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Sep 2, 2015

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I wouldn't care about any of the BS about MAP and overstock,, just like solrus is inplying. Forget all the excuses and give him a skid for the price he bought it for!!! Plan and simple.. Any good business with great customer service WOULD DO SO!!! I got lucky and a friend that made the 700 skid helped me out. No BS just someone that made a product helped out a customer//friend. Business owners should consider their customers as freinds.

What I'm getting in reply from SSS offroad : " Again . I did not cancel your order".

My reply : " Action that indirectly causes another action is still effective action. Hard to disagree with this logic.
Nobel seller would just end this by selling for the price he just indirectly aborted. No loss at all but respect and happy customer".

I did not get further reply after I asked him again how he wants to solve it , since now he has a chance ( of course now his attention was brought by forum thread), but before in our email communication BS MAP was stated multiple times, and he was not willing to lower price by a dime in original negotiation knowing the other web site price that I did not just blow up from my finger. NO REPLY.

I thought that the point about price matching would fly for moment in his head, God my witness, I pointed him many times before I posted this thread, he just ignored it and what more tells me now , that this is not just absence of salesman sense of the customer needs/problem solving solutions but this is simple attitude where customer is always wrong and should understand MAP.

As other person said : srethng : " MAP for most business are negotiable, the MAP price is the price the seller has to advertise at not the price he has to sell at. That being said the SSS OFFROAD could of negotiated a lower price and made the customer a lot happier. Most customers don't understand MAP pricing and apparently neither does SSS OFFROAD. My two cents worth."

Now I know , you guys know what a great customer care this company propagate .
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Pay to Play and I'm broke all around!
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I have always said that when I retire from my current job, that I was going to be a millionaire in three years time. People would always look at me weird and say how? and I would tell them that I was going in to business for myself and the only thing I am selling customer service!!!


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  2. Talon R
First, HondaSxS does not endorse SSS Off-Road.

Yet, we have gone out if our way and contacted both Solrus and SSS looking for resolution.

Here is our final thoughts from there feedback.
Overstock.com broke SSS terms in pricing. Once they were notified, Overstock chose to cancel the auction vs continuing the sale. It was unfortunate it happens so swiftly.

Overstock also gave a $40 credit that SSS would not incur. Therefore SSS should not be responsible for those funds.

Solris has chose to debate this with SSS when the issue truly lies with Overstock.

If SSS was to offer a compromise we would not expect it to be less then $467 approximately.

If there is a update we will be glad to allow the post.
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