P1000 The Honda buying experience



Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

  1. 1000-3

  2. Talon X
Maybe is was fate that made me decide to cancel my order for a P1000-5.
Looking back, it was the no-belt transmission that lead me to a Honda SxS in the first instance. Having a SxS with a CVT is a real pain in the a** when starting on a steep slope - revving like billyo just to get going. Maybe other later models are a lot better now, like some with a 10 year belt warranty!
However, I was also looking at ways to limit the max. speed, due to the risks associated with over-speeding on our rough, winding and steep country. Some Hondasas members asked why limit the speed - as most people want to increase the max. speed!
Lo and behold! I came across another SxS that really ticked all boxes for me. More of a workhorse than a racy off-road buggy. Has a variable hydrostatic transmission-no belt drive, a diesel engine, a max. speed 25mph, a real hand brake, and a 2 or 4 seater converter. Sure, not a lot of horses, but good low-down torque and steady hill-climbing ability is what I need.
I know with all hydrostatic transmissions, as used on most modern HD work vehicles, ultra-clean transmission oil is number one to a long and reliable working life.
So how does this type of transmission compare with Honda's DCT and CVT's on other SxS, in performance, reliability, cost of maintenance, whole-of-life costs, cost of repairs or maybe replacement, etc, is the very big question.
No doubt with lots of answers - facts, educated opinions, or just gut feelings.
We can only guess at the brand you bought but I'm guessing a Kubota RTV.

I'm a big fan of Kubota tractors. I owned a Kubota B2920 for ten years in Texas before we moved and the first thing I did after settling in WV was purchase a BX with a snow plow attachment. Kubotas are a top-quality utility tractor, reasonably priced, tough and durable as an anvil, completely reliable, and have an excellent dealer network for parts and service.

But it seems to me that a Kubota RTV is the answer to the question no one asked or the solution to a problem that doesn't exist. I had friends who owned a Kubota diesel RTV. The wife used it to get around on their 35 acre country place. It was noisy, dead slow, and the cab vibrated and rattled,. A Kubota RTV would not be practical for driving country dirt roads or trail riding, just puttering around at low speed on a farm.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2020
Clinton ohio 44216

  1. 1000-5
Kubota rtv only.One of the biggest mistakes i ever made.Turned up the pump turned up the rpm.It would not fall out of a tree.BAD resale.
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Well-Known Member
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Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

  1. 1000-3

  2. Talon X
Our formerly proud and strong nation is fast becoming just one more third world country with massive corruption by senior politicians above the law occurring openly without fear of prosecution, major fraud in elections, a dishonest propaganda media in the model of Pravda distorting every event, hiding official corruption, and slandering honest candidates, lawlessness and violence in the streets, and a dying economy.

The Klintons, nObamas, and Bitemes make Lyndon Johnson look like a somewhat honest politician.

We're swirling around the toilet drain and at least a third of Americans love FJB and think he's doing a good job.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
Gardnerville, NV

  1. 1000-5
Oneida was made in Buffalo. They may still be.

Nope, not anymore I guess . . . from their website:

Where are Oneida products made?
Oneida products are currently sourced internationally.

That doesn't sound like USA to me. Fact is, as most of us know, buying completely made in America is not often possible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2018

  1. 1000-3
Our formerly proud and strong nation is fast becoming just one more third world country with massive corruption by senior politicians above the law occurring openly without fear of prosecution, major fraud in elections, a dishonest propaganda media in the model of Pravda distorting every event, hiding official corruption, and slandering honest candidates, lawlessness and violence in the streets, and a dying economy.

The Klintons, nObamas, and Bitemes make Lyndon Johnson look like a somewhat honest politician.

We're swirling around the toilet drain and at least a third of Americans love FJB and think he's doing a good job.
I agree that our nation used to be strong and proud, however i respectfully disagree with how we got here.
I'm a retired Toolmaker and have worked hard all my life to obtain the things i needed and most of what I wanted. Some may say thats the Republican way, and thats fine, Everybody wants to categorize people to "know where they are coming from". A republican Im not.
I also in my time have not only taken advantage of Unemployment benefits, but have at times stopped to help someone in need(and sometimes learned I got snookered) A democrat I'm not.
But back on point......It is known that the USA was built by hard working, industrial, talented men with some level of foresight(these are attributes the gop was formed on) BUT then the line between Capitalism and Greed got way blurred and many people with these commendable attributes started taking advantage of the new high water mark. After decades of sending all our needs and wants to be fulfilled by china in the name of short term gains. As far as liberals acting up, there are just more Broke people these days. Its better to have a low income set of people than a no income set. Our nation has suffered immensely because of Greed and I think we all agree if its not reigned in very soon it's game over as we know it. Enough politics.....
Sorry for the rant, I just wanna get a new Pioneer and go play in the woods


I visited a big Trade Fair in China a few years back to try and actually find some original OEMs in China.
A few important issues came to light.

Firstly, most people may not know that for every true OEM in China, there are 10 Chinese "exporters" who claim to be OEMs to unsuspecting buyers in the west. That is, these "exporters" are just middle men between the true OEM and buyers/importers in USA and other western countries who believe they are buying "direct from the manufacture".

Think of something you buy at your local shop/reseller/dealer for, say, $100.
Now think of the supply chain this item and the money-trail may have had to pass through: the real OEM, the pretend OEM, the Chinese exporter, the shipping/freight company, the USA importer, the wholesaler, the interstate freight company, the local reseller, then finally you as the end-user.
The reality question is how much did the employee of the real OEM actually get paid if every one in the supply chain/money-trail made a profit?
These days most people are buying online, so a lot of the "middlemen" in the above supply chain/money-trail are out of the picture. Buying online is somewhat cheaper, but a lot, lot more profitable for some of those still in the supply chain/money-trail.
Image now that the supply chain started and ended in the USA. Sure it would mean the end-user would likely pay a lot more for the goods, but those working on the factory floor would be paying due tax and not relying on social welfare, as they may do now. And the end-user would likely be buying a higher quality and longer lasting products.

