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DG Rider

DG Rider

Member: Triple Clutch Club
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Aug 14, 2013
Casa Grande, AZ

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Thanks to my local little town Facebook page, I get to see a lot of liberal chit chat amongst each other. This is something I don't usually get to see, and I'm better off for it.

It is simply astounding...For lack of a better word, what these people will believe. Blatant, outright lies about Donald Trump and his presidency, and they truly believe it. It's embarrassing that I have to share oxygen with people that are that stupid.
A week or two ago one of them was going on about how the federal troops that were sent in the where what was causing the violence, and that the protest should be peaceful again now they've been pulled out. You've seen the headlines over the last couple of weeks, yet there is a person using a computer that is really that stupid.
Is that really what you want running the country?


NTC’ s special Ed student of the year
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Mar 20, 2020
Western North Carolina

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The Great Bald One
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Oct 5, 2016
Bella Vista, AR

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Really should be asking will your vote matter in your state... I can not vote and trump will win my state... someone in CA does not have to vote and Biden will win.. IF you are in one of the swing states your vote can influence much more.


The Great Bald One
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Oct 5, 2016
Bella Vista, AR

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Neither of her parents were citizens at time of birth.

She's an anchor baby and should be excluded from any federal office, let alone vice president.
That is not the law however ... and the last thing i want to see is another birther argument tanking away from the obvious pitfalls of the candidate (i would be will to guess it was the dems that started this whole illusion

Andrew Jackson was born of two immigrant parents
Thomas Jefferson had one
James Buchanan, Chester Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover

A natural-born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.

Political Office Requirement
The phrase "natural-born citizen" appears in the U.S. Constitution. In order to become the President or Vice President of the United States, a person must be a natural-born citizen. This "Natural-Born Citizen Clause" is located in Section 1 of Article 2 of the United States Constitution.

The constitution does not expressly define “natural born” nor has the Supreme Court ever ruled precisely upon its meaning. One can be a citizen while not being a "natural born" citizen if, for example, that person gained citizenship through the process of naturalization.

Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship. This type of citizenship is referred to as birthright citizenship.

There is some debate over whether or not one may also be a natural born citizen if, despite a birth on foreign soil, U.S. citizenship immediately passes from the person's parents.

Today, 8 U.S.C. § 1101 defines naturalization as “conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever.” In contrast, § 1401 lists eight categories of peoples who are "nationals and citizens of the United States at birth," including those born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction, as well as children of one or more U.S. citizens abroad as long as the parent(s) meet certain requirements. This means that foreign-born citizens falling under a provision in 1401 are, by statutory definition, not naturalized. The term "natural born" is not used, however.


Montecresto el segundo
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Jan 17, 2016
Eastern oklahoma

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  5. Talon X4
Neither of her parents were citizens at time of birth.

She's an anchor baby and should be excluded from any federal office, let alone vice president.
But that’s not what the constitution allows. She’s a natural born citizen. Her parents citizenship is constitutionally irrelevant.
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NTC’ s special Ed student of the year
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Mar 20, 2020
Western North Carolina

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Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor would reportedly write in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”Dec 6, 2013

This is what the democrap party has done in this country, and come November they will see the resolve.


That is not the law however ... and the last thing i want to see is another birther argument tanking away from the obvious pitfalls of the candidate (i would be will to guess it was the dems that started this whole illusion

Andrew Jackson was born of two immigrant parents
Thomas Jefferson had one
James Buchanan, Chester Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover

A natural-born citizen refers to someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth, and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.

Political Office Requirement
The phrase "natural-born citizen" appears in the U.S. Constitution. In order to become the President or Vice President of the United States, a person must be a natural-born citizen. This "Natural-Born Citizen Clause" is located in Section 1 of Article 2 of the United States Constitution.

The constitution does not expressly define “natural born” nor has the Supreme Court ever ruled precisely upon its meaning. One can be a citizen while not being a "natural born" citizen if, for example, that person gained citizenship through the process of naturalization.

Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship. This type of citizenship is referred to as birthright citizenship.

There is some debate over whether or not one may also be a natural born citizen if, despite a birth on foreign soil, U.S. citizenship immediately passes from the person's parents.

Today, 8 U.S.C. § 1101 defines naturalization as “conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever.” In contrast, § 1401 lists eight categories of peoples who are "nationals and citizens of the United States at birth," including those born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction, as well as children of one or more U.S. citizens abroad as long as the parent(s) meet certain requirements. This means that foreign-born citizens falling under a provision in 1401 are, by statutory definition, not naturalized. The term "natural born" is not used, however.

True neither of them have anything to offer.

Their platform is: Get Trump Out!
But then what?