P1000 Help: Pioneer 1000 dies after it reaches normal operating temperature!



Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Mar 3, 2016
North East MO

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X LV
Wow so far so good!
It has not died a single time all weekend I am going to consider it fixed!
Not a bad repair, sandpaper and a little aggravation and we are good to go.
Thanks for a informative Forum and all it's supporters!!!!
Now if I could fix my engine knock that easily, off with the head and inspection of the pistons is next Saturdays project.


New Member
May 21, 2020
Baja sur

  1. 700-4
Thank god there’s hope , having similar issues with my 2019 1000 10,000 miles, here in Baja pulling my hair out , checking grounds ,connectors , sensors etc but will focus on shift control motor now
My machine runs like a champ until coming up to operating temp about 5 miles down the beach and die, restart immediately put in gear shows
D and clunk engages but rpm goes up but machine doesn’t move .let it sit 5 minutes put it in gear away I go for a mile a die repeat until I limp back to casa .
Only difference in my case is an E will replace the D just before it dies and if I keep the rpm up it will continue to run until I let of throttle and it dies.
I will remove check clean the shift motor , any other thoughts?