What the coolest thing you have run into out on the trail?



Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Bellingham, Washington

  1. 1000-5
Last story this was a Elk hunting story in Idaho. My partners and I decided to try a September rifle hunt in the Selway which meant the bulls would be in rut. Having never hunted elk before during those months we would be able to bugle them in. This was back in the mid 90's I purchased a half dozen of these mouth reeds and a tube. We'll if you ever tried this before there's a learning curve and lots of practice (plus I didn't know what the hell I was doing). So along with the reeds I bought a cassette tape on how to bugle in elk. I worked outside sales at the time out of my car so I was in it all day everyday of the work week.
Took me a while and began to kinda get it and tape said if you got an answer just sit tight if you bugle and get answer.
So first morning out, I should mention we hired a outfitter to drop camp us in the mountains they provided riding mules and a pack string with our supplies tent etc.then dropped us in an area. They left with the animals so we where on our own.

First morning out the three of us split up and walked out of our camp. I hiked up this ridge with the sun coming up behind me I had almost reach the top of the ridge which was covered by jack pines when I saw some cow elk wondering through pines looked like six or seven cows with in 15 or so yards from my position. I bugled and almost immediately I got a bull to answer. The tape I listened to said to sit tight if you received a response so that what I did. In the meantime the cows were slowly disperseing amongst the jack pines. After holding tight for 15 mins I started walking again at the top of the south side of the ridge. Again I run into some cows and I bugled and again almost immediately I got a response and I could see cows again about 30 or so yards out in front of me in the pines. Ten or fifteen minutes go by again, I decided if I bugle and I get a response again I'm not going to sit tight I walking in the direction of the response.
So I bugled the bull responded at the top of the ridge so I began walking down over the top of the knoll to the north side. The sun was coming up behind me I was looking north down 30 of 40 yards I could see a bog with lots of track. I sat for maybe 10 mins of or so letting outa call here and there.
As I sat and listened I heard a branch crack, looking back up the ridge into the sun here comes a 6 or maybe a 7 point bull slowly moving down towards me. I was getting quick views mostly of the neck up. I was on my knees as he moved towards me of course heart pounding and out of breath I was doing my best to control emotions. The bull hung up behind some thick, thick brush (I forget what they called it I think devils something). I had a view of its upper neck and I didn't want to take the shot up high since this he was a trophy bull and I was having a time trying to stay steady. He stood there and didn't move for like what seemed a long time ( probably 15 seconds). I decided I needed to maybe try using a cow call to get him to move just a bit. Well I did that which didn't sound anything like a cow elk my mouth was so dry. It threw its head back and charged up back and over the ridge. Last I saw of it........ still one of the most exciting things I've encountered in the woods. I've probably thought of this encounter ten thousand times since it happened. Sorry about the story length.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Bellingham, Washington

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Do you still cry every time you think about it? I know I would!😭
I did for awhile but it just wasn't my day it was his and he was magnificent so I sorta glad he out smarted me. I've shot my share of elk cows and bulls (only spikes unless you draw a branched antler tag which I've been putting in for 20 years and yet to draw).
DG Rider

DG Rider

Member: Triple Clutch Club
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Aug 14, 2013
Casa Grande, AZ

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@feltner1079 I have a semi related thread I drag up every year around halloween...

DG Rider

DG Rider

Member: Triple Clutch Club
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Aug 14, 2013
Casa Grande, AZ

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One thing I will mention that wasn't "on the trail", so to speak, but was totally unexpected.

Back several years ago I still road street bikes, and living in central Arizona I was near interstate 40, and more importantly the few remaining sections of route 66 in that area. I was turning off on a section just west of Ash fork Arizona and making the swerving left turn after exiting the ramp. Just beyond that turn is a cattle guard and a sign that said US route 66. As I was coming down the ramp I noticed the black car sitting in the road and as I approached it, I realized not only was this car stationary, it was taking up about half of both lanes.

While slowing down and preparing to take evasive idiot maneuvers in case this car did something, while also minding the cattle guard, something caught my attention in the corner of my eye as I approached the car.
I glanced over to see a woman scurrying towards the passenger door of the sedan. You would think bathroom break or something, but there was really no cover here... And the fact that she was wearing ONLY either a bikini bottom or a pair of panties and maybe shoes.

The only thing I can figure is that maybe with someone was taking "artistic" photos at the rte 66 sign...IE "Tits and route 66"...or something like that..


