P1000m5 DIY Minimalist Mud Flaps: <$50



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2018

  1. Do not currently own
All I can say is keep posting the ideas and improvements and I will keep saving money. Lol.

I am one to look at products and make my own anyway. Poor folks have poor ways. And if I can come up with an idea that can help someone then that's even better. It's all about helping your friends and sharing ideas. I understand the whole making money while you can but I've always been one to help people when I can. Maybe that's why I'm poor folk stuck in poor ways. Wouldn't have it any other way.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

  1. 1000-5
All I can say is keep posting the ideas and improvements and I will keep saving money. Lol.

I am one to look at products and make my own anyway. Poor folks have poor ways. And if I can come up with an idea that can help someone then that's even better. It's all about helping your friends and sharing ideas. I understand the whole making money while you can but I've always been one to help people when I can. Maybe that's why I'm poor folk stuck in poor ways. Wouldn't have it any other way.

That's what we're all here for: to help each other along. Couldn't have said it better myself!


New Member
Dec 5, 2020

  1. 1000-3
I'm fairly certain this was either 3/8 or 1/2 inch too. That's those Illinois taxes for you!

@JTW I remain intrigued....o_O....

Y'all gotta be careful tho, you already ruined the door bushing business, if we cut the fender flare people out folks are gonna stop making products for the Pioneer just to have forum members knock them off!

That being said, I re-iterate that I had no photos or instructions from the Mud Busters or any other fender flare. Just an idea and a little time on my hands. Turned out too good and too cheap not to share. I have certainly reaped the benefits of other members detailed project info (back up lights, tire size info, etc).
I know this has been done before (@GlockMeister and @ohanacreek were the builds that I found while searching), but I wasn't able to find a good "parts list" or detailed instructions, so I tried to keep a record while I was going (back and forth to Menard's to swap fasteners:D).

A little background about my goals for the project:

I almost pulled the trigger on a set of Mud Busters over Christmas, but I didn't want quite as much coverage as they offered on the outside (running factory wheels), and I couldn't bring myself to spend $150 dollars on the rear set and then take a Dremel to them. I store a lot of stuff in the foot well of the back seats during longer rides, and it never fails that its soaked or stuffed with mud when I’m done for the weekend. I’ve also noticed that the underside of the bed on the 1000-5 has 100k little nooks and crevices that all hold mud, so I thought a set of mud flaps might prevent a bit of that and speed up the clean up process as well.

That thought process lead my to these three goals:

  1. Created a decent looking set of rear mudflaps the size I wanted for <50 dollars (sweet spot on mods IMO)

  2. Cover the front of the wheel-well as to not suck mud in the rear seat foot wells.

  3. Retain a factor-ish look.
So off to Menards I went with a dream and a 50 dollar budget. The big question mark was the cost of the HDPE. I had to special order this sheet, but I ended up with a 4x8 foot sheet of 1/8th inch HDPE for 27 dollars on sale. You can get smaller chunks, but I had a homemade roof for the front of the Pioneer on my mind (mods < 50 bucks are quickly becoming my preferred form of entertaining myself on the weekends when its too cold to ride), so I went with the bigger chunk. Honestly, wasn't that much more than buying several smaller sheets.

It took several trips back and forth before I landed on this parts list, but I think it will be most helpful to have the complete list in one place, so here it is:

6x #10 sheet metal screws ¾ inch $0.82

6x fender washer for #10 screws
(I want to say 7/32 inside diameter is what I settled on but its easy enough to find the correct washer with screw in hand at the store) $1.60

4x ¼-20 1 ½ inch elevator bolt $2

4x ¼-20 nut $2 (intended to use nylon nut but ended up using standard nut/locktite as nylon nut required to much grip on the elevator bolt to seat)

4x ¼ inch ID fender washer $1.60

6x factory plastic clips $2

1x 4x8 ⅛ inch HDPE sheet $27

2x factory door bushings $0
(thanks again to @Montecresto, @OleRed and @Cuoutdoors)

So I was at 37 dollars in material (probably closer to 20 if you take into account the sheet was mostly left over for my roof project). Note that Menard's charged a 15 dollar "special delivery" fee for the HDPE, but refunded it in full when I returned the two pieces of plywood the HDPE sheet came sandwiched in. Very pleased with this.

Next it was time for a little cardboard mock up:

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Here are the "final" measurements that I came up with.

For the top piece:

View attachment 104153

And for the "front" piece:

View attachment 104152

Note that the "top" piece took a little extra trimming to fit properly around the frame once the HDPE was used, so I left out specific measurements up there. I also don't know if the "frame hole" on the front piece was entirely necessary after mounting, but its easy enough to make adjustments with a dremel after mounting. The big measurements to pay attention to are the length and width of the pieces. Of course if you wanted to go wider, you could always go > 10.75 inches.

After I had the mock ups, I measured and made cuts with a jigsaw, a table saw and a dremel. I recommend doing as much work on the table saw as possible: it was by far the easiest and cleanest to work with.

View attachment 104154

Note the sanding block to clean up the edges. A little massaging with the heat torch to put an angle in the "front piece" where the wheel well bends and we were ready for install.

