P500 Rear Panel- What are you using?



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Jun 16, 2016
Western Colorado

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Its pretty hard in western Colorado to do a 40 or 50 mile day and not get behind somebody. If we go with a friend and his Zippo we take turns in the rear. Unless we have a body condom we are pretty dusty. But it washes off or so I am told. I have tried every combination of the front and rear covers and still dust. Its not choking bad or anything but at the end of the day you can pretty much slap trail dust out of your clothes like you have been riding drag for the trail herd.

How fine the dust is has a lot to do with how it builds up. Any of your guys ever ride in a volcanic area like they have in California?


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Nov 25, 2015
Philipsburg, Pa.

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Lol...sometimes. I've had sand build up on the floorboard but nothing like rocmar's pic.
Maybe if you ride behind someone all day but. I guess it just blows through. :)
I've found that 1-2 bikes it's not that bad.....8-10 bikes you get dusty no matter what your riding or how you have it set up. I have the Honda roof/back panel combo. It opens in the U-shape like the pic Rocmar posted. I love it.


My EcoBoost has I4WD
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Jul 25, 2013
Shelby County, Alabama

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Its pretty hard in western Colorado to do a 40 or 50 mile day and not get behind somebody. If we go with a friend and his Zippo we take turns in the rear. Unless we have a body condom we are pretty dusty. But it washes off or so I am told. I have tried every combination of the front and rear covers and still dust. Its not choking bad or anything but at the end of the day you can pretty much slap trail dust out of your clothes like you have been riding drag for the trail herd.

How fine the dust is has a lot to do with how it builds up. Any of your guys ever ride in a volcanic area like they have in California?

If you do ride in volcanic dust, CLEAN it off often that stuff is incredibly abrasive AND it's so fine it'll clog your intake.