I don't talk about it much but I'm a founding member of Marshall county preppers. Things that come to mind quickly are:
Ammo is currency. Buy a box per week or month.....Whatever you can. I've got way more in ammo than I do my last two Pioneers combined. Got to have priorities right? Learn to reload and take the family out for practice often.
Learn to garden and hunt
In a modern day of electrical tools, keep your hand tools. Shovels, axes, drills, etc
I still have bikes, inflatable boats, fishing stuff, snares, traps, etc. I also keep a '67 Ford around for reliable transportation. Not much to fail with that rig.
Start squirreling away any meds that your family may be on. Skip days or what ever you gotta do to build an inventory.
Keep the pantry full. My wife always makes a run to the store when food gets low, not empty. Example, when I get the last daily vitamin from the bottle I grab the next full bottle. I then put it on the grocery list and my wife gets another even though there's another bottle behind that one. Use the FIFO method for food inventory.
Make a small solar pack for charging two way radios and smart phone.
Why have a smart phone? Down load survival apps. You'll be amazed at what's available.
We finished our house in 2014. It's not a full on prepper home but we are on septic tank, well water, two fireplaces, concrete bunker and have generators. No solar power yet. Move out into the county, make a garden, feed the wildlife, live close to water. These things I planned for. These things are not easy to do so make a bug out trailer. Something small with all the essentials in it. Keep on hand some fuel to get to a pre-scouted bug out home.
I only keep a weeks worth of food and water and can provide for my family after that.
Stay in good physical condition.
For fuel, I only keep a couple hundred gallons on hand which I can stretch weeks. You can't make yourself dependent on fuel. Learn to deal with out it.
In 2011 when the tornadoes hit us, we were very popular among family because we were without electricity or fuel for 8 days. I was in another home then with generator power in the home and solar power in the shop. I was able to drive to TN to get literally a truck load of fuel for my immediate and extended family because I keep so much on hand. Keep it quiet, only family new to gather here. You don't want everyone to make you a target.
Damn, tired of typing on the phone. It's a good start though. Find a local group to join. They probably already exist.