Each piece has 4 mounting points.

The "top" piece mounts in the frame of the bed with 3 #10 metal screws (predrill 1/8th inch pilot holes), and 1 factory clip mounted in the dip where the seat latch drops into when they are down. As others have said, I like the 5/16 drill bit when installing factory clips rather than the recommended 3/8 for a snugger fit.

View attachment 104155

The "front" piece mounted up with 2 of the elevator bolts in the "step", if you will, and then two factory clips up in the fender. Location is hard to describe for these so I tried to take good pictures.

Note I used two pieces of re-purposed factory door bushing as spacers for the elevator bolts. The slightly larger piece goes on the inside (toward the motor) to keep the fender flare oriented properly.

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I think the best way to make sure everything lines up is to mount the bottom two elevator bolts temporarily to set the width and height of the bottom piece, and then have a 2nd person hold the piece straight and tight to the inner fender while drilling pilot holes with a 1/8 inch bit through both the fender and fender flare. 1/8 inch bit is much easier to get through- but watch your fingers as it would be easy to go through both fenders and a hand if you weren't careful.:eek:

You can see I played around with painting some of the hardware black. You can't even spot the elevator bolts unless you are RIGHT up on them, and the clips look to be factory from the top. That was another goal I suppose- to be able to remove them if I wanted and not look like a complete cob-job.

I also had to trim a little triangle off the bottom piece to make the two flow together when closed, but very minimal and again, this stuff is super easy to adjust with a dremel tool and couple cutting wheels.

The last thing I did was round a few of the sharp corners to smooth out the look. All in all I'm super happy with how it turned out.

Here's a few of the final product:

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Nice got my wheels turning. What tooth blade did you use to cut this on the table saw & did you have to change the blade rotation?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

  1. 1000-5
Nice got my wheels turning. What tooth blade did you use to cut this on the table saw & did you have to change the blade rotation?

I have no idea. Whatever kind of blade we use for lumber. It's pretty easy to clean up with a few swipes of some 180 grit sandpaper (takes any burs right off).

No changes to the way the blade was running- just sent it right on through.


Jan 18, 2021

  1. 1000-5
I know this has been done before (@GlockMeister and @ohanacreek were the builds that I found while searching), but I wasn't able to find a good "parts list" or detailed instructions, so I tried to keep a record while I was going (back and forth to Menard's to swap fasteners:D).

A little background about my goals for the project:

I almost pulled the trigger on a set of Mud Busters over Christmas, but I didn't want quite as much coverage as they offered on the outside (running factory wheels), and I couldn't bring myself to spend $150 dollars on the rear set and then take a Dremel to them. I store a lot of stuff in the foot well of the back seats during longer rides, and it never fails that its soaked or stuffed with mud when I’m done for the weekend. I’ve also noticed that the underside of the bed on the 1000-5 has 100k little nooks and crevices that all hold mud, so I thought a set of mud flaps might prevent a bit of that and speed up the clean up process as well.

That thought process lead my to these three goals:

  1. Created a decent looking set of rear mudflaps the size I wanted for <50 dollars (sweet spot on mods IMO)

  2. Cover the front of the wheel-well as to not suck mud in the rear seat foot wells.

  3. Retain a factor-ish look.
So off to Menards I went with a dream and a 50 dollar budget. The big question mark was the cost of the HDPE. I had to special order this sheet, but I ended up with a 4x8 foot sheet of 1/8th inch HDPE for 27 dollars on sale. You can get smaller chunks, but I had a homemade roof for the front of the Pioneer on my mind (mods < 50 bucks are quickly becoming my preferred form of entertaining myself on the weekends when its too cold to ride), so I went with the bigger chunk. Honestly, wasn't that much more than buying several smaller sheets.

It took several trips back and forth before I landed on this parts list, but I think it will be most helpful to have the complete list in one place, so here it is:

6x #10 sheet metal screws ¾ inch $0.82

6x fender washer for #10 screws
(I want to say 7/32 inside diameter is what I settled on but its easy enough to find the correct washer with screw in hand at the store) $1.60

4x ¼-20 1 ½ inch elevator bolt $2

4x ¼-20 nut $2 (intended to use nylon nut but ended up using standard nut/locktite as nylon nut required to much grip on the elevator bolt to seat)

4x ¼ inch ID fender washer $1.60

6x factory plastic clips $2

1x 4x8 ⅛ inch HDPE sheet $27

2x factory door bushings $0
(thanks again to @Montecresto, @OleRed and @Cuoutdoors)

So I was at 37 dollars in material (probably closer to 20 if you take into account the sheet was mostly left over for my roof project). Note that Menard's charged a 15 dollar "special delivery" fee for the HDPE, but refunded it in full when I returned the two pieces of plywood the HDPE sheet came sandwiched in. Very pleased with this.

Next it was time for a little cardboard mock up:

View attachment 104150 View attachment 104149 View attachment 104148 View attachment 104151

Here are the "final" measurements that I came up with.