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2020

  1. 1000-3
A few years ago I was deer hunting an old strip job on the backside of FISHTRAP WMA a place we call middle field. It’s a great place to hunt but also gets a lot of atv/utv riders as it warms up. It was late Oct when the mornings are cool but can warm up quickly. Around 10-11 am I decided to head out before place got busy. On the way out I was getting close to a three way intersection.it’s one of those that you can see the trail leading to and from the intersection before you get there but can’t actually see the intersection until you get there I saw two 4 seaters going towards the intersection. When I got to the intersection I saw a thirty something girl standing beside the passenger side of an f150 with a forty something guy sitting in drivers seat. I turned to my left to make sure the 4 seaters had passed and they had. Both loaded with kids in the back. That’s when it happened as I turned to go. The old girl lifted her shirt and flashed me her ta tas. She must have been proud of them because before I could get moving she checked to make sure the 4 seaters were still going the other way and she did it again. I just smiled and waved. The next spring they marked the whole place as an elk preserve and banned hunting of any kind. I don’t mind. My wife won’t let me hunt there anymore anyway


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
I got touched inappropriately by a hermit once.
oh you've met @100Acre ? was he dressed in typical Bigfoot garb?
FB IMG 1620091188711


HFA Grand High Wizard
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Apr 7, 2019
Covington, LA

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  2. Talon R LV
So this wasn't on the trail per se, but out on the river in a bay boat tubing/kneeboarding. Stennis Space Center in south MS is on the Pearl River and there's a ton of recreational boating in that waterway. My dad works for Lockheed Martin and we would go into Stennis to launch our boat since you had to have ID/clearance to get into Stennis proper, and there were way less people. I was on the kneeboard and wiped out coming around a bend. When I came back up and was waiting for the boat to come back around, a damned commando in full gear popped up out of the water near the shore about 30-40' from me with an MP5 and put his finger in front of his lips in the "quiet" motion. I think I was about 10 years old and may have actually s*** myself. Then he pointed to the tree line and there were 2 more commandos in full garb waving to me giving a thumbs up. Dad made the corner to get me and the one in the water waved him down. Come to find out Stennis is home to a large Navy SEAL team and they were doing training out there in the river. Got to watch them do a badass full speed exfil from the shore on one of those gun boats like in Act of Valor a little while after that. Those boats are insane!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2019
Western Oregon

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  2. Talon X4
Twice I've encountered Cougar once from a distance of around 200 yards and the second I was on my Rincon putt'n along coming up on a corner looked to my right and at the base of a small fur tree there stood a cat. I had my WireHair pointer whom would ride on a platform I installed on the back of the ATV.
I slowly continued around the corner and hopped off the quad with my dog on heal ( he also had his shock collar on since we where hunting grouse).
I was carry my small camera so it with hiked back up where I'd first seen it during which time my dog was on alert he knew somthing wasn't right. I could see print in the dusty dry powdery dirt heading down a gully. It was a calm day with not a lot of wind and we slowly proceeded down the draw. I heard a bit of commotion behind us turned and the cat was tracking us. Probably twenty yards behind us, my dogged barked and spooked it up the ravine.
There like ghosts in the wild and I've spent lots of time hunting and as mentioned seldom see em. It sure was a good memory to picture even though I didn't get a picture.
Yep stealthy flickers.
Here's the one I stocked.
WP 20140118 008


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2019
Western Oregon

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  2. Talon X4
Nice let’s have the story????
Probably wouldn't believe me anyway.
But here it is.
We have a ranch of sorts. Between our animals and the neighbors every 3 weeks or so one of us would loose an animal. Knew it was a Big cat but never saw it. Went out one morning before sunrise to feed the Alpaca and one was missing/not coming into barn to get grain. Headed out to see whats up. Saw a few other animals staring at the tree line by the pond. Grabbed my rifle from the rack. Walked out into the field and laid down in the grass checking the tree line. Almost sun up. And another Alpaca made the weirdest noise I had ever heard. Made my hair stand on end. Adjusted my view. About 30 yards out 7 year old male creaping right towards me. I guess I looked tasty. #no homo. So then I calmed my breathing and Bam shot him. He did a back/side flip and laid there. Watched him breath out. Loaded another round in and stood up to go check it out. Got about 5 yards from him and he lunged at me. As I had the gun resting on my hip I shot from there. And blasted him Center chest. Dropped dead. Then called neighbors to let them know it was me out blasting guns first thing in the morning. Then the work began. And now he hangs on my wall. My wife named him Goonter. 104" long tip of nose to tip of tail. 186 pounds. Tail length is 39". Certified by fish and game. Sadly the Alpaca that was missing he had already got to it.
WP 20140117 002
WP 20140525 005


New Member
Jan 7, 2021
Los Angeles

  1. Talon R
A cooler full of cold beer. We hadn't thought to grab any and our ride had become longer than we initially planned on so it was a perfect find. We continued on that trail to the most popular destination, the only group we ran across said it wasn't theirs so we enjoyed them.


HFA Grand High Wizard
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Apr 7, 2019
Covington, LA

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  2. Talon R LV
A cooler full of cold beer. We hadn't thought to grab any and our ride had become longer than we initially planned on so it was a perfect find. We continued on that trail to the most popular destination, the only group we ran across said it wasn't theirs so we enjoyed them.
Lol @Ragnar406