Windrock this past weekend.



Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Nov 11, 2018
Leesville, South Carolina

  1. Do not currently own
So Yesterday my father and I (P700 and P1k) went to Windrock. It was my first time there and his 4th or 5th. but it was his first time riding with a partner. We rode on mainly green trails as I had my 5 year old with me and it literally rained from 1pm till we left but we were enclosed. I REALLY enjoyed the ride. and the Windmills were cool to see. My daughter never stopped talking about them and well she waved at EVERYONE haha as we all did but man she loved it. I will say we did not see many people trying out some of those red/black trails. But they looked ridiculous haha We will be back before the pioneer ride and hit some of the blue and black trails and see how they are.