Never take my guns!



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Village Idiot
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You noticed that too?
listening to the radio the other day they told me how 18 is too young to be responsible enough to buy a gun.
Then they told me how a bunch of kids went to the white house to tell us we don't need guns.

So which is it? Are they dumb enough to hurt themselves or smarter than me?
DG Rider

DG Rider

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Aug 14, 2013
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f*** those assholes.

It's a 2 pronged liberal attack: They bombard our kids from the 1st day of school with lib bulls*** and create self-centered, entitled, perpetually offended whiners who just can't deal with REAL life and start shooting up public places. Then they use that to try and push "gun control" as though that would matter. I've never been a member, but I'm thinking of joining the NRA just to show them how unimpressed i am with their tactics. More than a few on the left side of the isle that need to took out in the street and shot in the face...


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Taken out of context. He was speaking about the kid in Florida who had law enforcement called like 39 times. Also posted he wanted to be a professional school shooter. He should have been committed somewhere. If all the scenarios that played out with this kid where to happen again then the kid needs to be confiscated ....
Crusty knew that. He's a typical fake news, don't tell the whole truth, use the information as you see fit liberal. They see only what they want. Can't think logically or even think for themselves.


Montecresto el segundo
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Jan 17, 2016
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  5. Talon X4
Taken out of context. He was speaking about the kid in Florida who had law enforcement called like 39 times. Also posted he wanted to be a professional school shooter. He should have been committed somewhere. If all the scenarios that played out with this kid where to happen again then the kid needs to be confiscated ....

Donald Trump has indicated his support for confiscating firearms from certain dangerous people even if it violates their legal rights, in comments guaranteed to enrage a large section of his support.

In remarks almost unthinkable for a modern Republican president, he told senators at the White House to discuss general school safety: "Take the firearms first and then go to court.

"I like taking the guns early, like in the crazy man's case... take the guns first, go through due process second."

Well sorry, but this is illegal and violates the constitution. And the rats are jumping ship. Hicks is the latest domino to drop. After confessing having lied for the president. He has the heaviest turn over of any other president in decades at 34%. Reagan held the record before him at 17%. And the position he espoused yesterday isn’t helping.


The Great Bald One
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Oct 5, 2016
Bella Vista, AR

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Donald Trump has indicated his support for confiscating firearms from certain dangerous people even if it violates their legal rights, in comments guaranteed to enrage a large section of his support.

In remarks almost unthinkable for a modern Republican president, he told senators at the White House to discuss general school safety: "Take the firearms first and then go to court.

"I like taking the guns early, like in the crazy man's case... take the guns first, go through due process second."

Well sorry, but this is illegal and violates the constitution. And the rats are jumping ship. Hicks is the latest domino to drop. After confessing having lied for the president. He has the heaviest turn over of any other president in decades at 34%. Reagan held the record before him at 17%. And the position he espoused yesterday isn’t helping.

Bless your heart...


Montecresto el segundo
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Jan 17, 2016
Eastern oklahoma

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  5. Talon X4
Taken out of context. He was speaking about the kid in Florida who had law enforcement called like 39 times. Also posted he wanted to be a professional school shooter. He should have been committed somewhere. If all the scenarios that played out with this kid where to happen again then the kid needs to be confiscated ....
Btw, there are a few positions that Trump took early after this shooting that while not terribly significant would certainly be steps in the right direction. Banning bump stocks, expanded and more detailed background checks and raising the age limit for all gun purchases. I wish he could get strong bipartisan support in both houses of congress for that. But under any circumstances we don’t need a president suggesting that the law and constitution be subverted to address a very real problem in America that we all have a vested interest in. He won’t even find Republican support for that kind of precedent.


Not about the destination Its about the journey
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Dec 10, 2015
Btw, there are a few positions that Trump took early after this shooting that while not terribly significant would certainly be steps in the right direction. Banning bump stocks, expanded and more detailed background checks and raising the age limit for all gun purchases. I wish he could get strong bipartisan support in both houses of congress for that. But under any circumstances we don’t need a president suggesting that the law and constitution be subverted to address a very real problem in America that we all have a vested interest in. He won’t even find Republican support for that kind of precedent.

Bump stocks are range toys at best, could care less about them but I do feel that is a long slippery slope to start banning such things. So the age limit should be 21 for all guns? How can we justify that we can vote and serve the military at 18 just not own a gun? I believe pistols cant be bought from a dealer until age 21 anyhow and gun deaths by pistol is far more than the scary black AAAAAY AAAAARs. I do agree the the constitution should always be upheld though.

I can tell you as a medical provider our biggest problem is mental health. There is very little to nothing that we can do with patients that are mentally unstable. The support and staffing for mental health is scarce and most of the time they don't want to touch and individual that has significant problems. I mean sure they will treat a kiddo for adhd all day lots of money in that but some one that has schizophrenia or any other very difficult condition the standard answer is "Send them to the ER". At the absolute most it generally comes in the form of a 72 hour hold and with most that is not enough time to stabilize some one with such afflictions.

I don't pretend to have a solution but we need to look at what is causing this problem is it our society? Is it our lack of meaningful social groups and families and the overwhelming stream of social media? Does the continual coverage of a shooter cause lonely and depressed individuals to idealize the shooter and some how thing that although no one cares about them if they shot a school up at least everyone would know them then? I don't know, but banning a gun or a magazine wont stop these events, honestly even if you took all the Fully Semi Auto magazine bullet clips away how many are floating around in the US?

Now from law enforcement view point I have been on swat for over 6 years. We train and we train in schools during the summer exclusively. If you are in law enforcement and you don't know how to respond to an ACTIVE SHOOTER, stop what you are doing and ask your supervisor for training. Sitting outside and thinking about what to do next is not the appropriate response. Go in, go the the direct threat and eliminate said threat and don't stop till you or the threat is gone.


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Mar 14, 2017

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The "children" are so smart at 16 that "we must listen to them" and then in the same breath the same people are saying that those same brilliant children shouldn't have a gun until they are 21????????

So no drinking till 21.
No firearms till 21.
NO VOTING till 21.


I have a unique idea , let's just slap a bunch of warning labels allover these weapons. Something like NOT TO BE USED TO KILL HUMANS ! that should fix everything. Heck , it works on all the other product they put them on Right ?

Putting restrictions or making new laws will fix nothing. It's these a hole lunatic's that they need to fix !


I get paid to pass gas
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Jan 24, 2018
Carthage MO

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The "children" are so smart at 16 that "we must listen to them" and then in the same breath the same people are saying that those same brilliant children shouldn't have a gun until they are 21????????

So no drinking till 21.
No firearms till 21.
NO VOTING till 21.
21 to buy tide pods

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