Thanks guys. I’m reading all the installation documents tonight and plan to start tomorrow. Should be fun. I’ll do the plow mount first, then winch mount/ winch.
Did you have to remove the belly pan to run the wires from the battery forward?
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Bill, I bought my Pioneer used, it had the winch already installed. It will be simpler to install the mount and then add the winch. You will also know about the bolts that have the 2 nuts. I managed to tighten up everything with a long extension. The winch had a Honda decal, but the winch was marked Warn in several places. I had to grind a little off the winch guard, because it was putting pressure on the winch case. Whoever installed mine didn't make sure everything fit. I find the winch is a little fast for a smooth operation, with practice things get better.
Post pictures when you get it installed.