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Comes with wrenches. I left it at factory setting. It’s kind of a pain and didn’t turn easy. Jack up and take weight off. Use a little lubricant.
Thanks. yes once their installed it's also very awkward to try to turn.Comes with wrenches. I left it at factory setting. It’s kind of a pain and didn’t turn easy. Jack up and take weight off. Use a little lubricant.
I was looking to get up another inch or so. which can be achieved with the vertex.No i didn’t notice a raise at factory. I wasn’t looking to raise mine. I’m more worried about being top heavy than ground clearance. I have new aarms and 30 inch tires.
How did the vertex shocks go for you?I did order front and rear vertex. I'll keep u posted!
I don’t ride on rocky terrain much but when I do like going to the old house and overlook at Tackett creek that’s where I noticed the biggest difference.They are night and day between the stock shocks. the bike rides so much better on rocky terrain. I'll usally ride them around 7 (medium) then on really rocky Terran dial it to one. (soft) and graise over the rocks. I haven't plowed yet but will dial it up 14 ,(hard) and see how it goes!