P1000 I've decided to wait.



Grumpy ol' fart
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Feb 2, 2017

  1. 1000-3
Well after months of research on the web and reading hours of posts on several forum's, I have decided to just not buy anything. Many members have stated that they have had no problems at all with P1K's, but several have. I'm not concerned with the heat issue because it's an easy and cheap fix. But why didn't Honda recognize and address it before it left the factory? I've seen posts stating that there is a problem with low voltage. I can add another battery and cure that too. But why didn't Honda address this before it left the factory? Some folks have never had a problem with fried clutches after thousands of miles, yet there is a problem that again, Honda didn't address before it left the factory. I still love my 420 Rancher, and I still believe the VTX1800 was the best bike Honda ever made. But I don't have much confidence in the P1k and wont have until Honda steps up and returns the quality I have been loyal to for years. Sure some of these things could be a fluke, or maybe a cheap fix. But I decided I wont pump that kind of cash into a new rig, then turn around and have to modify to make it dependable. I think the research department needs to do more than just take a new model out and run the piss out of it for a couple miles before they put their stamp on it. I also think Honda pushed this model in a rush instead of putting some seat time in all models. Every review I've ever read was always a P1k 5 with all the whistles and bells. If the base model has issues, all the rest of them will too. Not trying to start a pissing contest with anyone, just stating why I will just set this out for a while and see if Honda actually steps up, or just continues to crank out a debatable model.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015

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I definatly understand your point of view. I've been shopping for a sxs for a long time. Sold my Rincon which I was very satisfied with in an effort to upgrade to a UTV. Have every intention in staying loyal to a Honda product. I've been back and forth from the 500, 700, and 1000. While the 1000 isn't what I consider "my dream machine", it is probably the Honda that closest matches what I need out of a sxs.

Like you, it's hard to be totally confident when you read some of the problems 1000 owners are experiencing. Clutch problems, cab heat, and the intake water ingestion are rather large concerns of mine. When your spending that much money to purchase a machine, you don't want to spend additional money to correct the manufacturers "quirks". Personally, if I keep waiting, I'm hoping that Honda releases a machine that is a direct competitor to Yamaha's new Wolverine SxS. That's what I really want from Honda. At the same time, I'm hoping that they can instill they're traditional quality and robust engineering that is the roots of thir brand.
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I don't fault you one bit. I think you're making a good decision to wait.
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I get it.. I was the same way. But I went ahead and did it. I have a late model 16 and I'm tickled!! Keep in mind... this is a first year model.. you don't think the rancher had issues the first few years? Or the Forman or ANY OTHER atv of past that we now consider great and bullet proof!!? They all did.. but we didn't have the access of the internet to blow out of proportion OR inform us of the few issues that did arise. All manufactures have issues and it takes time to figure hem out. The difference is Honda is taking care of it. So what's the issue?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2016

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I agree with you. I would like this rig a lot more if I picked it up for 15.5 or so.

It's just not worth 20k to me. I could get a 4 wheeler and a ranger for almost the same price. I overpaid big. The cab is a regret of mine.

I have it now, so I'm trying to make the most out of it. But I'm disappointed in the mistakes that the engineering department made. Heat, steam, clutches, tall gearing, squeaks and rattles. Sure, it's a bike but it was 20k.

The ranger crew I had was tough as nails, and cost me 13k out the door with a 4500 lb winch. It wasn't the powerhouse, smoothest ride, or really any kind of performer but it worked.

Honda's got some kinks to iron out, and I think it would be a wise decision to wait till the 2018 is out. That's only in a few months now anyways.

I've decided this rig just can't do everything I want. I'm going to need to get a 4 wheeler. My ranger got through everything I threw at it, and this will too, but I beat the s*** out of that and our trails are just too rough for sxs in some places. I don't want to ruin my 20k dollar rig. A 4 wheeler will take a lot of my problems with this rig away. When I go hunting, I won't have to worry about muskeg anymore. When I am in the pioneer, I'm just playing anyways so if I get stuck in get stuck.

If Honda would release a seal kit to combat heat and steam, a gearing reduction (even at my cost), and release a free fan kit, I would be happy.

