Ford Diesel engine question



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If the rant above was directed at me you wasted your time.

I don't read garbage.
Oh sorry, I didn’t know you couldn’t read and have a conversation that isn’t exactly the way you think without shutting it down….typical Ram owner!!😂🤣

There are lots of people now a days that can’t have a conversation that doesn’t line up with exactly how they think and how they think the rest of us should think…..I’ll give one guess who they are??😜🤓

Oh and if you do respond I’ll still read your response even though it has been trash too!!🤷🏽‍♂️


HFA Grand High Wizard
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Oh sorry, I didn’t know you couldn’t read and have a conversation that isn’t exactly the way you think without shutting it down….typical Ram owner!!😂🤣

There are lots of people now a days that can’t have a conversation that doesn’t line up with exactly how they think and how they think the rest of us should think…..I’ll give one guess who they are??😜🤓

Oh and if you do respond I’ll still read your response even though it has been trash too!!🤷🏽‍♂️
Sounds like something a Can-Am owner would say


Old Ironsides
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Feb 13, 2016
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I've owned them all over the yrs, when you're young and don't have much money, you get what you can afford. Now that I'm older and can afford what I want/need, I lean towards Chevy. Have ran several over 300k and it's usually the body that gives up the ghost first. Was in the market a few yrs ago for a 3/4 ton and considered getting a diesel. Maybe if I was hauling heavy across country but like others have stated, for the weekend warrior a gasser will most likely outlast the body.


POIDH Enforcement Officer
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Jul 24, 2016

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I've never owned a basic Jeep CJ or a Wrangler, but my wife has owned two Jeep Grand Cherokees. The first, a 2014 Overlander V6, was almost perfect until we traded it in @ 60k miles. It had a radiator with a leaking seam and a dealer replaced it under warranty. Other than that it had only routine service. The 2nd and current one is a 2020 Summit hemi V8 with only about 30k miles. It's had only several free engine oil and filter changes. Never any kind of an issue.

I've been to and through Michigan many times. From about 1997 through 2022, I've visited Sault Ste. Marie every summer and have an old friend, a retired Michigan State Police Det. Sgt. and fellow Conservative like myself that I've visited there.

I've been to the Henry Ford Museum several times, Greenfield Village twice, and the Chrysler Museum at Ann Arbor two or three times.

I don't recall seeing any rusted Dodge Rams but may have missed them. It's strange that Dodge Rams rust but Furds and GMs don't even though they made from the same steel that came from the same Minnesota iron mines.

Anecdotal stories about one or two examples of car/truck brands manufactured among millions of identical models aren't very convincing. Some drivers could break a steam locomotive.
Sorry for the late response.
Where to start🤔
Will Ill fist say, Thank you for being a fellow conservative. 👍🏻
Hard to be one in the Auto industry. But of corse you know that.

God bless you for visiting our state run by a radical leftists. The UP is a fine place. I visit it often mainly to snowmobile. Sometimes to ride in the summer with the Talon or P1 depends on the mood lol
👍🏻for your buddy in law enforcement. My Grandmother was the first A2 women officer. Assuming u know what A2 means. Her brother was a detective there and her other brother was a state trooper. My second cousin is a currant Leelanau co Sheriff Sargent. Law enforcement runs deep in my family in MI.
BTW I grew up in Ann Arbor and work there. There is no Chrysler Museum, there is Chrysler arena on the UofM campus! Unless u mean Chrytler headquarters in Auburn Hills maybe🤷🏻‍♂️

Ive been to Greenfield village more times than carter has liver pills lol . You must have done the Rouge plant tour across the street? Its quite impressive. Ford Motorsport took me an a few fellow Engine builders when we were selected to go through their program back in 94’ pretty cool the history. The village stuff doesn't conspire IMO
I thought it was gonna be a $hit show you know Found On Road Dead Fucd Over Rebuilt Dodge thing cuz I was a GM guy at the time. Oy was I wrong anyway….

As for you not seeing rusted trucks in our state. I call that the biggist line of Bull$hit ever. Every manufacture has them here. Either your full of $hit, in denial or didnt look hard enough cuz u didnt have to fo sho 🥳🤣
But today, you will see fairly newer model Rams like that here, seen one the other day at the gas station near the proving grounds. Ill take a pic next time I see one for ya POIDH. You know its bad when our friend offered her discount and my wife had an opinion about the wheel wall rust on a Ram and suggested I not buy it, cuz we keep our vehicles a long time, not trade them in 3yrs.

