Yet Another Excursion into the NW and SW States.



Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
I’m blatantly forgetful and stuffing whole cookies in my mouth...


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
This evening’s visitors...
C142B6DF E997 4093 AEEB A9889742B15E
3600A425 DCA3 40A4 AB46 5F241F6C49B6
2CC8DAFF CD9A 4A5E AA05 064D1434DDC9


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
Appears the Ionosphere be a clearin. Headed doon to Mackey Bar on the Salmon River...
100* along the river bottom. Aboot 65-70* up top.
Steep switchbacks had to drive slow. T’were daunting T’was, enough so much soo, me had le minor puckering of the nether regions and a tightening of the wads...
Some local hunters were a looking fer sign and we chatted a spell. Me wanted to take a river plunge but me didn’t want to strip to me skivvies so no go. We left blaring the Blake Shelton song “Redneck”. T’were a fittin moment. Kicking up dust as we left. Good times indeedy.
4B7AE3C2 EB23 43C0 8056 5A43EF2265E8
035E74C3 2310 42D0 901E 491DF92AA38F
45BEF1A3 E71A 4BDB A8AD B7D11AD39BB1
99C6FDD3 5446 4CE4 8387 B0DAC8831A05
EA23441E ADAC 4E2C BD6E 6FE5D4D2175C
D8612A33 7C6A 44A0 8B31 2A16A1188852
88DE2588 E948 419A 9D8D 979EA440EE9D
FFABDC33 DDCF 4688 B5C0 6337F3E57E43
EFD49B3D DE3E 4ABF 89F2 C6F67EC241E1
F28C383F DF9A 46D0 B8AB 9BA8EB1CF458
7C71CBF7 154D 4578 948C F967BFB7FCB2
DAE61222 6906 43AC 9360 6CA14211B411
EA9B4AE4 70F9 4B80 B484 A03C73518590
D94F4476 5B50 4CC5 AC43 64E1B851360A
5BC42C97 96CE 4DA1 B12A A7751136CEA9
D6A0A19B BE20 4C0F 9AE0 C38DAF4123C1
1CFD50DC D47E 4248 9CFE AFE461E960B3
7B9D8206 1797 4992 A78B 308A8D43350D
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Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
Gnome, Gnome on the range, where the beer makes the antelopes parade.
Where often are herds. and there’s some stinky ass turds
And the clouds (of gnats) are not biting all day...


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
So you did go all the way into the hump? Good for you man!
What did you think of the road from Orogrande summit into the hump?
How did the Pioneer do on the stair steps?
Stair steps? That one road was very rocky. I thought we could drive to the top of Buffalo Hump but couldn’t find a direct route once we came to the back side of it.
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Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
Currently in Stanley getting a burger. Also looking at the Sawtooth mtn range.
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Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
I just did the area off of Trail Creek rd btw Sun Valley and Mackay Idaho. All I can say is that the scenery was painting perfect majesty. I came in on Trail creek rd from Sun Valley and the road was a track and a half wide with shear cliff drop offs. I am glad I had the inside lane! I stayed at Phi Kappa CG . I camped next to some conservative folks from Portland of all places. They were driving popo’s. We went from the CG all the way to Antelope Pass and beyond to Iron Bog CG on the way back we drove the Copper Basin Loop and Muldoon Canyon and up to an old mine just below Green Lake which had to be near 10,000’ in elevation. About kicked my arse hiking the last 1/2 mile to the lake. Stupendously beautiful area!!!
It was all on gravel roads except for the trek to Green lake and a few other spots that were very rocky and more trail like.
I saved the screenshots on my iPad of all the locations along the routes. I’ll post them up later once I move them to my phone.
6184E612 A453 4F09 9987 99C2E884268C
7BD3E1E9 123F 4959 8E01 E4FD5DF16BF9
5E47144D CFDB 47E9 81B0 8AB5DDDF9D97
4CB0E380 B467 4962 A91A 4D5933B2D13D
A426CF3B D1BB 4DDA 9102 55B42E8BDF26
9B25217A 4623 455E 9E44 36E30C138044
6D2E40ED 5730 447A B30D F829D544DBFB
7D150B74 2D9A 4490 8E6C DFE8600FBDE7
DCD597B6 2F60 4A22 AE06 CAC2E0536A3F
987A0E1E CBF4 4684 ADF2 1500205E3205
82A51ACF 9FF1 4377 A3B8 EAEC68C8CBBE
0461B1A6 1F88 4182 8A0A 3A08D8FA366F
692A0ACE 266A 4095 860C E29438C89848
478F4230 5480 42D1 9807 8669B85914C0
A93723A4 3A93 465C 9AF5 8759B24B23AB
BAE175AD 497D 4B57 AED7 AC960CDC54B8
905D1058 19E4 4E34 9AB0 D2E44024A4C1
4A37FF88 DB63 4223 84A4 633BBE44CE89
E8D62EB5 E3B5 46CB BF49 E3A9BD347DD9
578B73B9 5EB2 4B4D 8545 D6F8C34B8669
81DEE3C3 E4FF 49D9 8140 5866A2F4E6A9
349AA17E 6BE9 4E6D A7A2 1771324581F3
A2BC43CA 7FD9 4C4A A292 39075DAAE98D
3B4A41B0 0E4A 409C B880 445FD3DF522D
C84ACDC0 F66D 45A6 BA69 F7EF2EEC807E
873C1F3E 922B 4FB6 8360 5D415EB70D87
E3694CFD CDD7 4202 AF57 6E3C913CA33D
DBA8923F 3586 43EF 9D66 987680A8F449
88645322 BC84 4CA4 BF21 653E8D144E82


