SLOWPOKE goes short course racing



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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
I had a BLAST this weekend! The new track and facility is top notch. The races are run like a circle track race with qualifying, heats and a feature for each class. Starts are rolling with cars lined up 2 by 2 and the leader setting the pace. This format is soooo much better than the land rush starts at Texplex IMO. Track was both fast and super technical at the same time. I loved it!!


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
Recap of Friday practice.......

Showed up on Friday at noon for practice with my buddy Chad. We got our cars prepped and got out on the track about 1:30. After about 4-5 laps of practice I started feeling comfortable and was driving race pace when I started hearing a clicking noise coming from the front. Pulled off the track, checked everything out and didn't see or feel anything wrong, Hmmmmm. Went back out for practice and in a lap or two I knew what the noise and problem was. The front ring and pinion that was damaged in my last crash finally decided it had enough and was self destructing little by little every lap. First thought was "welp, season is over, I don't have a spare front diff" so I just kept running practice laps until it grenaded and left me with only 2wd. Went back to the pits and was talking to another Honda racer about my problem when he offered to drive back to his house 1.5hrs away to go get me a spare front diff assembly, and said he would be back around 8:30pm. FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! Threw the car up on jacks and proceeded to pull the front apart to get the junk diff out...

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Guy got back around 9:30pm with the part and I was up until midnight getting it installed, but I was back in business!


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
Woke up Saturday morning, checked my work to make sure everything was tight and full of fluid, then test drove it around the pits. Once I figured out I was good to go I went to sign in for the races. Vet class only ended up having 3 entrants including myself so I was kind of bummed out. I've beat the other two guys several times at Texplex and kinda felt like the class wasn't going to be a challenge so I also signed up for the Sportsman class. That class was packed with fast 20somethings that all raced intermediate and expert class at Texplex so I figured I'd give it a shot and see how I stack up against the fast guys. Qualified #2 in Sportsman class and as I expected, #1 in the Vet class.

Went out for the Sportsman heat and had the battle of battles with another Honda racer who is super fast at Texplex. We must have swapped the lead 4 or 5 times during the course of the heat but at the end of the race I came out the winner by about 1/2 a bumper at the finish line.

Heat race for the Vet class was lame as expected. I led all the laps and won.... Meh


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
After kicking ass in the Sportsman heat race I was feeling confident about the feature race when we lined up. Fast guy in the Honda and another Honda racer snuck by me at the start but I regained 2nd spot going into turn one and proceeded to move right up to the heels of the fast Honda guy. I followed him for a lap or so seeing where he might make a mistake and allow me to get by. I was pressuring him the whole time but he wasn't leaving the door open at all so I had to do what I had to do to get by him. I kept getting a better run than him off the corner before the 80' tabletop jump so I decided to fully send it next lap and see if that gets me anywhere. It did, and I passed the dude in mid-air over the tabletop, it was f***ing awesome!!! I grabbed the lead and took off with him on my back bumper but unable to pass. Did a few more laps leading the race and took the white flag. About 1/2 way through the last lap I hit a series of bumps in one of the corners that sloshed the oil around enough to drop my oil pressure for a split second and the f***ung car shut off.... Fast guy passed me as I was pulling over to refire my car. It seemed like it took forever to start back up but nobody else passed me in that time. Got going again and took the checkered flag in 2nd.

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Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
Vet class feature race was lame, I lead every lap and won but really had no competition. Kinda felt like I bought that trophy by signing up to race. 🤣

I'll definitely be running the full series at Big O Speedway next season. I absolutely love that track and the way the races are handled by the track staff. They were all very professional and kept the show moving all day. It was a refreshing change of pace compared to racing at Texplex.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
Wow ! Good for you. When you win all honda riders win !

I'm like 99.999% sure a Honda won in every class this weekend except for the 170 kids class. One of the Pro guys brought his turbo Talon out for the Expert turbo race and spanked the turbo po-po's and canned hams in that class.