For the top piece:

View attachment 104153

And for the "front" piece:

View attachment 104152

Note that the "top" piece took a little extra trimming to fit properly around the frame once the HDPE was used, so I left out specific measurements up there. I also don't know if the "frame hole" on the front piece was entirely necessary after mounting, but its easy enough to make adjustments with a dremel after mounting. The big measurements to pay attention to are the length and width of the pieces. Of course if you wanted to go wider, you could always go > 10.75 inches.

After I had the mock ups, I measured and made cuts with a jigsaw, a table saw and a dremel. I recommend doing as much work on the table saw as possible: it was by far the easiest and cleanest to work with.

View attachment 104154

Note the sanding block to clean up the edges. A little massaging with the heat torch to put an angle in the "front piece" where the wheel well bends and we were ready for install.

Each piece has 4 mounting points.

The "top" piece mounts in the frame of the bed with 3 #10 metal screws (predrill 1/8th inch pilot holes), and 1 factory clip mounted in the dip where the seat latch drops into when they are down. As others have said, I like the 5/16 drill bit when installing factory clips rather than the recommended 3/8 for a snugger fit.

View attachment 104155

The "front" piece mounted up with 2 of the elevator bolts in the "step", if you will, and then two factory clips up in the fender. Location is hard to describe for these so I tried to take good pictures.

Note I used two pieces of re-purposed factory door bushing as spacers for the elevator bolts. The slightly larger piece goes on the inside (toward the motor) to keep the fender flare oriented properly.

View attachment 104156 View attachment 104157 View attachment 104158

I think the best way to make sure everything lines up is to mount the bottom two elevator bolts temporarily to set the width and height of the bottom piece, and then have a 2nd person hold the piece straight and tight to the inner fender while drilling pilot holes with a 1/8 inch bit through both the fender and fender flare. 1/8 inch bit is much easier to get through- but watch your fingers as it would be easy to go through both fenders and a hand if you weren't careful.:eek:

You can see I played around with painting some of the hardware black. You can't even spot the elevator bolts unless you are RIGHT up on them, and the clips look to be factory from the top. That was another goal I suppose- to be able to remove them if I wanted and not look like a complete cob-job.

I also had to trim a little triangle off the bottom piece to make the two flow together when closed, but very minimal and again, this stuff is super easy to adjust with a dremel tool and couple cutting wheels.

The last thing I did was round a few of the sharp corners to smooth out the look. All in all I'm super happy with how it turned out.

Here's a few of the final product:

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Yep definitely doing this. Plus the fact that it was done by hand with a little ingenuity makes it that more awesome! Great post and looks awesome.


May 15, 2021

  1. 1000-3
Great job on the rear mud flaps. I'm late to this conversation; I found it looking for some ideas for flaps. I have a 2021 1000-3.

Has anyone employed a similar solution to reduce the amount of mud getting on the windshield from the front tires? Like already mentioned in this discussion, clean water is limited on a ride. Do OEM fender flares provide any relief? I was lucky on this ride there were some puddles to go through but then realized a waterfall of water came in the cab from under the dash area - discussion on this another time.
IMG 20220111 133822

Thanks in advance.
IMG 20220111 133854


Active Member
Lifetime Member
Oct 13, 2021

  1. 1000-5
I've got the SE, so it comes stock with the front flares. The first time I took the Pioneer up to our ridgetop, the back was covered in mud. The front flares caught almost all of the mud from the front tires.

I added the MudBuster XLs to the rear and that seems to have stopped the majority of stuff coming off of the back tires.


May 15, 2021

  1. 1000-3
I've got the SE, so it comes stock with the front flares. The first time I took the Pioneer up to our ridgetop, the back was covered in mud. The front flares caught almost all of the mud from the front tires.

I added the MudBuster XLs to the rear and that seems to have stopped the majority of stuff coming off of the back tires.
Great input, thanks.


Active Member
Lifetime Member
Oct 13, 2021

  1. 1000-5
Here's a pic of the "spray" pattern on the front of the Pioneer with the front fender extensions.

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Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Feb 11, 2018
Ashland, Ohio

  1. 1000-3
I’m not so worried about the front end mud, but I’m working on the rear end mud!

F1CF82B1 7367 4E4F 8427 9E8AC9CD714C
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2021

  1. 1000-5
I just ordered the mudbusters, should arrive by the end of the month
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Well-Known Member
May 30, 2018

  1. 1000-5
Great job on the rear mud flaps. I'm late to this conversation; I found it looking for some ideas for flaps. I have a 2021 1000-3.

Has anyone employed a similar solution to reduce the amount of mud getting on the windshield from the front tires? Like already mentioned in this discussion, clean water is limited on a ride. Do OEM fender flares provide any relief? I was lucky on this ride there were some puddles to go through but then realized a waterfall of water came in the cab from under the dash area - discussion on this another time.View attachment 312991

Thanks in advance.
View attachment 312990
Sorry for the late reply. My perception is that the windshield being dirty has more to do with water splashing up over the front of the machine then off the wheels. By the time it comes off the wheels it's headed back toward the side of the body. Imo front fender flares don't do much to keep water off your face, maybe off your arm.
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