Sorry for the late response.
Where to start

Will Ill fist say, Thank you for being a fellow conservative.

Hard to be one in the Auto industry. But of corse you know that.
God bless you for visiting our state run by a radical leftists. The UP is a fine place. I visit it often mainly to snowmobile. Sometimes to ride in the summer with the Talon or P1 depends on the mood lol

for your buddy in law enforcement. My Grandmother was the first A2 women officer. Assuming u know what A2 means. Her brother was a detective there and her other brother was a state trooper. My second cousin is a currant Leelanau co Sheriff Sargent. Law enforcement runs deep in my family in MI.
BTW I grew up in Ann Arbor and work there. There is no Chrysler Museum, there is Chrysler arena on the UofM campus! Unless u mean Chrytler headquarters in Auburn Hills maybe
Ive been to Greenfield village more times than carter has liver pills lol . You must have done the Rouge plant tour across the street? Its quite impressive. Ford Motorsport took me an a few fellow Engine builders when we were selected to go through their program back in 94’ pretty cool the history. The village stuff doesn't conspire IMO
I thought it was gonna be a $hit show you know Found On Road Dead Fucd Over Rebuilt Dodge thing cuz I was a GM guy at the time. Oy was I wrong anyway….
As for you not seeing rusted trucks in our state. I call that the biggist line of Bull$hit ever. Every manufacture has them here. Either your full of $hit, in denial or didnt look hard enough cuz u didnt have to fo sho

But today, you will see fairly newer model Rams like that here, seen one the other day at the gas station near the proving grounds. Ill take a pic next time I see one for ya POIDH. You know its bad when our friend offered her discount and my wife had an opinion about the wheel wall rust on a Ram and suggested I not buy it, cuz we keep our vehicles a long time, not trade them in 3yrs.
As for your Anecdotal stories comment, you can shove it where the sun dont shine friend. Thats a direct put down of the worker of all types up here in the auto industry where your Favorite brand is manufactured mind you.
You dont and haven't lived here. You have no clue what many if us have been and go through the lay offs the cuts everything! and dont tell me you do cuz you dont! Just like I dont about your job or trade Cuz I dont either!. I was victim of those cuts, in fact 1 week to my wedding day. Had to petty much change my career that I loved so much cuz of it. We are a tight nit group of people and stay in touch.
To insite that so called “stories” aren't convincing! Sorry they are not the type u want want to hear. You need to be driving that locomotive then.
Have a Blessed Day my friend.