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
We drove a total of 122 miles yesterday . I took a sink bath and boy was I filthy. The water in the sink was near dark grey! All along the valleys were Glacial Erratics. Boulders left by the receding glaciers during the last ice age. Plus a few large lichen covered lava bombs shot out from Yellowstone volcano when the hot spot was in the area millions of years prior to its current location.

97811D04 93DE 4A7E 879B B38569DB88C9
B8EB747F 4438 4B0C BC94 BA076955A4CF
3AFAD138 36CA 4994 BEB0 5578B2B679E8
3D70C3B0 7AA3 4596 AB3B 7A399FCEA8FA
43372BA3 2BA9 48CE A278 D4A1AA424A62
510C7B45 63A5 482A AE39 387D824FE445
AEC651DA 4113 4780 953D B508B7BF2EB5
8E08F4E6 3723 491B 9E10 6CCC318755AA
5CA026AA 7F5B 4726 BA53 26E9EC052F4C
192AE088 E717 4882 A239 D92323AA720E
629435CE 259D 4906 BDE1 CDB8C9FC7186
F1D18A83 76CA 4588 815D B2C66E960AEE
6A1494ED 12B1 4BF8 80AD F1AB64A5AADE
CB3A524A B721 428A A8B4 0A8FEB0E6849
3E9487F1 FAD3 440C A30F FDE54B72E9E1
98B2D0A3 C05E 482F 8E2A 4E6F65834F40
48461B0C C039 46D0 9A03 E1C6CF6B14A5
65B5221C F0B7 4BA6 989B A888441E25F9
5870144C B042 4AC8 A3A4 966F232E13C4
BC7C5B91 BA27 4AA9 9DE4 9484A6922819
09E602BB 8B99 4DAB 9881 151DC1C5F7F7
A83C2915 980D 427B 9A40 F9C9EF67E965
2A7FCA62 D23B 4514 92E8 AB8107357046
E6D5B0D8 932C 480B 869C DEB3CC589628
405D67F9 0BDF 44FB AA3A B2A627FE8171
9F9B8769 6210 4F4D B31E 06C34EACC412
856483EC 2C5F 4558 B705 4BB3670F8522
66CBF2E3 247E 40A7 8FC9 9DCCABF242EC
028AC792 58A3 4C66 B4AE D44DA39C28EF
CBA15E6D 874E 437C BF68 CEC4F45BB267


