P1000 Just an Idea?



Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2016
Tazewell Va

  1. 700-4


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
Is there a list of states where you can't drive a utv on the highway? In Arizona you can drive these thing where you want???


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
Ok, I will admit that my wife is the smart one in the family. After running the idea of flying to Chatanooga past her after a romantic dinner, I could see some concern in her expression, I, at first confused the concern for my safety on this monumental and heroic trip was cleared up when she started to speak.

My lovely bride first said "right now I can't believe I ever maried you"

Next, she got out pencil and paper and started writing numbers down, (I hate when she does that), then comes the questions.

You need to picture what I had to endure doing this conversation, we are sitting at the dining room table after getting home from a romantic dinner, I have on a sports coat and clean Wrangler jeans, she is still in her Carolina blue dress looking at me seriously over the top of her multi colored reading glasses (I didn't point out that her glasses didn't go with her dress)

The questions are short and to the point;
• Q What is a P1k-5
A Only the best sxs made!

• Q Why do we need a sxs?
A To go where no man has gone!

• Q How much?
A (This is where I use my thinking cap) Well, in Arizona they cost $20,000 for a Delux model, $19K for non-Delux. But in Chatanooga I can save $ thousands

• Q Why are they so much cheaper in Chatanooga?
A I don't know

• Q How much for a plane ticket to Chatanooga?
A I don't know yet (This is when I think I lost her support)

• Q So, you want to fly to Chatanoga, spend over $16,000 on a sxs and drive it back to save money?
A Yes!

• Q Soooo, how long does a P1K-5 non-Delux last, how many miles in the life span?
A (this is where I turn on the charm) For ever, just like my love for you!!!

I may have layed it on a little thick because she gives me that look over the top of her multi colored reading glasses, but this time with here left eyebrow slightly higher, and I know she is thinking "why did I merry you" but this time with the "f" bomb inserted

• Q Soooooo, you've told me at dinner that your new little friends on the internet that are experts on P1K-5's non-Delux tell you that the new tires that come on this, buggy, will need to be changed during your proposed trip, you will need 3 oil changes and it is not "technecly" legal to drive to drive this, this, "thing" on the road between Chatanooga and here?
A You are looking at this the wrong way!(Not only does her left eyebrow go even higher, but now she is tapping her pincil on the dining room table) NOT GOOD

• Q Soooooooo, you are telling me that considering the depreciation on this, this, this, thing, driving it 2000 miles, needing new tires, 3 oil changes, the risk of being arrested for driving it on the road, plus the cost of a plane ticket, food, gas, hotel rooms, you think this is a good way to spend your time and a way to save money?
A I was planning on camping out to save even more money

I know now at this time I do not have the full support of my wife. She has stopped tapping the dining room table with the pincil, and is now forcefully stabbing herself in the forehead with the eraser end of her pincil.

At this time, I would like to thank all of you for your support and recommendations about my idea. Please understand that I love my wife, but she doesn't understand what we must go through to get the necessities in life


Well-Known Member
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Sep 25, 2015

  1. 1000-5
I've been shopping for a P1K-5 here in Arizona for some time. All I can find is MSRP + this + that + other things and I am looking right at $19K just for the machine with nothing on it for a non-delux

So after looking at what everyone was getting their P1K-5 for in Chatanooga for, an idea came to mind.

I am looking at saving over $2000 if I were to go to Chatanooga and buy it there. Now if I were to pull a trailer with my F-250 all the way to Chatanooga I would eat up all my savings with gas and motels and food

This is my question, what do you guys think if I were to fly to Chatanooga, buy the P1K-5 and drive it back to Arizona?

I did this when i bought my Cummins. I got a ride to the dealer 9 hours away and drove my truck home. Not sure about a SxS though Lol!


Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2016

  1. 1000-5
Ok, I will admit that my wife is the smart one in the family. After running the idea of flying to Chatanooga past her after a romantic dinner, I could see some concern in her expression, I, at first confused the concern for my safety on this monumental and heroic trip was cleared up when she started to speak.

My lovely bride first said "right now I can't believe I ever maried you"

Next, she got out pencil and paper and started writing numbers down, (I hate when she does that), then comes the questions.

You need to picture what I had to endure doing this conversation, we are sitting at the dining room table after getting home from a romantic dinner, I have on a sports coat and clean Wrangler jeans, she is still in her Carolina blue dress looking at me seriously over the top of her multi colored reading glasses (I didn't point out that her glasses didn't go with her dress)

The questions are short and to the point;
• Q What is a P1k-5
A Only the best sxs made!

• Q Why do we need a sxs?
A To go where no man has gone!

• Q How much?
A (This is where I use my thinking cap) Well, in Arizona they cost $20,000 for a Delux model, $19K for non-Delux. But in Chatanooga I can save $ thousands

• Q Why are they so much cheaper in Chatanooga?
A I don't know

• Q How much for a plane ticket to Chatanooga?
A I don't know yet (This is when I think I lost her support)

• Q So, you want to fly to Chatanoga, spend over $16,000 on a sxs and drive it back to save money?
A Yes!

• Q Soooo, how long does a P1K-5 non-Delux last, how many miles in the life span?
A (this is where I turn on the charm) For ever, just like my love for you!!!

