Guess I've got some problems to troubleshoot this Spring.
Took my Honda over to storage last night to put her away for the Winter. It turns out, I was stuck in 1st gear and had to creep the whole 5 miles at 10 mph to get it there.
It's flashing code 67, which indicates front vehicle speed sensor. I looked it up right away, determined that it wasn't going to hurt it to run as long as I kept the RPMs down, and just kept going to the storage barn. We have the blizzard coming in today, so I needed to get it put away.
I found one thread where one of our guys had the same code. They wound up replacing the whole ECM after a dozen tries at fixing it, I sure hope I don't have as much trouble.
All I can tell you about it is that the machine has been sitting for nearly a month since my last ride. My last few rides, it was having difficulty getting into 4wd, and I figured I needed to do some adjustments at the front diff. It did not have any issues shifting.
But now I think it all may have been related to this VS sensor, because last night it would never indicate 4wd when I switched it there, but it *did* go into 4-Lock and the display indicated it correctly. Pisser...
Hello Folks I have been a follower of this website for a very long time. I have used it often for learning important detail about the 1000 Pioneer. I recently had an issue with mine, a 2017 model. After riding for a couple of hours the speedometer would only register 0 and the unit would not...