Political Rant thread

Who are you voting for?

  • Trump

    Votes: 38 92.7%
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  • Johnson

    Votes: 2 4.9%

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Chocolate is ending production in 4 months and didn't taste good anyways, there is no flavor other then types of vanilla. Other flavors aren't available for scooping so talking about strawberry makes the hostess look at you funny.

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She's looking at me funny because of what I did the rest of the Chocolate. That funny look is love baby ;-)


I said he was a successful governor. I see that you are unaware of Johnson's political positions. He's far more conservative than the average pro life GOPer. No president, never mind the party, in my lifetime has secured our border with Mexico, and as long as he/she comes from the establishment parties, they never will. You have to understand that big business has no use for secure borders. The many multinational corporations in America want the free flow of goods, money and labor across all borders, and both the democrats and republicans pander to big business. For all his blustery talk to the contrary, Trump will not build a wall, and he will not deport the 12 million illegals residing in this country.

One more thing, Donald Trump has been a liberal democrat his entire life. He only switched parties three years ago to run for pres. He'll disappoint you on the Supreme Court as well.

Who did he choose as his running mate... And what's his position on the 2nd amendment? You don't choose someone like Weld if you're a true constitutionalist!

On immigration..
Gary Johnson on Immigration


Montecresto el segundo
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Who did he choose as his running mate... And what's his position on the 2nd amendment? You don't choose someone like Weld if you're a true constitutionalist!

On immigration..
Gary Johnson on Immigration
Johnson's pro second amendment and he's running for president. And yes, Johnson opposes building a wall and deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Nobody's going to do that, it's not going to happen.


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Let's just agree on that buddy. I'm bowing out of this one because I am opinionated and I know others are as well and I mean no offense to others that have strong opinions as long as there is some sort of reasoning behind it rather then "this is pretty " it's very evident that we all agree against Hillary and that's great! This is still America people and even though our votes are a very small part of who becomes president it is important to get out and vote. Don't allow others to make your choice and b**** about it later!
This is a Honda site and I love Honda that's why I'm here. I'll debate about other things to a degree because of either informed decisions or personal experience beyond that I don't push the envelope. Thanks for allowing me to say my peace guys we all should be able to, have fun with this one no hard feelings anyone.

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A old fella told me one time to never talk politics with friends and family, it messes things up and everybody gets mad at each other.


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
A old fella told me one time to never talk politics with friends and family, it messes things up and everybody gets mad at each other.
That's true, most people lack self discipline and the ability to exchange views civilly.


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
So to the op. Decades of aggressive and belligerent foreign policy is the biggest threat to US national security. When the Soviet Union collapsed, the world watched to see what the sole super power would now do unchallenged, and the world hasn't been pleased. Increasingly Russia and China have opposed the US at the UN. immediately following Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq, blaming them for involvement in 9/11, both Russia and China began robust increased spending in their respective militaries. Both, while still far behind the US, dollar for dollar, are spending a greater percentage of their GDP on military.

During the "Arab Spring" Hillary Clinton sought Saudi support for military intervention in Libya. To secure that support, she had to look the other way as Saudi Arabia suppressed an equally democratic protest in Bahrain killing and injuring many Bahrain citizens because it wasn't in their interest to have a democracy on their border. Russia and China both reluctantly supported UNR 1973 authorizing the use of force in Libya to protect Libyan citizens, so long as the resolution was strictly followed. Yet as soon as the operations began, Russia complained that the targeting was consistent with regime change, something neither themselves or China supported, nor did UNR 1973 authorize.

Therefore, two years later, Obama dispatched Clinton three times to the UN to secure a resolution for the use of force in Syria, and all three times Russia and China said hell no, citing the abuse of UNR 1973 in Libya. Both countries have openly declared that a unipolar world is a threat to global security, and have vowed to seek a balance to it. I happen to agree that two or more super powers are better for global security as they balance each other.

This is the main reason I supported Paul, Sanders and Johnson. All three of which have articulated the abuses of US power and the resulting enemies it has created. And they would have, will, reduce America's global military foot print and transform it into a truly defensive force that no other country could touch. But they would end our belligerent and imperialistic foreign policy.

