Left hand or right hand shooting?



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Feb 17, 2016

  1. 1000-5
Thank you all.

I'm about 97% sure I'll get a right-hand model as I have checked out some new pistols and was able to easily focus on the front sight with both eyes open. Hopefully, it'll be just as clear when I try my current setup with both eyes open. The red dot won't be sharp, but that's no big deal.
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my 1911 has nice fiber optic sights,makes it easier.my 92 fs doesn't but it's a 9mm,so the thing stays where you point it anyway. my smith and wesson magnums are just for making noise so i don't worry too much about being accurate,and they're more fun for me when i shoot single action anyway.gives me time to reaquire the target anyway.
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Apr 17, 2018
Fallon, Nevada

  1. 1000-5
Well said.

I never lose sight picture either.

Like you I have to adjust for pistol. No biggie.
I am right hand
I can shoot either. I prefer right if shooting freehand. Need to aim in the leftdue to left eye dominance
I am right handed but left eye dominant and when shooting a shotgun I keep both eyes open and point the gun at what I want to hit. Most of my rifles have scopes that I can adjust the focus for the right eye and several other rifles and pistols have a Red Dot or Holographic sights that enable me to keep both eyes open. With iron sighted pistols I just adjust my stance and sight with my left eye while holding right handed. Years ago when I was learning to shoot clay pigeons with a shotgun, I had a wise friend that watched me shoot and he asked why I was closing one eye. I said that is how I aim, he replied that there is a big difference between shooting at a moving target with a shot shell with a spread of up to several feet in diameter vs a single rifle bullet. Just my experience.
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