P1000 Rifles...



Sorry, kind'a got off topic here...

I got'm in Cedar but St.George is sure to have them, Cedar SW had a whole rack of them.

I wasn't born in Utah but my family has been here for ages. I've tramped all over the west especially Nevada and Utah...love it here and never get tired of exploring. Have a few friends in Kanab too.

One of the latest crazy things I did was go hundreds of feet underground in Nevada in an abandoned mine (which I NEVER do and HIGHLY DISCOURAGE!) with a old hard rock miner friend (who worked this mine and is STILL very familiar with it.) It closed in the mid 1970's and there is still a ton of stuff down there...including 8 cases of OLD dynamite and THOUSANDS of blasting caps. He was very comfortable there ('cause he worked it) but I just wanted to get the FUGG OUT.

Just a couple of photos...

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Heeeeeeeck NO!

Run away...

Ever since the Chilean miners, I kiss the stars good night.


Sorry, kind'a got off topic here...

I got'm in Cedar but St.George is sure to have them, Cedar SW had a whole rack of them.

I wasn't born in Utah but my family has been here for ages. I've tramped all over the west especially Nevada and Utah...love it here and never get tired of exploring. Have a few friends in Kanab too.

One of the latest crazy things I did was go hundreds of feet underground in Nevada in an abandoned mine (which I NEVER do and HIGHLY DISCOURAGE!) with a old hard rock miner friend (who worked this mine and is STILL very familiar with it.) It closed in the mid 1970's and there is still a ton of stuff down there...including 8 cases of OLD dynamite and THOUSANDS of blasting caps. He was very comfortable there ('cause he worked it) but I just wanted to get the FUGG OUT.

Just a couple of photos...

View attachment 45764 View attachment 45765 View attachment 45766 View attachment 45767
Awesome!! I wanna go!
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Old Ironsides
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Feb 13, 2016
Bay City, Michigan

  1. 500
When I creaked open that wooden cabinet door and saw those dynamite cases, I nearly soiled myself. I figured just one wrong move and that frigg'n mine was gonn'a be my grave...That stuff is no joke.

Adrenalin rush for sure.

Not even one stick for the 4th? :D


Not about the destination Its about the journey
Lifetime Member
Dec 10, 2015
Not concerned about the TNT, the caps however.