Welp... I did a thang!



Got my step finished up.. I think it turned out alright. Wish the concrete form hadn’t been quite so beat up. I flapper wheeled out what I could and it bit me. But oh well, not bad for about $100 worth of materials.
554C21F4 E3D5 4D42 AFE9 5506F8FA3657
8DEA1280 A70E 41E7 97B4 F27CC17C9340
DAF958D8 31A5 44C4 A504 F4D1CD19F04C
7C432F5E 4EA3 46FA 878A B4B1A2E4237D
3385A722 2664 4358 82A5 29B8D0E9C0AB
76892B61 D42D 4C31 99A3 6E88B9EE6EAE
7324DAFD 2E1F 460F A595 C951891481DE
BB0747B4 A57C 49FB 8586 38B6C8EC23D5
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Alan aka Davinci

Alan aka Davinci

Mr. Meme Master
Lifetime Member
Apr 25, 2015
Grand Junction, CO

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Got my step finished up.. I think it turned out alright. Wish the concrete form hadn’t been quite so beat up. I flapper wheeled out what I could and it bit me. But oh well, not bad for about $100 worth of materials.
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Put some salt on that wound, it will fight infection, just trust me.


Put some salt on that wound, it will fight infection, just trust me.
As a kid, i did that to a cat one time that had a big wolf worm hole in its shoulder. It was getting pretty nasty. It was a stray and you couldn’t get close to it. But I caught it sleeping on the deck, wound up. And I slipped over with a full thing of salt with the little spout you fill shakers with... and bam! I let it pour. That cat woke straight the f*** up and took off running. If you couldn’t get close to it before you damn sure couldn’t after.. but it healed!
Alan aka Davinci

Alan aka Davinci

Mr. Meme Master
Lifetime Member
Apr 25, 2015
Grand Junction, CO

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As a kid, i did that to a cat one time that had a big wolf worm hole in its shoulder. It was getting pretty nasty. It was a stray and you couldn’t get close to it. But I caught it sleeping on the deck, wound up. And I slipped over with a full thing of salt with the little spout you fill shakers with... and bam! I let it pour. That cat woke straight the f*** up and took off running. If you couldn’t get close to it before you damn sure couldn’t after.. but it healed!
That would be almost as funny as corn cobbing a horse.
Alan aka Davinci

Alan aka Davinci

Mr. Meme Master
Lifetime Member
Apr 25, 2015
Grand Junction, CO

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Have you corn cobbed many horses?
Once to see what happened but let me explain what you do for those readers that don't know how. You take an old dried corn cob push it horizontally under the hose tail, the horse feels it and slams his tail down, breaking the cob and most times the cob will go partially into his butt cheeks and the rodeo is on. having this knowledge I got my naive buddies to do it. One dummy (Peter Verner) did it the horse kick the hell out of him and broke some ribs. Then his mother called my mother she told my dad and he ripped me a new one while trying to keep a straight face. He couldn't say too much because he was the one that told me how to do it because that's what he did as a kid.
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Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

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Once to see what happened but let me explain what you do for those readers that don't know how. You take an old dried corn cob push it horizontally under the hose tail, the horse feels it and slams his tail down, breaking the cob and most times the cob will go partially into his butt cheeks and the rodeo is on. having this knowledge I got my naive buddies to do it. One dummy (Peter Verner) did it the horse kick the hell out of him and broke some ribs. Then his mother called my mother she told my dad and he ripped me a new one while trying to keep a straight face. He couldn't say too much because he was the one that told me how to do it.
If you have a cat that's in need of exercise, take a string the diameter needed for the length of time you want to exercise the cat, tie the can to the tail and let the exercising begin! I've never done this so I don't really know if it works! HA!


Once to see what happened but let me explain what you do for those readers that don't know how. You take an old dried corn cob push it horizontally under the hose tail, the horse feels it and slams his tail down, breaking the cob and most times the cob will go partially into his butt cheeks and the rodeo is on. having this knowledge I got my naive buddies to do it. One dummy (Peter Verner) did it the horse kick the hell out of him and broke some ribs. Then his mother called my mother she told my dad and he ripped me a new one while trying to keep a straight face. He couldn't say too much because he was the one that told me how to do it because that's what he did as a kid.