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Greaseable johny joints last 50 times longer, and are rebuildable, to me coming as from jeep world, heims are a great way to cheap out
Johnny joints were made for the Jeep crowd who wanted a flexy suspension but not the vibrations involved with ultimate strength heim joints and that's all they are. Nothing magical and mostly made for the mall crawler crowd. Nobody in offroad racing including the rock crawler crowd is using Johnny Joints over high quality heims for the simple fact that they can't take repetitive impact at speed without killing the urethane inserts. Buy some FK XML Teflon lined heims and get back to me on the noise thing. They ain't cheap, but quality never is. I run and have ran those for years on race cars, offroad vehicles and now my SxS and I've yet to hear one squeek that isn't worn out from being in use for way longer than it should have been or abused in some sort of severe impact event like a crash. Bushings/joints are wear items and should be treated as such and replaced/rebuilt on a schedule. There is no magical heim or bushing sombody makes that is wear proof like some of you want to think. Race teams in offroad motorsports do what they call a "race prep" to the vehicle before every race where they strip it down completely to check everything and when they put it back together they replace every heim and bushing there is to replace in the suspension if they are still good or not.
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