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
The pix don’t do it justice. Wishing I had a real camera, but even then it still wouldn’t fully encompass the raw beauty of this area. Many of the surrounding peaks were just under 12,000’ high.
202EEC7C 5F12 4DDB 9FA5 5D0058C62F41
24A1A5FF 4F75 4089 AE36 466C63FB4E3D
1ABEC9E3 23AD 4641 933C 363906988396
1859DCBB 251A 458E B0EE 1B300DB69FF5
71E5477E 365E 454F A1B0 346D29747DE3
1C1867F9 1D4F 4A7C 9DEF 649792B88AA6
37C8A5AA B7CB 40E2 AD71 CB8045370912
C3728E9F A6B8 4387 A03D 8C1083E9663E
C1DB49AB 8CBD 4DE8 AFE4 53DC831107D7
90F464FB 6B64 44BC 9BE3 416109F53EA9
BD971072 F6B5 4177 B9B5 1B3245B9136F
4AAAFDB1 000D 4CBD A895 4BEA37919E18
23201C47 C830 4C9A 8AFB 296FBE237164
79919F8E A4B3 4E7E A070 443ECACF16BD
741B67CB D89D 4C32 B8D9 12C920E194B4
68FE40DC B6E9 46BD 9C39 6E9A747D5F98
C88626C1 B45F 44DD 9843 B971CCE7E5B6
D9E14C34 56A6 4461 8956 C9961C79B499
8CB39B1B 0733 4EAD 8F51 6AFF0CA0CFCF
BA722481 4673 47EA B06A 7DF6FB34AB0E
F480F4B6 23CD 4134 9F28 8A77FA8477A8
4D47FD24 E1D2 41B4 BE78 C8210C90A9E8
E7CDAD50 3DA4 46DB BA1E C4B477EE6933
70A5F19E 4005 47CF B9B3 453FBBE5D0A0
81BDCB7E EB1E 42D6 84DD 8AE3AE363360
7083B50B ACD3 4C31 8D5C 89F0F66A5179
F428632D 0E8E 412C BB93 C37375E971A6
D58384C8 36D8 4CA9 BE42 84D9601A1EC6
EA4D11CF 52DA 4732 937D 15447E201EDC
423387D0 83EA 47C1 B4C9 A54FE3ADB8F9
2D14D71B 1857 44B7 9586 07A5196C7FCE
6E791C86 F583 46D9 81D2 D79EA21ECF0D
5BA57A6B 15A5 45CC 9DF2 106BD5C39E8D
945772E1 2801 4858 92DE 9B3CF8FA63F6
0834A60C 064D 4F2B B53F 3F43522C0484
5B80C663 FCE9 4A3A A2ED 76BB18EB912C


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
The trail up to Green Lake from Muldoon Canyon. The mine is an old copper mine and there are still lots of narrow gauge rail lying about the ruins. It was a further 1/2 mile hike up to the 10+ acre lake. It was also about a 500’ gain in elevation and the trail followed along the out flow of the lake along many cascading waterfalls.
57CAC445 5C8E 45E0 97A5 16FED5113DB6
7F910FBE 7C19 4643 AACC CA53F14090C9
5FA90C04 45F0 4E7A 8158 700C11BF3A3E
5B929B5D 9F87 4641 A610 2FBA1F917BC4
846D1AA8 8C1A 44C3 A72D 0C05E8B186C9
AC87475D CAF2 4F59 B479 E9CC6390C12C
F34E9406 4CA4 4559 BD28 032D959864B0
C141E3ED 6B5E 4690 AB65 15D57430EB9D
377BC066 F51F 4C34 818F D6E8BF609F7C
99D05335 7DCC 453C A359 9266F16C0770
675D6FD5 4B53 484A 814B E0295C960AA4
F30D9798 55A5 4562 BCEA 68CCB8FFF9B5
9C75CC04 8440 4DC1 A279 C9650E5187BE
5BCB4B6A 0332 40F0 BFFA 8853AF496405
29482AF5 A258 4ACA 87FD 8C394B60832B
D25364ED 06C4 4C32 8077 90C4DB23DADA
9DF87F6F DD2A 4611 B81D E0152023990D
EB9A5B5A 36E0 4A77 833B 4D9887B64618
F572D9AA 1AF2 413E A15D 48698D86240A
110E9D4B 3DAD 43BE AC11 FF8587F3E3BB
BFF79D12 97D7 4864 864C 7C300D8204C3
22211A29 8BA8 417A 821E 1585ACDA8C64
314266E3 562B 4DDD 83BD 8D7877D2322A
04F7A8DC 8AFE 4FFF B1DD F51604D1AA38
8E6A9C54 9D79 4A15 8A6C D9650ECF30A7
04EFF7A1 FA2B 4823 A804 FE93256B2FAE
7DF5C409 317C 4B40 804F 5942B6EFA47A
2FB0E283 DF1E 4F89 B0D5 320E7EAEE686
B2CC7067 748D 4FF8 9471 82D52107CD32
7EB5B639 CEF7 49B0 949D 68489F348BDD
11297D17 EF85 4A9C B3B3 EE7766F923E7
F7BCC2CE 6A7F 4257 B9E6 87AC57983EBD
510A0783 6E7B 4093 A235 E0F112272403
E811D45A 90D9 47C6 999A 3A573B9BCE2D
AE6860F0 F407 482A BC5E 2BDAC2608F64
5E71412C 0934 41A0 8C3E 93EED55891BB
C5667286 1900 45A7 8166 8B0916EA1746
A135F580 0321 4F2A B3DD AD861FCDBED7
D3CE852C E1DD 4FAC ADB5 4C9735D46AD8
251AAA27 A369 4F3D B18A F62F4CEBF98C