Regarding quality, again while I was in China, I expressed my view a number of times that China products were deemed cheap, but low quality, by the majority of people in the west.
I was duly corrected by many OEMs, that China can make high quality products as good as any manufacturer can in the west. It is just that customers/importers in the west want to screw and expect everything to be as cheap as possible and to take advantage of cheaper labour costs. They were saying, don't blame the Chinese for low quality, blame the buyers in the west for driving down prices to make more profit off their country's customers, who also do not think long-term quality, but only short-term repeat business.
It was interesting to see the other perspective. Right or wrong?
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Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

  1. 1000-3

  2. Talon X
I agree that our nation used to be strong and proud, however i respectfully disagree with how we got here.
I'm a retired Toolmaker and have worked hard all my life to obtain the things i needed and most of what I wanted. Some may say thats the Republican way, and thats fine, Everybody wants to categorize people to "know where they are coming from". A republican Im not.
I also in my time have not only taken advantage of Unemployment benefits, but have at times stopped to help someone in need(and sometimes learned I got snookered) A democrat I'm not.
But back on point......It is known that the USA was built by hard working, industrial, talented men with some level of foresight(these are attributes the gop was formed on) BUT then the line between Capitalism and Greed got way blurred and many people with these commendable attributes started taking advantage of the new high water mark. After decades of sending all our needs and wants to be fulfilled by china in the name of short term gains. As far as liberals acting up, there are just more Broke people these days. Its better to have a low income set of people than a no income set. Our nation has suffered immensely because of Greed and I think we all agree if its not reigned in very soon it's game over as we know it. Enough politics.....
Sorry for the rant, I just wanna get a new Pioneer and go play in the woods

The great strength of the American way based on capitalism is that we are limited only by our own abilities and willingness to work hard. Everyone can become successful and live a comfortable life.

Our great weakness is that the capitalism causes the lame and lazy, those who are limited either by their lack of ability or work ethic, become envious, resentful, and one of our political parties tells those people their lack of success is the fault of those who work harder and produce more.

That same party attempts, instead of encouraging the lame and lazy to make better decisions, punishes the top producers with heavy-handed regulations and excessive taxation.

The word "greed" often implies that the wealthy have someway become rich by taking from the poor. I'm curious how that works. How can someone get rich by taking from the poor who have little or nothing?


Well-Known Member
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Sep 7, 2021

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon R LV
The great strength of the American way based on capitalism is that we are limited only by our own abilities and willingness to work hard. Everyone can become successful and live a comfortable life.

Our great weakness is that the capitalism causes the lame and lazy, those who are limited either by their lack of ability or work ethic, become envious, resentful, and one of our political parties tells those people their lack of success is the fault of those who work harder and produce more.

That same party attempts, instead of encouraging the lame and lazy to make better decisions, punishes the top producers with heavy-handed regulations and excessive taxation.

The word "greed" often implies that the wealthy have someway become rich by taking from the poor. I'm curious how that works. How can someone get rich by taking from the poor who have little or nothing?
I couldn't have written this any better.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
Gardnerville, NV

  1. 1000-5
I'm saddened and fearful for my adopted country (I'm a Brit import at age 7, Queen Mary, Ellis Island). Dirt poor, stepdad left mom with 5 of us to raise. We all seized the opportunities here and made a good life in our new home, and without a dime of welfare. Far less likely to have achieved that degree of success back in UK. America has changed a lot since then, and sadly not for the better. We are a good ways down that slippery slope of government dependency that started in earnest in the 60's. Illegals flooding our boarders is no accident and government dependency isn't either.

Ending welfare, which destroys the family unit, the foundation of our country, and deficit spending which can only end in economic collapse, is the only fiscally sound way forward.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jun 14, 2020
Daniels, WV

  1. 1000-3

  2. Talon X
Newcomers, emigrants who move to the United States are most often successful. They recognize the incredible opportunity this once great and proud nation offers and avail themselves of what is available to anyone who works hard and wisely.

It's a great tragedy and may end with our destruction that such a large percentage of our population choose at an early age to be losers and go through their miserable lives blaming the rest of us and the United States for their failure. The sorry, rotten, corrupt dumocrap party encourages them in order to get their votes.

Smooth Operator

Active Member
Apr 5, 2021
Usk, Wa

  1. 1000-5
I just picked up a Pioneer 1000-5 Forest in Spokane, WA. The dealer had two Forest Models, a Trail, and a Blue Deluxe 1000-5 in. I believe every one of these machines sold last week. I have been checking dealerships in the area for the last two years and always got the same story, "Give us a $500 deposit and you can wait 6 months. Then you get whatever comes off the truck." Well, I finally got lucky this week.


I just picked up a Pioneer 1000-5 Forest in Spokane, WA. The dealer had two Forest Models, a Trail, and a Blue Deluxe 1000-5 in. I believe every one of these machines sold last week. I have been checking dealerships in the area for the last two years and always got the same story, "Give us a $500 deposit and you can wait 6 months. Then you get whatever comes off the truck." Well, I finally got lucky this week.
You might want to post a pic before Remi arrives. 🤣🤣🤣


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021

  1. 1000-5
This pics or it didn’t happen doesn’t work with the Forest Camo model. That’s the point of camo.
it DID happen, you just can’t see that it happened!!! But it did!!!

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