After kicking ass in the Sportsman heat race I was feeling confident about the feature race when we lined up. Fast guy in the Honda and another Honda racer snuck by me at the start but I regained 2nd spot going into turn one and proceeded to move right up to the heels of the fast Honda guy. I followed him for a lap or so seeing where he might make a mistake and allow me to get by. I was pressuring him the whole time but he wasn't leaving the door open at all so I had to do what I had to do to get by him. I kept getting a better run than him off the corner before the 80' tabletop jump so I decided to fully send it next lap and see if that gets me anywhere. It did, and I passed the dude in mid-air over the tabletop, it was f***ing awesome!!! I grabbed the lead and took off with him on my back bumper but unable to pass. Did a few more laps leading the race and took the white flag. About 1/2 way through the last lap I hit a series of bumps in one of the corners that sloshed the oil around enough to drop my oil pressure for a split second and the f***ung car shut off.... Fast guy passed me as I was pulling over to refire my car. It seemed like it took forever to start back up but nobody else passed me in that time. Got going again and took the checkered flag in 2nd.

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I wonder if you have an engine to frame ground issue. The only oil pressure sensor in the engine is for clutch line pressure. If its low it will shut the car off. On Pioneers when the engine ground next to the starter is stripped, the car will throw a code for high voltage on either clutch eop sensor. The sensors dont ground through the harness, Instead they ground through themselves.

Maybe check the engine mounted grounds.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
I wonder if you have an engine to frame ground issue. The only oil pressure sensor in the engine is for clutch line pressure. If its low it will shut the car off. On Pioneers when the engine ground next to the starter is stripped, the car will throw a code for high voltage on either clutch eop sensor. The sensors dont ground through the harness, Instead they ground through themselves.

Maybe check the engine mounted grounds.

Hmmmm..... I noticed my shifts were lazier than they have been with the new trans tune and that it felt like the clutch was slipping between shifts. Wonder if I wore out the clutch(s)?


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Jul 1, 2019

  1. Talon R
I wonder if you have an engine to frame ground issue. The only oil pressure sensor in the engine is for clutch line pressure. If its low it will shut the car off. On Pioneers when the engine ground next to the starter is stripped, the car will throw a code for high voltage on either clutch eop sensor. The sensors dont ground through the harness, Instead they ground through themselves.

Maybe check the engine mounted grounds.
I know from personal experience that the Talon will stay running (for at least a few seconds) when laid on the right side but will die at about a 45-50* on the left. When leaning to the left, the oil pressure drops and kills the engine and this is most likely because the pickup is on the right side of the sump. Weird design!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Tempe, AZ

  1. 1000-5
After kicking ass in the Sportsman heat race I was feeling confident about the feature race when we lined up. Fast guy in the Honda and another Honda racer snuck by me at the start but I regained 2nd spot going into turn one and proceeded to move right up to the heels of the fast Honda guy. I followed him for a lap or so seeing where he might make a mistake and allow me to get by. I was pressuring him the whole time but he wasn't leaving the door open at all so I had to do what I had to do to get by him. I kept getting a better run than him off the corner before the 80' tabletop jump so I decided to fully send it next lap and see if that gets me anywhere. It did, and I passed the dude in mid-air over the tabletop, it was f***ing awesome!!! I grabbed the lead and took off with him on my back bumper but unable to pass. Did a few more laps leading the race and took the white flag. About 1/2 way through the last lap I hit a series of bumps in one of the corners that sloshed the oil around enough to drop my oil pressure for a split second and the f***ung car shut off.... Fast guy passed me as I was pulling over to refire my car. It seemed like it took forever to start back up but nobody else passed me in that time. Got going again and took the checkered flag in 2nd.

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Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
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I can't thank RB3 enough for building the kick ass billet steering rack that helped put me on the podium (multiple times!) this season. It didn't let me down all year and was one of the main reasons my car finished ever lap of every race I entered in 2021. They make good stuff.... Buy It!

Another person I need to thank is Brian at 10-80 Dirt Sports! His custom low delete shifter plate worked out perfect for the racing I do. One cable adjustment when I initially installed it and that was it. Subtrans has shifted smoothly and without a single grind ever since. He's a good dude that I'm hoping to buy lunch for this winter when I head over to PPEI to get my engine tuned. 😁


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
Awesome shots!! Was that when you passed him in mid-air?

Middle picture was the pass, last picture was the next lap. I had a blast racing that guy. The heat race against him was epic and the feature race was the same way until my car shut off. Oh well, sometimes poop happens, that's just part of racing.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R

George at Double E Racing is SxS shock Jesus as far as I'm concerned. 😁 His tuning is the reason I feel comfortable sending it like I do. I haven't needed to make a single adjustment to my shocks all season and no matter what I throw at them they soak it up and beg for more. I've seen and raced against other shock tuners Talon setups and their cars don't fly or corner as flat as my car does. With proper shock setup these Talon R's are bad ass fast. 😎