King of Hammers 2021



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2017

  1. 500

  2. Talon R
Don't know if any of you watched the live stuff this year but the drone shots were amazing. The talons seemed to do really well compared to the X3's and such. My favorite part was when watching the live feed the live chat was running on the side. There was a lot of the me, my, and I guys tugging their own chains... but the best chat I seen was...

"The real question is what size tire can i fit on my pioneer stock?"

I don't remember who said it but I literally laughed out loud when I seen it. Wish I could find it to grab a screen shot. It was hilarious because it had nothing to do with what they were discussing, and of course was perfect timing, as that question always is.

Hopefully someone else on here saw it and laughed as hard as I did. EPIC!
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