As for your Anecdotal stories comment, you can shove it where the sun dont shine friend. Thats a direct put down of the worker of all types up here in the auto industry where your Favorite brand is manufactured mind you.
You dont and haven't lived here. You have no clue what many if us have been and go through the lay offs the cuts everything! and dont tell me you do cuz you dont! Just like I dont about your job or trade Cuz I dont either!. I was victim of those cuts, in fact 1 week to my wedding day. Had to petty much change my career that I loved so much cuz of it. We are a tight nit group of people and stay in touch.
To insite that so called “stories” aren't convincing! Sorry they are not the type u want want to hear. You need to be driving that locomotive then.
Have a Blessed Day my friend.
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

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  2. Talon X
Sorry for the late response.
Where to start🤔
Will Ill fist say, Thank you for being a fellow conservative. 👍🏻
Hard to be one in the Auto industry. But of corse you know that.

God bless you for visiting our state run by a radical leftists. The UP is a fine place. I visit it often mainly to snowmobile. Sometimes to ride in the summer with the Talon or P1 depends on the mood lol
👍🏻for your buddy in law enforcement. My Grandmother was the first A2 women officer. Assuming u know what A2 means. Her brother was a detective there and her other brother was a state trooper. My second cousin is a currant Leelanau co Sheriff Sargent. Law enforcement runs deep in my family in MI.
BTW I grew up in Ann Arbor and work there. There is no Chrysler Museum, there is Chrysler arena on the UofM campus! Unless u mean Chrytler headquarters in Auburn Hills maybe🤷🏻‍♂️

Ive been to Greenfield village more times than carter has liver pills lol . You must have done the Rouge plant tour across the street? Its quite impressive. Ford Motorsport took me an a few fellow Engine builders when we were selected to go through their program back in 94’ pretty cool the history. The village stuff doesn't conspire IMO
I thought it was gonna be a $hit show you know Found On Road Dead Fucd Over Rebuilt Dodge thing cuz I was a GM guy at the time. Oy was I wrong anyway….

As for you not seeing rusted trucks in our state. I call that the biggist line of Bull$hit ever. Every manufacture has them here. Either your full of $hit, in denial or didnt look hard enough cuz u didnt have to fo sho 🥳🤣
But today, you will see fairly newer model Rams like that here, seen one the other day at the gas station near the proving grounds. Ill take a pic next time I see one for ya POIDH. You know its bad when our friend offered her discount and my wife had an opinion about the wheel wall rust on a Ram and suggested I not buy it, cuz we keep our vehicles a long time, not trade them in 3yrs.

As for your Anecdotal stories comment, you can shove it where the sun dont shine friend. Thats a direct put down of the worker of all types up here in the auto industry where your Favorite brand is manufactured mind you.
You dont and haven't lived here. You have no clue what many if us have been and go through the lay offs the cuts everything! and dont tell me you do cuz you dont! Just like I dont about your job or trade Cuz I dont either!. I was victim of those cuts, in fact 1 week to my wedding day. Had to petty much change my career that I loved so much cuz of it. We are a tight nit group of people and stay in touch.
To insite that so called “stories” aren't convincing! Sorry they are not the type u want want to hear. You need to be driving that locomotive then.
Have a Blessed Day my friend.

A person doesn't have to live in Michigan to understand the auto industry and the destruction caused by labor unions everywhere.

I said "Ann Arbor", I was confused. It's in Auburn Hills. It was open to the public back in the '90s but the last ime I tried to visit it was closed. Only open by appointment for VIPs? I never asked.
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NTC’s SoA, Chief Sarcasm Officer.
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May 19, 2021

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I’m wondering where @Hometeam s “your brother-in-law's uncle's girlfriend's lesbian buddy” works. Might be helpful for @Backwoods when his Subaru needs repairs!
  • Haha
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Nov 23, 2020
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To backup my previous comments and what others have said…here’s a pretty good video. I wish the trim levels compared were the same as that’s really the real world convo, but it shows the motor comparison well. A $12k difference on engine cost would be hard for me to swallow…

This and all the regen crap is why I just picked one up with 7.3 Godzilla.