I may have layed it on a little thick because she gives me that look over the top of her multi colored reading glasses, but this time with here left eyebrow slightly higher, and I know she is thinking "why did I merry you" but this time with the "f" bomb inserted

• Q Soooooo, you've told me at dinner that your new little friends on the internet that are experts on P1K-5's non-Delux tell you that the new tires that come on this, buggy, will need to be changed during your proposed trip, you will need 3 oil changes and it is not "technecly" legal to drive to drive this, this, "thing" on the road between Chatanooga and here?
A You are looking at this the wrong way!(Not only does her left eyebrow go even higher, but now she is tapping her pincil on the dining room table) NOT GOOD

• Q Soooooooo, you are telling me that considering the depreciation on this, this, this, thing, driving it 2000 miles, needing new tires, 3 oil changes, the risk of being arrested for driving it on the road, plus the cost of a plane ticket, food, gas, hotel rooms, you think this is a good way to spend your time and a way to save money?
A I was planning on camping out to save even more money

I know now at this time I do not have the full support of my wife. She has stopped tapping the dining room table with the pincil, and is now forcefully stabbing herself in the forehead with the eraser end of her pincil.

At this time, I would like to thank all of you for your support and recommendations about my idea. Please understand that I love my wife, but she doesn't understand what we must go through to get the necessities in life
That was hilarious!!!


New Member
May 7, 2016
This is Buckshot's wife. I have just been made aware of this forum and its thread. I was, however, already aware of my husband's mid-life crisis. Some men buy a convertible sports car, and I suppose this souped up golf cart he wants is pretty much the same thing, only without the 20 year old blonde. Unless he was going to pick one of those up along the way when some young thing saw him blasting by at 45 mph and was impressed.
For the record, I am not against this purchase. I can borrow it to drive up to my yoga class in. But my reading glass always match my outfit. A girl's gotta keep herself up in case her husband runs off with a Chattanooga hussy...


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Sep 25, 2015

  1. 1000-5
Mrs Buckshot. I suggest a nice White P1k5 to sooth the crisis and deflect the Arizona heat. :)


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
This is Buckshot's wife. I have just been made aware of this forum and its thread. I was, however, already aware of my husband's mid-life crisis. Some men buy a convertible sports car, and I suppose this souped up golf cart he wants is pretty much the same thing, only without the 20 year old blonde. Unless he was going to pick one of those up along the way when some young thing saw him blasting by at 45 mph and was impressed.
For the record, I am not against this purchase. I can borrow it to drive up to my yoga class in. But my reading glass always match my outfit. A girl's gotta keep herself up in case her husband runs off with a Chattanooga hussy...
Oh no, now she has found my escape from normal every day life


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
Oh no, now she has found my escape from normal every day life
You better hope she doesn't start getting the other wives involved on here, all the posts about I bought this and don't know what to tell the wife when the boxes show up kills me already. This may get just as much drama as facebook LMAO. I'll have to add a marital discourse section to all those suffering from H.A.D. and have a spouse with no sympathy for it.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
You better hope she doesn't start getting the other wives involved on here, all the posts about I bought this and don't know what to tell the wife when the boxes show up kills me already. This may get just as much drama as facebook LMAO. I'll have to add a marital discourse section to all those suffering from H.A.D. and have a spouse with no sympathy for it.
The circles my wife runs in will never cross the utv community, that is only if a utv driver doesn't hit a tree one of her friends happens to be hugging.

A series of code words for accessories may need to be developed to cover our tracks?


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4
The circles my wife runs in will never cross the utv community, that is only if a utv driver doesn't hit a tree one of her friends happens to be hugging.

A series of code words for accessories may need to be developed to cover our tracks?
You really don't think before speak do you? But if she is posting on here, she is reading on here how exactly would this "secret code" work? :p Just messing with you. :D I'm sure you will figure it out or she will tell you, what is what. ;)


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
You really don't think before speak do you? But if she is posting on here, she is reading on here how exactly would this "secret code" work? :p Just messing with you. :D I'm sure you will figure it out or she will tell you, what is what. ;)
I have turned her attention away from utvs to the elections, local, state, and national. This should keep he busy until a secrete code can be developed


Well-Known Member
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Jan 23, 2016
Little Rock, Ar

  1. 1000-5
I bet there are enough members on the forum spread out throughout the south that we could do an assembly line type of thing in order to get it homee. Might take a few days, but each person drives 100 miles or so to the next person until its gets to AZ! I am in Little Rock, Ar so if someone gets it this far I'll get it to Texarkana!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
I bet there are enough members on the forum spread out throughout the south that we could do an assembly line type of thing in order to get it homee. Might take a few days, but each person drives 100 miles or so to the next person until its gets to AZ! I am in Little Rock, Ar so if someone gets it this far I'll get it to Texarkana!
Not a bad idea, but before it got back to AZ, the poor thing would probably visit 41 of the 50 states?


Honda Fanboy
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Jan 6, 2016
Middle TN

  1. 1000-5
I bet there are enough members on the forum spread out throughout the south that we could do an assembly line type of thing in order to get it homee. Might take a few days, but each person drives 100 miles or so to the next person until its gets to AZ! I am in Little Rock, Ar so if someone gets it this far I'll get it to Texarkana!
That there is one heck of an idea!!! That would definitely work. I'm in for a leg.