P1000 Think out of the box for accessories and save



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Lifetime Member
May 18, 2016
Western NC (Hayesville)

  1. 1000-3
I can already tell as I am looking how to dress up my 1000EPS, that anything that has those initials UTV is exorbitantly priced. Yes I am new to the Pioneer, but already been there with my Massimo.

Maybe others have been there also, but I am passing along some friendly advice. Think out of the box and save! Once I get done with everything I will take pics to share my ideas.

Consoles and storage can be had at any auto supply that will fit in a lot of places I can already tell. I have already ordered two different ones from Amazon. One is a floor mount and one to screw up under the dash and still clear the knees.

Roof rack? Stay clear of the $500 UTV ones and look at the ones for on top of a SUV for under $100! Same thing with a gun rack. Look for a rear window gun rack for $30. Or take 2 long pieces of galvanized pipe or even a 2x4 painted black then simply drill and install any of a large variety of hooks for garage storage.

All of these items can be bought very cheap and don't be afraid to drill into a roll bar it's not going to hurt it. But if so, use hose clamps to secure at a much cheaper price than roll bar clamps.

Of all the gun racks sold nothing is cheaper than one big V open hook sold for garage organizing and just screw into dash and lean your shotgun up against it with the butt on the floor.

My point is very simple. There's nothing really technical about these items and unless it's specifically for your brand they are all a "one fits all" concept anyway.

Hope this helps some people :)
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