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Nov 23, 2020
Tampa Bay Florida

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The only thing missing from this thread is someone that owns and drives a 7.3 every day. After 18,000 miles in the last 10 months I've found it tows way better than the 5.0 F150 it replaced, it rides nice and the price was right. For the cost of a 6.7, I opted for a platinum tremor instead. In a place where it's below zero a good portion of the year, the heated massage seats and heated steering wheel were more important. The bigger bed is nice and you really can't beat a 1 ton with adaptive cruise for a 2000 miles trip with a trailer. Zero regrets
I am hoping and from people I know that have them I will feel the same way. Just got ride of the 5.0 for 7.3. I know a lot of people like the diesels. Nothing wrong with that. I deal with them every day and like most things they have there place. Bottom line its your money Spend it how you want on what you want
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Pioneer 1005-2
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Oct 7, 2016
Oshkosh, Wi

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I am hopping and from people I know that have them I will feel the same way. Just got ride of the 5.0 for 7.3. I know a lot of people like the diesels. Nothing wrong with that. I deal with them every day and like most things they have there place. Bottom line its your money Spend it how you want on what you want
You'll like the 7.3. My only minor complaint is the lack of engine braking with the 10 speed. I think my F150 downshifted better with the trailer. I would have expected the 10speed and 4.30 gears to be able to provide more deceleration but you really have to downshift into 3rd if you want to do anything but coast
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Well-Known Member
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Nov 23, 2020
Tampa Bay Florida

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You'll like the 7.3. My only minor complaint is the lack of engine braking with the 10 speed. I think my F150 downshifted better with the trailer. I would have expected the 10speed and 4.30 gears to be able to provide more deceleration but you really have to downshift into 3rd if you want to do anything but coast
My heavy pulling is limited. Most of the time under 8000. My gas milage around town seems to be 18 to 19 but got to get more miles on it. Should go up. I have the 3.73 gears.
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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So @100Acre it's been 10+ months since starting this thread, sorry if I missed it, but what did you end up going with? (Assuming you chose either the 7.3 gasser or 6.7 diesel Ford platforms)

Was interesting to read everyone's opinions and experiences of the 3 major players in the HD pickup field. At the end of the day everyone's going to choose what they are comfortable with and can afford. Over the last 40 years have tried each of the big 3 pickups in both half ton and HD platforms. My dad was a Chevy guy, he loathed Fords, as a young man you tend to rely on experiences from the elders. That said, nothing today is even remotely the same as it was 3 to 4 decades ago. I've experienced multiple issues of all 3 MFG's half ton pickups none towing related. I watched the drama of Fords 6.4 and 6.0 Diesel platforms unfold as I contemplated getting a camper and a tow vehicle from 2005-2010. I took a chance on the first gen 6.7 Ford platforms for 2011, special ordered a F350 SRW Platinum and actually took early delivery in April 2010, used it as a daily driver with a 20 miles commute and as a tow pig on a 16k, 45 ft 5th wheel for 3 weeks a year. Didn't experience any powertrain issues in 200k miles, overall was very happy with the pickup and it's performance and reliability. Went to a 2015 F450 dually for a more stable towing platform, went with the 450 because of the much tighter turning radius and much beefier brakes, etc. It was way overkill for my use case initially, but definitely did the job with ease. After I retired from my career in 2016, used that F450 to deliver RV's as a retirement gig, I averaged 13k miles per month. Maintenance was the key to being trouble free, oil and filters every 10K, Fuel & Air filters every 20K, maintained religiously every 3 weeks. Did 300k trouble free miles. Was in for service and spotted a 2017 F450 Platinum the dealership had gotten in on special order for a Horse Farm that backed out. Traded into that F450 and immediately put it to work, literally the next day with 500 miles on it grabbed a 17K 5th wheel to Oregon from Indiana, I worked that truck hard, covering 374K miles in 30 months, only issues was at 227K miles, the CP4 pump s*** the bed 40 miles outside Laramie WY en route to SLC Utah with a camper. That was a 9K repair bill that Ford generously covered half as a measure of goodwill, truck was only 18 months old. Culprit was some water in diesel. Still with around 800k miles personally on the 6.7 powerstroke platform of the 1st and 3rd gen engines, very satisfied. As posted elsewhere, I recently traded my '21 F150 for a '24 F250 with the 5th gen 6.7 diesel and 10 speed transmission. 1600 miles in super pleased with it, no comparison to an F450 that got 13 mpg on a good day empty, but avg 10.1 mpg towing. I was expecting to get maybe 17mpg running around local here with the hills in East TN, but this is my avg since leaving the dealership with probably 6 hrs of the 42 idling at 0 mpg.

20241222 170522

Among what everyone said above, for casual towing the gasser makes the most sense $$$ wise, and the Ford 10 speed transmission is pretty darn slick leveling the field getting most out of each engine. But I sure like the torque of the Powerstroke just a personal preference I don't mind paying for.