H.F.A.W.H.A. meeting



I get paid to pass gas
Lifetime Member
Jan 24, 2018
Carthage MO

  1. 1000-5
Cheers all 174317cd607a66614a971c00cd6ae902

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Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
Dang...totally missed the meeting tonight. Felt like 10lbs of s*** in a 5 lb bag when i got home from riding today. Was an invalid until about 2 hours ago. Blah!

Actually, there is a grain of truth to this story...kinda. Not from me...I'd probably never reveal something like that if it did happen, but i was busy texting a buddy from back in AZ today when i posted this.

Years ago he (AZ buddy) related a story about being a bit naive in his younger days. Back in his late teens, he liked a certain group (british new wave, i guess would be the term) and the lead singer who went on to have a solo career. At one point he went to a concert by the now solo lead singer. He related that when he walked in...he kinda noticed that there weren't that many women there, but didn't think too much of it at the time.
Then, during the concert, he noticed roses being thrown up on the stage...but the real eye opener was when he noticed who was throwing them; not the few women in attendance, but MEN!

At that point, a beam of enlightenment shined down on his forehead, and he realized this guy was gay! Opppps!
The guy in concert was the artist Morrissey. For the record, i think he claims to be bi-sexual, but as Andrew Dice Clay once said, either you suck dick, or you don't suck dick!

So i did what any friend would do...related the story in my last post, to which my buddy said "really?". Then i revealed the name of the fictional band, and he realized i was f***ing with him. He gave me a mocking "YUK! YUK! YUK!" and one fingered salute, then walked away...

Hey, what are friends for?
As I was reading this I thought, this sounds like the Smith's and yes, Froo Froo Morrisey. I liked some of the Smith's tunes in the 80's but that guy is an extreme leftist turd plunger!
DG Rider

DG Rider

Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
Aug 14, 2013
Casa Grande, AZ

  1. 700-2
As I was reading this I thought, this sounds like the Smith's and yes, Froo Froo Morrisey. I liked some of the Smith's tunes in the 80's but that guy is an extreme leftist turd plunger!
I've prob heard one of their/his songs and might recognize it if played, but just didn't know who played it. Other than that, can't name one song.