Well...did the old oil change on the 700 today. Checked valves yesterday.
I've taken to doing the oil change cold. The torque converter slowly drains back over time, so by doing it after it sits overnight, it's a more complete oil change. Typically takes most of a gallon of T6 done that way. Also potentially let's any crap drop off the oil pickup and be whisked out with the flow easier.
Also did the semi-annual beat-the-skidplate-back-off-the-engine service. The last several miles of last week's ride sounded like the tin man sitting on Micheal J fox's lap riding down railroad tracks on a ridgid-mount Sportster.
And as always, it fought. And reinforced AGAIN that for all their "quality" and durability, Honda uses some of the most god-damned pathetic excuse for bolts ever. All of the remaining factory ones ( about 2/3 of what was on there) stripped on the bolts. Every pioneer I've had has issues with these bolts just being s***! Off to the hardware store...