I figured you must be in AZ. Sounds like you got things going.That stuff will stunt your growth!! Maybe that's a good thing.
Not dead yet...been to AZ and back twice...gas bill is killing me...it's a thousand dollars /trip!! Leave next week with a load of 100 steel fence posts, 2miles of barbed wire, 42 4"x 8' posts and 3 12"x 24' poles for an entrance gate thing. Waiting on septic permit which takes 4-6 weeks there...it took 3 days in ID. Taking my little travel trailer down to spend the Winter I think. Once septic is in I can dump there. Still hauling water in 275 gal totes and generator for power...solar on trailer runs refrig and lights but not AC so since it's in the 80's to 50's season in AZ I don't need the genny that much. I converted my 5K Honda generators to propane so they run cleaner and almost as good as that junk gasoline.
We had rain turned to snow a few days back...melted on the way down it was 37F and warm ground. But, that crap is coming...leaves are turning above 4,000' and ferns in my woods now getting golden.
Just thought I'd check in an say hello...best to everyone and happy Columbus Day or whatever the faggots call it now.
I'll be going to Alberta first of Nov again. Just over a month away. And last year it was -27 with knee deep snow the same time. I bought a nice pair of bib coveralls, warm and gortex. So hopefully won't need them. Haha. I just had him pick them up out there, so I don't have to take them back and forth. He got tickets for Bruce Springsteen on the 8 th.
Stay in touch brother. Always good to hear what's going on with you.