So I went on 2ish hour ride. Lots of sugar sand so I had machine in 2wd and low for most of the ride. I noticed I started to bog down in some towards the end of the ride and switched to 4wd just to get through the sand then maybe 10 feet was on the road and took it back out of 4wd and into turf. A little bit after this just cruising down a hard packed trail next to the canal in low because I'm not going fast it suddenly seems like I am in neutral. I notice my warning light is on. After a second the machine starts moving and I go maybe 100ft to get off the trail and shut it down and let it cool for about 5 minutes then start it up and its fine. Was I doing something wrong? I am in swfl and it is hot. So hopefully the clutches are OK. First time I've had this light on and thought I should be in low when riding like this. I was only in 4wd for maybe 20 feet total. I did notice when I put it in 4wd to get out of the sand it was shifting kinda weird. So maybe just the hot weather?