First is oil, next is food…watch!



Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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And we should remember Bill Gates bought up so much private farmland in the country that he’s now the largest farm land owner in the USA and we all know, he’s not the friend of the little people and I don’t mean Gnomes. It’s all about controlling the food too. Globalist Henry Kissinger one said “ if you can control the oil then you can control nations but if you control the food you can control the people”.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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You can ask anyone on here how long I’ve been warning about food shortages coming to the world. Probably since I joined in 2017. I do hope that some of what I was warning y’all about sunk in and some of you took measures to guard against this and other threats to our lives and livelihoods…?


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Southern MO

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You guys might want to keep an eye on cbot.... Farmers here typically follow the money and there's thousands, correction....millions of CRP acres out there that could get tilled up this spring if these prices keep shooting up. Rising input costs could slow that option but if there's a profit it will happen. Here in northern IL, ADM just built a huge wheat facility trying to get more farmers to diversify from corn and beans. This year might be the year it pays off for them..........

Recent months I've seen more and more propaganda against ethanol based gasoline.....odds are that'll stop soon too and ethanol plants will be cooking like crazy. Problem is democrats will do anything to vilify conservative farmers... we'll see if they fold like they did on defunding the police.

You may want to explain CRP acres, some may not know what your talking about?


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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
There should be no doubt or confusion as to why gasoline prices have skyrocketed since the imbecile took office.

Biteme said clearly during the campaign that he intended to kill fossil fuel. As "president" he has done everything he can to stop exploration, drilling, production, and transportation of oil and natural gas.

Almost everything ordinary Americans need and consumer is delivered by trucks. Rising fuel costs dramatically increases transportation costs which increases the cost of food, clothing, etc.

Then, to top it off, the moron and his corrupt party of fools, have created rampant inflation with their reckless spending. We are all becoming poorer every day Biteme and the dumocraps are in office.

By the time we're rid of Biteme we'll be having trouble buying fuel for our Pioneers and Talons.
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Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

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You do not need to be a Mormon to purchase from the food storage places that the Mormons offer an any major city typically has a food storage center put up by the Mormons. You can buy case lots of all types of various foods in number 10 cans for cheap! I highly recommend that you guys look into this and try to get some. You can either order it online or you can go there yourself and pick up whatever you need.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
Inflation is very destructive. Many Americans don't realize how it destroys their standard of living and their life savings and investments. During periods of high inflation prices are rapidly increasing. It takes more money for you to fill your gas or dieself fuel tank each time you refill. More of your family's hard-earned money is required for your wives to buy groceries this week than it did last week.

Our dollars buy less of what we need this week than they did last week and the value of your savings is less this week than it was. For example, a $100 bill in your wallet is worth about $92 or 8% less after one year of Biteme's inflation. If you have a certificate of deposit with a face value of $10,000, it will actually be worth only $9,200.00 at the end of one year.

That's the way the dumocrap party destroys the middle class. The united States is unique in many ways. A prosperous middle class is one of the ways we are different. We who are members of the middle class have achieved at least a modest level of success which gives us a sense of independence. We're not waiting to collect our welfare and food stamps from a corrupt and wasteful government so we are generally not dujmocrap voters.

Biteme, haghillary, nobama, all the well known members of the socialist party, have contempt for us. Their voters are generally America's losers and the elites who work for government directly or indirectly. Their policies benefit their dependent class, not us.


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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

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Inflation is very destructive. Many Americans don't realize how it destroys their standard of living and their life savings and investments. During periods of high inflation prices are rapidly increasing. It takes more money for you to fill your gas or dieself fuel tank each time you refill. More of your family's hard-earned money is required for your wives to buy groceries this week than it did last week.

Our dollars buy less of what we need this week than they did last week and the value of your savings is less this week than it was. For example, a $100 bill in your wallet is worth about $92 or 8% less after one year of Biteme's inflation. If you have a certificate of deposit with a face value of $10,000, it will actually be worth only $9,200.00 at the end of one year.

That's the way the dumocrap party destroys the middle class. The united States is unique in many ways. A prosperous middle class is one of the ways we are different. We who are members of the middle class have achieved at least a modest level of success which gives us a sense of independence. We're not waiting to collect our welfare and food stamps from a corrupt and wasteful government so we are generally not dujmocrap voters.

Biteme, haghillary, nobama, all the well known members of the socialist party, have contempt for us. Their voters are generally America's losers and the elites who work for government directly or indirectly. Their policies benefit their dependent class, not us.
Yep.... Trump put money in everyone's pockets and the left is stealing it back.... This is a test to see how much we will put up with...... things will eventually go back down but this test is to see how much they will let it go back down. Just think of how much more money they make off of sales tax etc durring inflation..... is this how their paying for the covid handouts that mostly benefitted broke democrat cities, states and pet projects?????


Lifetime Member
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Aug 22, 2014
Southern MO

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You do not need to be a Mormon to purchase from the food storage places that the Mormons offer an any major city typically has a food storage center put up by the Mormons. You can buy case lots of all types of various foods in number 10 cans for cheap! I highly recommend that you guys look into this and try to get some. You can either order it online or you can go there yourself and pick up whatever you need.

Don't forget the Amish stores as another option.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
Farmer, were you on an Audi website several years ago? A conservative poster using the screen name "Farmer" made sense there among a lot of airheads on that site.

I bought a new Audi Q5 TDI in 2016 and occasionally posted on that website then.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
I'm not concerned when extremely wealthy people like Bill Gates buys vast acreages of land. A billionaire has to put his money somewhere and land is a good investment.

The conspiracies that worry me are the conspiracies involving the propaganda media, the dumocrap-socialist party, the card-carrying anti-Americans who make up the DC swamp, and the liberal elites. That group are enemies of the American way. They endanger this formerly proud and strong nation.

That group lies, deceives, and manipulate the naive and ignorant who vote for their false promises of "free stuff."


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2017
Castalian Springs, Tennessee

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I'm puzzled by the posts about food shortage. That's Europe.

What evidence do you have that suggests food shortages in the United States?

When prices go up like they have, people start to hoard and that causes shortages. Checkout the shelves at local stores.

Also, if I’m not mistaken, 60% of the worlds wheat come from the breadbasket of Europe of which Ukraine is part of.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
A good point but food shortages caused by hoarding are always temporary until panic fades and shelves are restocked.

My understanding is the need to import wheat could easily be resolved if farmers shift some production from useless and harmful ethanol which is nothing more than a scam, back to wheat which is needed for food production.