What the Takeover means to me... by Jshell3



So, top 10 for me...

#2 - Get to meet all you guys.
#3 - Growing the community and event.
#4 - Get to ride my SXS, Only been on 1 trip since November.
#5 - Hanging around the fire.
#6 - one of the last get a way for a while. Maybe 1 more before the twins enter this world late summer.
#7 - Week off work.
#8 - Road trip.
#9 - this will be the longest ride I have been on Wed - Sunday.
#10 - Turn my work email OFF.
#11 - Excuse to buy a new truck... maybe. (move this one to #1)

I was reading it, thinking, "Why did he number it like that?"

New truck... to replace a 2001 D Dakota...!?!

Yeah. #1