I forgot to mention, when I took it to the dealer, it would start, run and shift until it got hot. Now it will throw a code immediately even if cold. When I picked it up, they drove it around to my trailer. I got in to load it, and it would die when you put it in gear. Had to have a few of their employees help me push it on the trailer. So now it's doing new things it wasn't doing before. They had if for so long and made me pay for two parts that didn't fix it so I just wanted to get it home and get the clutch out.
After taking the clutch to the dealer and have him put his eyes on it, I put the clutch back in with new o-rings and a new linear solenoid valve 38610-HL4-003. I tried initializing the clutch but still throws the same codes and clutch overheat light is on. In the very limited amount of time I have had to diagnose this, I'm at a loss. I put the rear end back together and tried clutch relearn again a few times, no go. Yesterday, loaded it up and took it back to the dealer. I was hesitant to take it back but Im at a loss and they are already familiar with the issues.