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
I sometimes forget just how diverse the area is. We have some of the tallest mountains and deepest lakes in the country. Deserts, forests, farmlands and plains. Dunes, big rivers some even being the highest navigable in the world. Swamps, marches, thousands of lakes and countless streams. Ocean, beaches and low lands close by. Big trees and mountains as far as the eye can see. From big city life to Gods country within a few miles. Heavy animal and fish populations. Some of the most crystal clear waters and bluest sky’s. The climate and ecosystem can change in 50 miles. Washington is probably the most diverse state anywhere with Idaho not too far behind.
Why I say all this is because I’m like you in my heart and enjoy the area more then anything especially the heavily wooded areas, but do enjoy the rest of the area as well. I wish weekends weren’t so short and even though I live here I do get jealous of your escapades seeing what my own backyard has to offer. You are blessed for that opportunity and I’m glad I got to spend some of that time you’ve had over here showing you even just the area I call home away from home. I look forward to following years of getting out and you showing me the areas you’ve learned. It’s a big area, there’s a lifetime of exploring. Thanks so much for the pictures and sharing experiences along the way. I love seeing snapshots of what’s hopefully to come. Sorry I wasn’t able to get out a little further this year while you were here but look forward to it next year. I need to get out a little further! Thank you buddy!
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Well-Known Member
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Feb 18, 2015
Southern Idaho

  1. 1000-5
What a wonderful adventure and that was just yesterdays trek. I've been to Iron Bog Campground from the Fish Creek Summit side and have done the Copper Basin Loop once but definitely need to put some more miles on those dusty roads. Enjoy your time in Buhl and take in the Snaker River and maybe Shoshone Falls. Just curious where your headed next?


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2018
SE Washington State/N Idaho

  1. 1000-3
Stair steps? That one road was very rocky. I thought we could drive to the top of Buffalo Hump but couldn’t find a direct route once we came to the back side of it.

Okay.. the sign in this picture is at what's called Orogrande Summit. Continue to the right, and you go to Wildhorse lake. Take a left at this sign & go down into the canyon where you cross the wooden bridge at the elk camp, and then you start climbing up into Buffalo Hump..I'm nearly positive you made it into the Hump looking at your pictures..(once you make it in, you see cabins & a lake off to your right.. further in there's an airstrip on the right)

100 2360

When I ask about the "stair steps" I'm referring to the short, yet steep solid rock parts of the "road"..
Two of which are the shots below;


I know the rest of it is rougher than a cob, the pic below showing the typical roadbed..


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2017
Castalian Springs, Tennessee

  1. 1000-5
Okay.. the sign in this picture is at what's called Orogrande Summit. Continue to the right, and you go to Wildhorse lake. Take a left at this sign & go down into the canyon where you cross the wooden bridge at the elk camp, and then you start climbing up into Buffalo Hump..I'm nearly positive you made it into the Hump looking at your pictures..(once you make it in, you see cabins & a lake off to your right.. further in there's an airstrip on the right)

View attachment 149646

When I ask about the "stair steps" I'm referring to the short, yet steep solid rock parts of the "road"..
Two of which are the shots below;
View attachment 149648

View attachment 149649

I know the rest of it is rougher than a cob, the pic below showing the typical roadbed..
View attachment 149650

Oh my God....GUNS...EEEEK I’m scared

Don’t let the liberals see them :)