P1000 Rig Down!!!!!



Active Member
Dec 18, 2015
SW Missouri
All this talk over what is potentially a one time issue. Oh well, I guess I'll get back to work. Don't get off until 7pm.

I'm inclined toward this being a fluke thing myself. I never did find the nut and sheared piece of bolt. Last week I bought a brand new Viking for my 80 year old father to putt around on and I looked his upper over and at a glance it seems to be the same diameter bolt configured the same way. I know my old Rhino was that way as well and it had a far, far harder life than I will ever subject the any subsequent machine to.

Those things are built right, that front frame ear/gusset was subject to some extreme angles and it just didn't bend any that I could tell. The frame must be made out of unobtanium or something. The A-Arm looked overbuilt as well. It didn't suffer any damage that I could perceive.

My Honda dealer shop manager was told to order the parts today by HQ. He didn't specifically say it would be covered under warranty, but it will be nice if it is.

Here is a classic case of where a manufacturer has an opportunity to really shine. If Honda HQ says, "We got this, thanks for being a customer and we just want to get you back on the trail making other brands look shoddy ASAP!" then EVERYONE on here that has purchased a P1K is going to breathe a sigh of relief and go back to enjoying their awesome machine. ALSO, everyone here that is on the fence about buying one will most likely think "Hey, they really took care of that guy with the weird A-Arm issue, I'm pretty confident they'll take care of any weird thing should it ever happen to mine." and most likely have that warm fuzzy feeling about purchasing what is arguably the best trail riding SXS on the market as they load it on the trailer to take it home from the delearship.

Like it or not, lots and lots of other brand owners are absolutely at their wits end trying to get the manufacturer to warranty the simplest things. There will be a large migration of owners from the other manufacturer over the next 18 months. Who they migrate to will be the company with the best machine and the best customer support.

The SXS community as a whole is looking for a customer service after the sale void to be filled. I certainly hope it's Honda. Not just because I'm in a situation to benefit from it, but because I've owned nothing but Hondas and Yamahas the last 33 years sans one Polaris (my daughters pink 50, or "Little Pink" as she so affectionately refers to it) and I want to see Honda take a painfully large market share away from the other brand and show them why my 1978 ATC 90 still runs like a top.
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Active Member
Dec 18, 2015
SW Missouri
Another very interesting bit of information materialized today. Someone fairly high up at Honda is on this board and keeping account of failures people are having. I know this because the person my service manager talked to at Honda about the problem had already seen this post and was expecting it when it hit his desk.

I think that is a WONDERFUL thing for our community and for Honda. It lets us know our voices are being heard at the top level. That does several positive things for the consumer. It gets real world feedback in the hands of people that matter. Also, it justifies multiple failures of the same part get turned into a recall faster and more accurately. (Hopefully we won't see any of those)

It helps Honda immensely as well. They have a HUGE pool of information to pull from, not just a batch of test mules. Not to mention, the people swimming in that pool will feel like they are a part of the solution, not part of the problem like you know who.

That will make them want to Ride Red!

To whomever the "Secret Shopper" is out there. I'd love to converse with you regarding my rig should you have any questions regarding how it happened or why I chose to poll the audience on this board for information or assistance. Your privacy will be respected and nothing you say will be posted without your consent.

Email me with the P1K lug stud spacing to weed out spam and I'll send you my phone number.
citation417 @ gmail.com

Looking forward to hearing from you!
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2015
How would Honda not warranty this? I wouldn't even consider them not covering it. Your outcome could have been a lot worse. I'm somewhat hesitant to go 60+ MPH in mine.... Think if the same problem occurred at that speed!
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Jan 3, 2016
Chattanooga, TN

  1. 1000-5
I agree with him^^^ there's only a couple ways that bolt sheared right there, and they would all be a manufacturers defect.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2015
SW Missouri
Well, I got my rig back today! I did a quick test ride before I left and everything appears to be in order. I'll give it a good shake out this weekend. Warranty covered everything 100% which was very nice. I even asked for them to order a new bolt for the right side and I would pay for it, but they covered it and installed it for me. Way to go Honda! Nice to see your customers getting better treatment than...well, I won't mention the other brands name.

So far as I can tell, everyone on here that has had any sort of warranty issue has been taken care of without hesitation. I have a good friend that can't say the same thing about his ride (different brand).

Just wanted everyone to know that Honda really took care of me on this one, and I hope I never have to exercise the warranty again!