P500 Previous P500 Owners??



KGB, SNS, Duchess Sheldon, Ms. Daisy, Natasha
Lifetime Member
Feb 3, 2021

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was this before the hand covering chamber kerfuffle?
Well dang I am just missing all the good gossip...

Now what is the hand covering chamber kerfuffle?



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2017

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  2. Talon R
Alright guys I'll chime in with my 2 cents on the P500. Sort of a long read, but this story needs to be told.

So, I was an ATV guy then the wife became pregnant (milk man maybe?) At the time I had 2 trx 450r's. One was hot (cam, piston, exhaust, intake, etc.) the other was bone stock, and a cherry. I do miss them. I ended up trading the hot trx for a king quad 750 4x4. Then back in the craigslist days I seen where someone was wanting to trade a 15' P500 for a can am 1000. I manage to persuade them that a king quad 750 and a trx 450r would be about the same... lol We ended up trading even for the P500. Now when I got this P500 it was my first SXS. I had no clue that these things could be so much fun. Did I miss the speed? Of course, but I now could haul the Mrs's comfortably, and ride with a buddy without looking gay. That didn't last very long, this P500 was a POS. The P500 I had traded for was well used but in my eyes worth so much more than the $2500 I had tied up in the quads. Little did I know that it was on its last leg. This is where the story gets interesting.

Out on a ride with and had a buddy with me, you know, not looking gay... It developed a knock. I limped it back to the trailer. I was so worried about what a rebuild would cost that I was talking to some co-workers about it. They mentioned it being so new that it should have warranty. I called Honda and they said not only did it still have factory warranty, but the original owner had bought the extended warranty and that it was now in my name. I then carry it to my closest dealer not knowing what a bunch of crooks they are. After a couple days I get a call saying they have torn it down and they are denying my claim do to water ingestion. I said no way. Now I know this thing was a little busted and bruised but I had never seen any signs of the previous owner swamping, bogging, etc. the little guy. I said don't touch anything I will come inspect myself. (They didn't realize I had a mechanical background, but soon found out.) I showed up and said where is the manager? This right out of college prick came up to me and said follow me. We walk through the swinging doors to the back of the dealership to see my machine and parts. He hands me the head off the machine and it is as clean as a whistle. I pictured more of a teardown then just taking the head off of it. I then walked over to a shelf where the rest of my parts were. I grab the intake tube off the shelf and look inside while he's talking to a mechanic. You could have eaten off the inside of the intake tube. That's when I was like this smells a little fishy. I start thinking it's time for a second opinion. I then follow him to the counter where they were trying to charge me like $1000 for the teardown. I told them they can take that and shove it... I even lost my cool a little bit but in a professional manner. I told them I could have had that head off in 30 minutes flat, and in no way should cost this much. That's when I heard the dreaded well how much can you pay? Let me tell you guys that I had steam boiling out my ears at this point. Listen I am usually like well they got me type of guy, but for some odd reason this just didn't feel right. I paid something considerably less and they let me have my machine. As soon as I stepped foot in my truck, I called Honda back. I expressed to them the situation and asked of there was any way to have a second opinion. They said that was fine and that it probably wouldn't help my case. I went from one Honda dealer straight to another one. Here is where it gets even more interesting.

I get a call from "Honda" saying that they are still denying my claim. They stated that I must have cleaned parts in route from one dealer to the other and even blatantly called me a liar. FUMING MAD NOW! I told them that they'd be hearing from my lawyer as the two dealerships were exactly an hour apart. It took me an hour to get it there and there was no time for me to stop and clean parts in route. I had always heard horror stories of Honda and their warranties, but never expected to be called a liar by someone on the phone that worked for them. That had me hot. I then get a call a few days later saying that they have agreed to fix the machine if I pay for the labor on the rebuild. Better than nothing.

Turns out I have a buddy that was friends with the original dealers owner. He expresses to me that he is a stand up guy and that I should give him a call. So I did. He says that there has been some shady stuff going on with his tech department and that he'd get to the bottom of it for me. Also said that he'd make it right. This is in 16' right when the P1000's came out and I said I had been eyeing them since their release. He said well when you get ready to buy one come see me.

When the rebuild was complete I went to pick up the P500. I got a quote from the dealer performing the rebuild for a P1000 otd. I folded that quote up and put in my pocket. I left from the rebuild dealer to the tear down dealer and walked straight into the owners office. I said I'm here for my P1000 what can you do for me? He said let me work some numbers and asked if I preferred white or orange? I picked orange because I had experience with the white plastics on my trx's. The scratches hold dirt on the white, and they stick out like a sore thumb. He slid the otd price across his desk and I didn't even have to get the other quote out my pocket. 13k otd and $6200 for trade in on the P500. I only had $2500 tied up in the quads I traded for the P500. Called my credit union and had a orange P1000 on the trailer headed home.

Now the P1000 was awesome! I put 25,000, yes I said 25,000 miles on that buggy before I sold it. Still got like 7-8k for it with those miles. I didn't mud bog or rock crawl with it. That was mostly lots and lots of dirt roads. It still ran like new when I sold it. Only replaced like a rear diff, paddle shifter switch, and a axle or something. Really was unbelievable how well that machine held up. Now fast forward to my little boy getting his quads outgrowing them and then having a rzr 170. The little rzr served him well, but soon left him stuck on roots or in a small puddle. I was tired of getting my feet wet when he got in those hairy situations and said when he gets old enough, he's going to be ripping a P500. After selling my P1000 I bought a 19' Talon 1000R. I love this thing. Only thing it lacks from what I've noticed is the front locker. I thing a P1000 with diff lock on the same tires will follow a talon with I4wd anywhere the talon tries to go. A P1000 with the diff locked in low 2nd gear is a animal! As you all know the Talon doesn't have a bed so that justified me buying my little guy a 21' P500, or that was atleast my selling point to the Mrs's. Sort of a hidden agenda. I bought the Honda bed for it and it's now my work machine and the Talon is for play. He's been enjoying the P500 especially being he doesn't have to wash it. I could let him attempt washing it but I can assure you it won't be to my standards. I call it their buggy (his & hers). She enjoys taking our blue heeler for rides and he enjoys me twisting his arm to get off a game to come ride with me. Not really.

