Talon front tire wear.



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2020
Clinton ohio 44216

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I would ck the toe.I shoot for zero but a 1/8 inch ether way is fine in my book.To much pressure try 12-15 psi.Steering tires always wear faster unless your burning the uck out of them.Pavement are tire killers.Even if everything is good to go.Take a deep breath and continue to post.
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Sep 10, 2019

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I get it......, when it's between friends that's OK, but to pull it on every new guy that happens across the forum starts to look like a complete DB move and ends up running off a lot of folks. Just this d1ckheads opinion.

The entire tone of this forum has changed over time. Used to be a helpful place to get answers. Now there's a gang mentality of judgement and ridicule pervading that didn't used to be. Mostly a few big ego folks, some of which feel like this web site belongs to them; in reality they're not even moderators. But hey, it's not my site either.

I see from the holes in my version of this thread that there are posts from one or more members that I have blocked. My forum experience is much better for having blocked them. The shabby treatment of new members is the primary reason I've done it. I have absolutely no use or time for people that can't be decent to others.

To the OP: good luck, keep us posted (there are still many good folks willing to help), and consider blocking those that add nothing or even detract from your life. They're not worth the agitation they thrive on.

end rant . . .
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Old Ironsides
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Feb 13, 2016
Bay City, Michigan

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The entire tone of this forum has changed over time.
Nah, this has been going on a long time. I would urge those that feel that way to go back and brush up on their forum history. In some respects it was much worse back in the day. I've seen it go as far as members insulting others wives and straight up calling moderators vulgar names. Mods would put members in time out and even kick them out of the forum altogether. In a community made up of people from all different backgrounds, geographic locations, education levels, you're going to have those that come across as abrasive. It's up to individuals to respond, block or just ignore them. Keep in mind that there were those that the majority couldn't stand and wanted them kicked out only to become friends later and staples around here.
Here's a thread I started before many were even lurking around here....

P500 - Spouting Off