any advice for a 500 turn signal, horn kit? I see the club has one but it’s for 520 and above. Want to get it licensed!
What @buggyman said. Always check the club store first. We like to support that if we can. Good quality products.any advice for a 500 turn signal, horn kit? I see the club has one but it’s for 520 and above. Want to get it licensed!
I would bet you could adapt the 520 kit to a 500 pretty easily. Purchase 6 of the round indicator lights that they sell, mount them where you want them, and run the output to those instead of where they intended, which is the factory 520 harness.I'm pretty sure the reason the p500 doesn't have a kit is the fact it only has one brake light vs the p520 has 2.
Just a thought but you could E mail Grant at Turn pro and tell him what you need . he might be able to help you out he's a great guy to work with. [email protected]any advice for a 500 turn signal, horn kit? I see the club has one but it’s for 520 and above. Want to get it licensed!