If you buy a new machine from the dealer get the Kawasaki warranty. They cover other makes and are a no questions asked type warranty. That's what I put on my P1000. They replaced the rear diff because it kept eating pinion seals. Told me to drive it until it goes. Originally denied the claim and I said no go look at your notes from this date and time and you'll see that I was told to drive it. New diff installed.

So yes I have a Talon and yes I went back to a P500 because they are proven, and just so practical in so many ways.
IMG 2978
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I know I had to post pics or it didn't happen. Even threw a few in of ol' orange. Don't get me started on how your not supposed to put a puck lift in the floor when your trying to load a P1000 on the trailer. Those things can climb anything, even a Tundra.

IMG 1629
IMG 1630
IMG 1730
IMG 1750


KGB, SNS, Duchess Sheldon, Ms. Daisy, Natasha
Lifetime Member
Feb 3, 2021

  1. 500
Thank you @Brett002 for sharing your story! I love the pictures and seeing your boy enjoying the P5! Also … damn… I assumed a P1k would not fit in the bed of a Tundra, but kudos to you for trying it! 🤣


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2017

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  2. Talon R
Ol' orange was still trying to climb the cab until I switched the key to the off position. That's me in the picture calling my insurance but didn't know if I needed to call my truck insurance or my SXS insurance. Lol Friend had given me a puck lift to install on the P1000 and I just threw it in the floor of the buggy not thinking. Don't worry I had plenty of smart a** observers with flashlights there to help. I pull up to bottom of trailer ramps where I put the buggy in low and in 4wd diff lock. I was actually told to haul it that way being there is no parking brake. They say it's better to rock on the whole driveline instead of just the rear. Go to give it gas and pull up on trailer. Well let's just say one of the pucks wedged between the tunnel plastic in the floor and the gas pedal. It just launched like 10 feet in the air off the trailer stop in the front of the trailer. It slammed into the tailgate so hard it rolled the taillights inward. I have never seen a truck bed with so much damage and the rear bumper be in mint condition. Luckily my buddy had a John Deere with forks and he simply just scooped it up and set it off. Caused like 7k in damages. When people ask about the P1000 I tell them it nearly drove across a whole tundra. They are unstoppable.

Thanks @KyGal83 for the kind words. I was hoping my slang and bad grammar didn't show itself in that essay.

Those are some awesome pictures @100Acre The pic at the bottom of the rock garden, buy a talon and you could have kept going. ;)


KGB, SNS, Duchess Sheldon, Ms. Daisy, Natasha
Lifetime Member
Feb 3, 2021

  1. 500
Ol' orange was still trying to climb the cab until I switched the key to the off position. That's me in the picture calling my insurance but didn't know if I needed to call my truck insurance or my SXS insurance. Lol Friend had given me a puck lift to install on the P1000 and I just threw it in the floor of the buggy not thinking. Don't worry I had plenty of smart a** observers with flashlights there to help. I pull up to bottom of trailer ramps where I put the buggy in low and in 4wd diff lock. I was actually told to haul it that way being there is no parking brake. They say it's better to rock on the whole driveline instead of just the rear. Go to give it gas and pull up on trailer. Well let's just say one of the pucks wedged between the tunnel plastic in the floor and the gas pedal. It just launched like 10 feet in the air off the trailer stop in the front of the trailer. It slammed into the tailgate so hard it rolled the taillights inward. I have never seen a truck bed with so much damage and the rear bumper be in mint condition. Luckily my buddy had a John Deere with forks and he simply just scooped it up and set it off. Caused like 7k in damages. When people ask about the P1000 I tell them it nearly drove across a whole tundra. They are unstoppable.

Thanks @KyGal83 for the kind words. I was hoping my slang and bad grammar didn't show itself in that essay.

Those are some awesome pictures @100Acre The pic at the bottom of the rock garden, buy a talon and you could have kept going. ;)
Well dang! I know it was not a funny moment at the time… but it’s nice to see you can look back on it with some amusement now. I understand Murphy’s law better than most… Murphy and I have become BFF’s the last couple years.

Show off your slang and bad grammar all you like. As a good friend of mine will tell you, my grammar is horrible and I am unintelligible most of the time. So you fit right in with me!

Welcome back to the P5 Posse!
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KGB, SNS, Duchess Sheldon, Ms. Daisy, Natasha
Lifetime Member
Feb 3, 2021

  1. 500
Decided to make an on going list of Previous P5 owners: Updated 06/03/2024 10:49 pm.
Currently : 36

At one point I had a written list.... If I forget or leave someone off the list, please let me know.

@DG Rider
@Alan aka Davinci
@Jason W

Current P5 owners who responded:
@futzin x3
@The Green Goat
@Brett002 LilB002’s
@renevq35 - Current owner also has a Talon

Special Nods:

@PawPaw - upgraded from a P1k to a P5.
Currently up to 36 previous owner of the P5 Gateway SXS List.

I have missed anyone? 😁