more complicated than that.... farmers grow too much corn.... I can explain that another time but with our current oil prices and this governments hate for drilling, ethanol might help remove some of the sting it just won't work as fast as speculation does.

As far as farmers quickly switching to wheat...... it can happen some, but it's not like The US is equipped to make up for the worlds wheat problem overnight. There's huge amounts of logistics involved, not to mention the risk..... a ton of risk. From farmers to seed dealers all the way up to market trades there's mega risk. Many farmers have some of their crop sold to the market as far out as a year before the seeds hit the soil. If they pre sold 100 bushels of corn they HAVE TO plant that 100 bushels and deliver them within the contract window.

Let's say a guy is going to do like I posted earlier and turn some CRP ground to wheat.... 1st, he's gotta see if his dealer even has seed available.... then, he's got to make sure he can get the other inputs covered..... remember, fertilizer is a big issue in this war and if you can get the extra thats needed for that field that's laid dormant for years/decades, you're going to pay big time for it. There's likely penalties for removing ground from CRP status unless USDA waives them. There's other things like specialty equipment costing $10's or $100's of thousands, seed treatments, trucking costs, added labor and all this inflation etc.... Now, even if you make it past all of that, wheat is more finicky than corn and and timing can really effect a wheat yield. One little microburst can flatten an entire wheat field in the blink of an eye and wipe out any, if any, profit. Getting it to market within the perfect moisture window is another hurdle. Yeah, midwestern farmers can grow wheat, but most are out of practice, the wheat equipment is old or gone and they might not want all the above risks. We'll see this spring who goes for it.
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Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
Bill Gate buying farmland is not the problem.

The problem is the dumocrap-socialist organized crime party. The scumbag dumocraps have infiltrated and dominated every department and agency of the federal government, universities and colleges, public schools,, charities, and more.

Dumocrps love government because most of them are either too lazy or too stupid to make an honest living in small business or ordinary private sector jobs. They want government jobs and political office because knowledge, skill, and performance are not required or even expected. Government positions give them access to the treasury and opportunity to sell influence for mpmeu.

Dumocraps have nothing to offer except empty promises of free stuff. Only the lame, lazy, stupid, and corrupt vote for them so they steal elections.

They are well on their way now to completely taking over and permanently imposing socialistm. Once they have complete control they will move on to communism to impose their will on ordinary citizens just like the old Soviet Union.

The only solution is to destroy the dumocrap party and ever scumbag in it.

Unfortunately we Conservatives don't have a political party. We are stuck with choosing between lying and conniving candiates pretending to be conservative until they get to DC then they vote with the weak, ineffective empty-suit RINOs.

To be completely honest, I think the nation is doomed. Too many Americans are either clueless or vote for the free stuff. Most young Americans know more about football team or NASCAR teams than they do about politics and economics.
The public schools deliberately dumb-down the youth feeding them bs and feel good crap about global warming, solar panels, and race garbage. They graduate with a head full of childish nonsense.

The only thing that gives me comfort is to remind myself that I'll be 80 years old in July. I won't be around to see the destruction and misery of this once proud and strong country, the greatest country on eareth. I've done my part. I served in the Navy from age 17 to 45 going to sea in submarines and ships. I've always voted for conservatives andd donated modest sums to strong candidates.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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Bill Zgates is one of the globalist leaders that want to control the people and reduce the population by any means necessary. I think I stated this before but I will state it again the globalist Henry Kissinger once said “ if you control the oil you can control a nation but if you control the food then you can control the people”


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
Henry Kissinger is long dead. Bill Gates is a leftist but he is not in government and has little power to make anything happen.

The dumocrap party is my enemy. They seek to control our government and people for their benefit not for the future of the nation or the people.

Whyj are you fixated on Bill Gates? He's a private citizen.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
Bill Gate buying farmland is not the problem.

The problem is the dumocrap-socialist organized crime party. The scumbag dumocraps have infiltrated and dominated every department and agency of the federal government, universities and colleges, public schools,, charities, and more.

