Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
This is our private domain of feelings, beliefs, visions and alternate realitys. We don't need no stinking fact checking here. ...It only takes a few clicks on the internet to find out how reliable this assertation is and who is making this claim ...
We always have condoms on our rides. You never know what could happen. What happens in the woods stays in the woods.Roc.........are you prepared?!
What I wanta know, is what are you going to do if you suddenly meet up with one while your dismounted? If it's friendly, are you gonna offer it a beer, and take a selfie? Maby take it for a ride on the P500 and listen to some tunes. If it's not friendly are you gonna shoot it and have it stuffed? What if it's a female? What if she's in heat? Do you have condoms and a couple of sacks, just in case she thinks you are not too good looking either?
For the record, I want Bigfoot to exist too.