Obama went to Laos recently, the first American president to do so, and publicly acknowledged the illegal secret war that was waged on Laos from 1964-1972 resulting in the dropping of more ordinance than all that combined in WW11 and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Obama was widely criticized here for it. Yet it was the right thing to do. It doesn't fit American values to wage secret wars, it violates our constitution which gives the power to declare war to congress, and it weakens our moral standing in the world.
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Johnson's pro second amendment and he's running for president. And yes, Johnson opposes building a wall and deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. Nobody's going to do that, it's not going to happen.
His VP is anti gun... You don't choose a vp like that if you don't share some common ground! And some illegals need to be deported.. We don't just need to make it easier for them to become citizens or say it's ok!


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
His VP is anti gun... You don't choose a vp like that if you don't share some common ground! And some illegals need to be deported.. We don't just need to make it easier for them to become citizens or say it's ok!
Actually, he's not anti-gun
Bill Weld on Gun Control

Ronald Reagan was the first to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. It's not going to change, there will be no wall, nor deportations beyond what we already see.

Obama Has Deported More Immigrants Than Any Other President. Now He's Running Up the Score.


Actually, he's not anti-gun
Bill Weld on Gun Control

Ronald Reagan was the first to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. It's not going to change, there will be no wall, nor deportations beyond what we already see.

Obama Has Deported More Immigrants Than Any Other President. Now He's Running Up the Score.
Well, if he wins I hope you're right and I'll be the first to say I was wrong and I'll buy you a beer and a steak! I'm betting I don't have to worry about that though!


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Well, if he wins I hope you're right and I'll be the first to say I was wrong and I'll buy you a beer and a steak! I'm betting I don't have to worry about that though!
Haha, no betting. To my original point, if the 42% of American voters which register as independents (that's more than either democrats or republicans) were to actually vote independent, then he'd win hands down. The problem is that all those independents vote R or D. Until Americans dispense with that foolishness, we'll continue to have the same thing over and over.


Haha, no betting. To my original point, if the 42% of American voters which register as independents (that's more than either democrats or republicans) were to actually vote independent, then he'd win hands down. The problem is that all those independents vote R or D. Until Americans dispense with that foolishness, we'll continue to have the same thing over and over.
I don't disagree with that.. But choosing a canidate this time is like trying to pick up a turd from the clean end!


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I don't disagree with that.. But choosing a canidate this time is like trying to pick up a turd from the clean end!

I couldn't agree more! That right there is the most legitimate thing I've heard in awhile.
It's fun to read you and Montes posts! Lots of great information and a great debate going!

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Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
I don't disagree with that.. But choosing a canidate this time is like trying to pick up a turd from the clean end!
That's because you insist on making this a race just between Clinton & Trump. I just showed you how easily Johnson could be elected if Americans which are fed up with the two party system and have therefore registered as independents, actually voted independent!!! Tell me, what's the point in going thru the trouble to change ones registration to independent because your sick of your party, only to continue to vote for your party, hmm? This isn't rocket science.
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Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Still no Clinton votes, lol. That trips me out. I can't stand her, don't misunderstand, I just fail to see why the right doesn't like her. She's no liberal democrat, with Hillary we'll get the Keystone Pipeline, TPP, more gratuitous wars, she panders to Wall Street and special interest as well as the MIC!!! All things the GOP loves.
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  5. Talon X4
As usual, Americans focus primarily on domestic politics. But the world is changing, and changing fast. China's military build up is both a response to US global aggression, and to keep the US out of its business in the South China Sea. China has now developed missiles that will keep our aircraft carriers at such a distance that our planes couldn't launch attacks and return to their ships because of a lack of fuel. China has the most legitimate claims to the islands in the SCS.

Four years ago, Obama went to Australia and announced that he was stationing the marines there (the first US presence since WW11) in a display of force he said to let the WestPac countries know that the US is back in town, and we got your back in case China starts anything. Early last year, our defense secretary was dispatched to Vietnam, our enemy of 50 years, to patch up relations and ask for a lease on their naval base, the most suitable deep water port in the area because we'd like to place a fleet there for the upcoming conflict with China.

Presently, the US is building the largest military base in our history on the island of Guam. So it's not unreasonable for China to view US actions in the region as threatening. The problem is that the US is in decline, spread too thin, and borrowing money like drunken sailors to support our imperialistic ambitions.

