If it goes into 1st gear and no movement - the one item is the clutches need to be checkedHey all, I recently purchased a 2016 1000-5 i bought it for fair price being it had an issue, the issue i have yet to resolve, its runs great an will shift into gears but will not move, have put a OEM shift motor on an new shift angle spindle sensor, ohm, volt, continuity checked the harness as the book calls for, have checked for engine code with paperclip as the book calls out and no codes show, so im think its internal but any help is appreciated, thank you
hi - so if you manually shift it into second- you can drive it down the road and all is good?It does move in 2nd gear with emergency valve engaged
if you are in 1st or 3rd - does it just rev up?
or if you manually shift it and lift it up - the wheels turn very slowly - in what gear?
as posted above - there are 2 clutch packs in the beast - generally 1/3/5/R goes first if it is the clutch pack
I cant keep up and am very binary, its either yes or no - lol