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You can Email or call Grant at Turn Pro and he will gladly answer any questions. great guy to work with.I’m running the Turnpro horn/hazard/blinker kit for a ‘23 1000-6 tonight and have a couple of questions.
I’ve run the “rear harness” from the front (have it currently zip tied right at the spare battery hole), following the factory harness down the passenger side, then cuts over to the driver side right before the motor, then up to the rear gate of the unit. Being sure to follow the factory harness the entire way.
My confusion is that the instructions located below seem to show the driver side factory taillight plug being pulled under the dump box to make the connection to the plug and play module. However there is also a video (next link below) specific to ‘22+ where it appears he tucks it into the box housing right behind the taillight. The harness I have is 1-2’ short to be able to reach the taillight housing, but would reach the module without issue if it’s truly to be mounted under the box.
Where should I mount the rear plug and play module on a 2023 1000-6? Any concerns with the elements getting to the module if mounted under the box versus inside the taillight housing? Should’ve I started stringing the “rear harness” from a point closer to the back? The instructions on their site aren’t bad, but leave out info on where to actually mount/start when installing.
Thanks a lot!