Dumocrps love government because most of them are either too lazy or too stupid to make an honest living in small business or ordinary private sector jobs. They want government jobs and political office because knowledge, skill, and performance are not required or even expected. Government positions give them access to the treasury and opportunity to sell influence for mpmeu.

Dumocraps have nothing to offer except empty promises of free stuff. Only the lame, lazy, stupid, and corrupt vote for them so they steal elections.

They are well on their way now to completely taking over and permanently imposing socialistm. Once they have complete control they will move on to communism to impose their will on ordinary citizens just like the old Soviet Union.

The only solution is to destroy the dumocrap party and ever scumbag in it.

Unfortunately we Conservatives don't have a political party. We are stuck with choosing between lying and conniving candiates pretending to be conservative until they get to DC then they vote with the weak, ineffective empty-suit RINOs.

To be completely honest, I think the nation is doomed. Too many Americans are either clueless or vote for the free stuff. Most young Americans know more about football team or NASCAR teams than they do about politics and economics.
The public schools deliberately dumb-down the youth feeding them bs and feel good crap about global warming, solar panels, and race garbage. They graduate with a head full of childish nonsense.

The only thing that gives me comfort is to remind myself that I'll be 80 years old in July. I won't be around to see the destruction and misery of this once proud and strong country, the greatest country on eareth. I've done my part. I served in the Navy from age 17 to 45 going to sea in submarines and ships. I've always voted for conservatives andd donated modest sums to strong candidates.

Are farmers employed by the government?

I thought farmers owned their land and were independent businessmen?


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

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Henry Kissinger is long dead. Bill Gates is a leftist but he is not in government and has little power to make anything happen.

The dumocrap party is my enemy. They seek to control our government and people for their benefit not for the future of the nation or the people.

Whyj are you fixated on Bill Gates? He's a private citizen.
Well, I have watched him on numerous occasions on a different video state that we need to reduce the global population…. He’s also been part of a lot of what’s going on in the world lately. I’m not gonna get into it right now. Look up event 201 on YouTube. He’s also banned from many countries in Africa and India for pushing his vaccines and inoculations on tribes and crippling killing and sterilizing many people. His grandfather helped Margaret Sanger found Planned Parenthood. He is a known eugenicist. Also why would you trust somebody like that to save the populations? It makes no sense. This is just the tip of the iceberg but also he stepped down as CEO of Microsoft. And another one of his companies and started the ID 2020 thing. Which is all about a biometric chip in your finger. Which right after that came out Elon musk with the biometric chip in your head and links you up to the Internet in artificial intelligence. Anyway, there’s lots more but…..


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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Another thing about him is he’s related to the RothsChilds, If you know anything about them, they have funded every conflict and war since the dark ages but they funded both sides. Also supposed Luciferian. Also, as one of the first inventors of computers he was also the first person to develop a computer virus so he could sell people an anti-virus. I’d say that make him some kind of a criminal too…


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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

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Henry Kissinger is long dead. Bill Gates is a leftist but he is not in government and has little power to make anything happen.

The dumocrap party is my enemy. They seek to control our government and people for their benefit not for the future of the nation or the people.

Whyj are you fixated on Bill Gates? He's a private citizen.

I'm not sure I understand how you think the richest people in the world have no influence over our government. Just look at what Sorros has done for the Clintons and the entire liberal party.

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Lifetime Member
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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

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Are farmers employed by the government?

I thought farmers owned their land and were independent businessmen?

Haven't you heard of subsidies? Aside from that I really don't get your point here.... If you're talking about CRP then yeah... they own the land (usually their s***tiest land) and they enter into agreement with the government to not farm it. Weather it be unprofitable, a buffer to filter runoff before waterways, to provide natural corridors, uneven terrain, there's tons of reasons.... whatever it is... while under contract you have to play their game. CRP payments are miniscule and probably barely cover property taxes on land you'd rather not farm.


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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

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Another example of the great reset backfiring????? Businesses learned the hard way about relying on China for supplying everything, constitutional carry is popping up in states all over, and now the USDA is pushing for more US based fertilizer production.... I'm not sure who's better at making America great again.... Trump or failed liberal policies................. Hopefully we'll be back to American oil not long after November elections!