Until that day comes, which it may never, if you buy these rigs just weigh the pros and cons. There are few cons and many pros, but to some the cons of the rig happen to be important, while to others they are not.

When I bought this, this was to be my hunting rig. For me, where I hunt and live, it just doesn't work. But where we go play, it's badass. So I was disappointed but since I've come to terms with buying a 4 wheeler, I'm over it.

Whatever you decide to buy, just remember they all have their problems, so capitalize on those problems and make fun of whatever s*** brands these other guys bought that you didnt!

Needless to say, Honda is the best ever Made.............. Honest....

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Grumpy ol' fart
Lifetime Member
Feb 2, 2017

  1. 1000-3
I get it.. I was the same way. But I went ahead and did it. I have a late model 16 and I'm tickled!! Keep in mind... this is a first year model.. you don't think the rancher had issues the first few years? Or the Forman or ANY OTHER atv of past that we now consider great and bullet proof!!? They all did.. but we didn't have the access of the internet to blow out of proportion OR inform us of the few issues that did arise. All manufactures have issues and it takes time to figure hem out. The difference is Honda is taking care of it. So what's the issue?

The issue is Honda is "Not" taking care of it. They just cranked out a 2017 model and other than a thicker seat, appears to deny or acknowledge the other problems with this model. For $15-$20K+ I expect more.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2016

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The issue is Honda is "Not" taking care of it. They just cranked out a 2017 model and other than a thicker seat, appears to deny the other problems with this model.
One model year isn't enough to wager on.
If 2018 rolls out and they still haven't fixed then we will know we got thrown aside. If that's the case I'm dumping honda. The resale value is going to plunge.

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Grumpy ol' fart
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Feb 2, 2017

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Well with that theory...First year model buyers get screwed, and maybe the next year too, but wait...there's more.
I'm not dumping that much cash into anything that I can't trust. If Honda would at least acknowledge the issues and give us a ray of hope instead of silence.
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Village Idiot
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Sep 21, 2016
Cullman, AL

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The 17' has gaskets above the mid seat panel, a thicker bottom seat, a rubber piece under the seat, and different part numbers on the front bed panels. Also looks like the early clutch disk were not up to spec causing problems.
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The issue is Honda is "Not" taking care of it. They just cranked out a 2017 model and other than a thicker seat, appears to deny or acknowledge the other problems with this model. For $15-$20K+ I expect more.
Have you seen a 2017? How do you know they've ignored the issues?
I'm far from a fan boy, but the only real issue is the rare and ocassonal clutching problems. And Honda is replacing them. Now, there are certainly some refinements to be made... and in a couple years we'll find more. I agree a 15-20k rig should be right... but I'm not going to b**** about the simple $50 fixes when it comes to it. I get that they'll be addressed down the line. That's why I chose to save some $$$ and buy the 16. My point is we all know and trust Honda.. but it wasn't long ago when older generations where talking about what s*** Japanese products were. It's not IF they have problems, they all do, it's how they handle them after that matters. So far, I'm very pleased and have no worries or qualms about it!


The 17' has gaskets above the mid seat panel, a thicker bottom seat, a rubber piece under the seat, and different part numbers on the front bed panels. Also looks like the early clutch disk were not up to spec causing problems.
And there ya go.. it does no good for folks to dog and talk s*** about something that's not even out yet!


And @YardDog.. it's your money man. Do what makes you happy... I understand the hesitation. But you know the 3 things that semi need addressing. 2 of which can be done under $100. The last is just a matter of riding it. I drove the dog s*** out of mine today. I stayed in high-sport and it did fine. I shifted to low when common sense dictated, but I'm going to drive it no different than I would a Forman AND to they style that fits MY needs... If something goes wrong in the first year, f*** it! Honda can fix it. But there it is.. I just hate seeing people get scared thinking there are some massive flaws... when there really aren't. HELL, if it wasn't for this forum (and it's been mostly good for me) addressing the issues, then I'd have been ignorant to it and still happy as a lark. I rode mine for 150 miles with no blower or heat shield and it was fine. My old moto4 fourwheeler would put off steam too when you hit wet stuff. That's just what happens when a hot engine meets moisture.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Santa Fe , TX

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Yeah I think a perfect sxs is just around the corner.. hope it works out for you. Experiences with my family NOW are worth way more than worrying about something that may or may not break down..but hey that's just me...


