Ancient Honda fanboi
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Club Contributor
Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4
Purchased a 2018 Honda Pioneer 1000-5 Le. I've had 3 rhinos,1 razor, 1 pioneer 500, and 1 Teryx 800. Do not like the Pioneer 1000 very much. Had to reroute the gas venting because of gas fumes in the cab. The reverse gear is absolutely terrible in the mountains. First gear low is not very good either. It overheated climbing a hill the other day. There's some thumping in the suspension which I can't figure out where it's coming from. The machine only had 680 Miles when we bought it and it looked like it was in good shape and not abused. Hopefully the extended warranty I purchased will come in handy Overall score for the Honda Pioneer 1000 (5). The only reason I got rid of the Teryx was because of the CVT. Teryx scored a 8. The Pioneer 500 I had started to use oil and I had to have the top end rebuilt overall score for this machine was a (6). 2008 Yamaha Rhino over all score was a (8)! The moral of the story is after spending over $24,000 I'm not happy! And I don't try any real difficult Trails anymore getting too old.

Well we can cross him off the list.. NOT HAPPY!

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Pioneer 1005-2
Lifetime Member
Oct 7, 2016
Oshkosh, Wi

  1. 1000-5
I get what you guys are saying, but Honda will not improve unless people air their griefs.

Lets not settle for mediocrity.
Honda sees the stuff we do around here. They gave us a few good upgrades in 2018 and a pile more in 2022. The guys that ride trails a lot have made these machines work, the guys that use them for work have been very happy with them. It's tough to make a machine that's so versatile and have it work for everyone out of the box


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2020

  1. Other Brand
Honda sees the stuff we do around here. They gave us a few good upgrades in 2018 and a pile more in 2022. The guys that ride trails a lot have made these machines work, the guys that use them for work have been very happy with them. It's tough to make a machine that's so versatile and have it work for everyone out of the box
I am glad to hear they are paying attention, it will only help.

Making machines for different purposes is something Honda is good at but just like PE, they make too many models. It's confusing to the dealers and the public.

The original OP's complaints were mostly reliability related. Overheating and gas smell are two things that I don't experience with my Yamaha. Honda, I hope you are listening.