Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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I’d Like to know where she was. Go back and check out the AreaI was talking with my female cousin last week about the upcoming elk hunt and increase in predator populations in the area.
She said she had taken her young daughter with her tent camping earlier this summer and said she had a run in with a bear.
She told me and my dad that in the middle of the night, she woke up to a horrible smell outside of her tent. Said it smelled like poop and B.O. and skunk all rolled into one.
She could hear the "bear" walking around the campsite and poking around her gear. She said she thought it was weird that it sounded like it was picking things up and setting them down gently.
She got scared and yelled at it. She heard a couple of heavy thumping footsteps moving away into the woods and it was gone.
My dad and I told her that bears don't stink like that and sounds like she encountered a Bigfoot. She got all wide-eyed and said she thought it was a bit strange.
So she's the third person I have met and knew personally around here that have had a Bigfoot encounter.
She was at Spring Valley Reservoir.I’d Like to know where she was. Go back and check out the Area
Well...was she hot?
I bet it was a male sasquatchWell...was she hot?
A homoinid?I bet it was a male sasquatch
No I haven't, but give us the story . Sounds interesting.You guys every hear of a "Dogman"? Like a squatch, but mean & murderous.