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2016

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I bought my P1k 3 in late October last year and have no regrets. I too read on here about the problems but honestly I don't think the clutch problems are wide spread. I've never had an atv that wan't hot to ride and as mentioned anything hot will steam when water gets on it. Unfortunately there isn't much air flow around the engines on these machines and it seems it that the way the air goes over and around it's sucked in from the rear and pushed to the front where it comes out around the seat.

I'd buy it again in a heart beat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2016

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Yeah I think a perfect sxs is just around the corner.. hope it works out for you. Experiences with my family NOW are worth way more than worrying about something that may or may not break down..but hey that's just me...
That's a fantastic outlook. More people should share that philosophy.

I can't tell you how many of my favorite stories start off with us in a piece of crap something or other that had no business being where it was.

I bought a 600 dollar rx7 parts car when I was 17, that actually drove. The bells and alarms were broken and they just went off and never stopped. The thing had exhaust leaks, and if you have ever driven a rotary, it seriously felt, sounded, and looked like it could blow up in any second. There was bird feathers and straw all along the headliner and in the footwells.

I've never been prouder, or laughed as hard showing up to that gas station with my friends, in that ticking time bomb, while all these people pumping their gas were looking at me like I was some poor kid with a junk first car.

Joke was on them of course, because I was only poor.

Never needed parts, couldn't sell it, dropped it off at a scrap yard and took a 100% loss. I'd do it again without thinking about it.

Here was my rx7. My very first car.

Yeah I think a perfect sxs is just around the corner.. hope it works out for you. Experiences with my family NOW are worth way more than worrying about something that may or may not break down..but hey that's just me...

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Nov 5, 2016
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I agree with several statements on this topic. I too was hesitant, but several factors convinced me to buy one fall of 2016. Number one is family time, kids are all teenagers and will be starting their own lives soon. We all enjoy the P1K and the places it takes us together.
Second reason, the positives greatly outweighed the negatives for me. I drive this machine the same way I drive everything - the way I want. If the clutch goes, I'll put a new clutch in. I have a different take on the other "issues", to me they are modifications. I love my shop and love projects. Win win for me.
Third reason, THIS FORUM. The members of this forum create a safety net of sorts. Thanks to all of you, I have learned more here by accident and know that we all have each other's backs when it comes to solving problems.
I completely understand OP's hesitation, I went thru same process. However, I have no regrets and would do it again.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Santa Fe , TX

  1. 1000-5
its the damn internet it will scare you from buying anything..so far the best doom and gloom I've found is in the RV forums and I can only speculate because it revolves a mature audience.. God forbid you don't pay cash for everything over there them boomers will crush you lol..


Lifetime Member
Nov 4, 2016

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@YardDog Best of luck; you'll find something you're comfortable with.

From what I've been able to gather, all of the major brands have issues. Most everyone I know has a Ranger and all of them know the repair guys. A few too many "turf-mode blowing up the differential with no warranty support", "catching fire", "electrical harness chafing through causing various intermittent issues with no warranty support", etc stories steered me away from PoPo.

P1K runs like a scalded dog and I believe it'll continue to. If I happen to fall into the ~3% or so that have clutch issues, I'll deal with it then. Until then, I'm going to use it like I've used all my other gear.


its the damn internet it will scare you from buying anything..so far the best doom and gloom I've found is in the RV forums and I can only speculate because it revolves a mature audience.. God forbid you don't pay cash for everything over there them boomers will crush you lol..
Lmao!! Them boomers are smart!
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Montecresto el segundo
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One model year isn't enough to wager on.
If 2018 rolls out and they still haven't fixed then we will know we got thrown aside. If that's the case I'm dumping honda. The resale value is going to plunge.

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Just do whatever you want to do. No sense arguing with people you don't even know about what you should do with your own money. Same for YardDog.