Right now the Pentagons budget is just shy of a trillion dollars annually, yet let Trump and other far right republicans tell it and Obama has gutted the military!! Our nearest competitor is China at 220 billion (and growing) so we are outspending everybody by margins, and yet the GOP argues that we need to spend more!!! We have everything we need to defend ourselves, the problem is that we have a department of offense, an aggressive and belligerent military that doesn't respect the UN or international law and borders. Until WW11, we had the "War Department", thinking that sounded too aggressive, it was then changed to the Department of Defense. Imagine a Peace Department! But oh no, there's no money in that. This is why we need someone like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, or Gary Johnson. IMO

Pentagon Lays Out Challenge Posed by China's Growing Military Might

Why the U.S. Navy Could Be in Big Trouble: China Plans 351 Ships by 2020

Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers | U.S. Naval Institute

While Americans are fretting over Jose sneaking into our country to pick tomatoes, this is what we have developing!!!

And domestically, Americans run the flag up the pole and holler rah rah America, we're the greatest. Yet our engineers give all fourteen areas of our infrastructure a "D" !!!!!!!! Yeah, not even a B or a C, a D, third world status.
Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
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Mar 6, 2016

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Trump was a democrat until 3 years ago. He has supported liberal ideology all his life. He'll not be a good president.

Your right...... but then he woke up......and I mean he really woke up and now sees the illogic of the liberals. He's a heleva lot more conservative than Hillary.
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As usual, Americans focus primarily on domestic politics. But the world is changing, and changing fast. China's military build up is both a response to US global aggression, and to keep the US out of its business in the South China Sea. China has now developed missiles that will keep our aircraft carriers at such a distance that our planes couldn't launch attacks and return to their ships because of a lack of fuel. China has the most legitimate claims to the islands in the SCS.

Four years ago, Obama went to Australia and announced that he was stationing the marines there (the first US presence since WW11) in a display of force he said to let the WestPac countries know that the US is back in town, and we got your back in case China starts anything. Early last year, our defense secretary was dispatched to Vietnam, our enemy of 50 years, to patch up relations and ask for a lease on their naval base, the most suitable deep water port in the area because we'd like to place a fleet there for the upcoming conflict with China.

Presently, the US is building the largest military base in our history on the island of Guam. So it's not unreasonable for China to view US actions in the region as threatening. The problem is that the US is in decline, spread too thin, and borrowing money like drunken sailors to support our imperialistic ambitions.

Right now the Pentagons budget is just shy of a trillion dollars annually, yet let Trump and other far right republicans tell it and Obama has gutted the military!! Our nearest competitor is China at 220 billion (and growing) so we are outspending everybody by margins, and yet the GOP argues that we need to spend more!!! We have everything we need to defend ourselves, the problem is that we have a department of offense, an aggressive and belligerent military that doesn't respect the UN or international law and borders. Until WW11, we had the "War Department", thinking that sounded too aggressive, it was then changed to the Department of Defense. Imagine a Peace Department! But oh no, there's no money in that. This is why we need someone like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, or Gary Johnson. IMO

Pentagon Lays Out Challenge Posed by China's Growing Military Might

Why the U.S. Navy Could Be in Big Trouble: China Plans 351 Ships by 2020

Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers | U.S. Naval Institute

While Americans are fretting over Jose sneaking into our country to pick tomatoes, this is what we have developing!!!

And domestically, Americans run the flag up the pole and holler rah rah America, we're the greatest. Yet our engineers give all fourteen areas of our infrastructure a "D" !!!!!!!! Yeah, not even a B or a C, a D, third world status.
Engineers Give U.S. Infrastructure a 'D', Seek $2.2 Trillion in Stimulus: ASCE 2009 Infrastructure Report Card
You lost all credibility when you suggested Bernie Sanders as president!! Did you actually support him when he was in the race?


That's because you insist on making this a race just between Clinton & Trump. I just showed you how easily Johnson could be elected if Americans which are fed up with the two party system and have therefore registered as independents, actually voted independent!!! Tell me, what's the point in going thru the trouble to change ones registration to independent because your sick of your party, only to continue to vote for your party, hmm? This isn't rocket science.
Because it's not going to happen.. That horse joined the race far too late!


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I heard that if women couldn't vote a democrat wouldnt have been elctected president in the past 50 years. In related news 25% of women are being are taking medication for mental illness,that means 75% are going around untreated!:cool:
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