TO observations

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2019

  1. 1000-3
Observations and things I learned at the 2023 take over.

To understand my perspective you must first know my experience. I’ve been a motor sport / gear head all my life. I’ve ridden in groups with Goldwings, trucks, dirt bikes, ATV’s, PWC’s, canoes and Kayaks even horses. Thats 50 years of group riding experience. I attend annual gatherings of like minded people to socialize and glean ideas, and help each other anyway we can. (One group generally has around 300 rigs, twice a year) I also have miles and miles of riding that doesn’t cost a penny, paying to ride goes against my nature but tolerable for the right place with the right people.

This is my wife and I’s perspective from what we encountered. I don’t need or want an explanation. I’m only providing this for the few who might actually give a sh!t.

1. Extremely disorganized. If you’ve attended multiple TO’s and know what going on and who people are, it helps. But for a new person, it’s chaos and a complete cluster f***. When we arrived on Fri. everyone was out riding as expected. However, we couldn't find anyone or any information about the events so we made a solo ride to TOW.

I looked at the tent / canopy area and didn't see anything posted about scheduling. So I learned there isn't much of a schedule.
Why couldn’t helpers all wear a bright colored shirt and hat to identify who they are, not NEEDED but make it easier for newbies. I asked Richard and he basically followed what was posted, but as y'all all say, it really just kind of a suggestion. Which he explains and he sends me to someone who should know, go to the person he said to go to and they say something different. Told we would meet at a certain point for a ride, they left from a different location & time so we were left behind. It's possible there were mistakes about who or what ride I was asking about... but thats kinda my point.

As I had spotty (to slow to deal withand constantly dropping when we did connect) service at the site using the forum wasn't an option. Saturday evening I believe I saw volunteers with grey shirts, I wouldn't have notice except Richard mentioned them at the raffle.

2. Group rides are a disaster. First group we went with was a night ride. The group split multiple times and went in different directions. Heading back home people left in different directions and split into multiple groups. Guide? There was no guide, or there were to many, Richard was on that ride, he told me one thing then the group did something else. Someone else tried to help and sent me down a black trail at night, which no one else took. After hauling ass down this trail until I could confirm no one else came this way, I had to turn around where there was no place to turn around.

Second group ride I was on has been discussed thoroughly in another thread. Side of the trail fighting biting flies for two hours +, never reached our destination. Every other group I’ve ever riden with has a recovery team designated prior to the ride. Groups need a lead, a drag and recovery team. Most groups standard were, 30 min to get’m rolling or it’s time for the group to go and recovery team takes over. I'm not talking about paid or sponsored anything, just people using basic trail etiquette. Any member of the ride could volunteer for the responsibility of any position or not. Generally I ride drag and do the recoveries, as this was a new location, I thought it best to leave this for someone who knows the area.

3. Band was decent / good and I enjoyed the genre they played.

4. I didn’t really care because I didn’t buy raffle tickets, but I heard multiple people complaining about the system used where they get to choose whatever prize they want. After a few top prizes were gone people started leaving. Just an observation, I don't do raffles but thought feedback may be useful, if y'all like it this way great, doesn't matter to me.

5. The wife and I made multiple attempts to meet people and interact Fri afternoon, Sat morning and Sat evening. We left feeling very unwelcome. After introducing ourselves providing my screen name introducing my wife, NOT ONE PERSON INVITED US TO JOIN IN ANYTHING… Not a ride, a meal, a drink, a chair or even a conversation… nothing. We felt like the third person on a date. We approach a campsite with folks sitting around, no one gets out of their chair to greet us, introduce ourselves they say hi but don’t introduce themselves. I’ve seen sooooo many post about how great everybody is on here… from my experience that not true. Maybe to the clicks they’ve already formed, but anyone else is an outsider and made to feel that way. At least thats the way we felt. (One guy, I can’t remember name, met on the trail when going solo to top of the world. Saw him in camp and he came to talk to us, nice guy cheerful and friendly. Still didn’t introduce anyone, or suggest any activity.)

I’m saying this only as a gauge to how we felt:

I attended a camping event where most everyone there is in a home made / self converted camper. School busses, box trucks, cargo trailers… etc. 95% of everyone there was hard core liberals. I’m hard core conservative. We felt so much more welcome by them than we did this group. Stop, take a breath and think about that.

6. I commented a little about my experience at the TO and the reply was I need to plan better if I’m going to travel that far and should stay longer. I planned based on the information posted in the forum which I’ve now learned is really just kind of a suggestion. (See #1) If you already know whats going on from multiple events, and know everyone I’m sure it’s easier. This was scheduled for two days, I was there both days. It felt like we were infringing on other people activities. (BTW RRB site plainly says check in NO EARLIER THAN 3pm, rides are scheduled for that morning, see any problems?) Until they knew I was self contained they were going to charge me for being there early.

7. I don’t know who the guy was, but I ask him if he was going on one of the group rides. He laughed and said “no, I ain’t riding with these folks, tried it, won’t go no more” and he drove away before I could ask anymore questions. So I'm not the only one who's had issues. Again, just an observation from my experience.

So this guy has attended multiple events and has came to the conclusion he’s better off riding solo with a GPS. What does that tell ya? Seriously, this isn't a bash session, try to stop and consider what I'm actually saying.

8. Location. The group was scattered all over the place. Trying to figure out whos with us and who isn’t was a pain. Of course, when everyone and every machine is covered in mud, that could happen regardless.

9. Meal tickets. These worked out well. My Sandwich was pretty good.

10. Haldog77 & Jackal are stand up good folks. They were patient and helpful, thanks guys.

For us, we didn’t get to see anything on a group ride. We went to the top of the world on Friday when no one was around. Thats it, that’s all we got to see. We sat and ate and tried to talk to people… nope. I burned a little over ½ tank of fuel. I’ve done more than that in my back yard.

Our goal was to get acclimated to the group, scout it out and decide if my brother (p700) and son in law (polaris ranger) and “partner in crime” (p-700) and a couple of other guys we ride with would want to attend. If it would be something my grandkids would enjoy. The kids looked like they were having fun and my grandkids would have a blast. But it’d be stupid to attend just for the grandkids.

The wife and I won't be back, lesson learned. Get a GPS for trails and avoid the group, just like the guy who drove off said. (see #7) Instead of blaming me for the whole experience try to consider my perspective. I planned and expected to meet some folks that enjoy the same things as me and see some new trails. Both were fails. Both the rides we went on were fails. I'm sure thats not the case for everyone but thats our experience.

After all this you may think I’mma big ole A-hole cry baby, you can think whatever you like. But I’m the new guy looking for a place to explore new trails, have a blast riding and meeting people who enjoy the same things. I don’t know, but how many people have the same experience as us and just walk away with no comment? I’ve seen several comments about people who don’t stick around. Our perspective is the groups feel like they’re big enough and they don’t want anyone else, and they could care less about growing this event.

Edited for clarification and additional info. (and removal of Modelo Negra influenced comments.)

Someone privately mentioned my service dog and they didn't approach us because of her. That is absolutely understandable. Everyone's experience with k9's are different, I'm not so cavalier as to try to tell them they are wrong for there beliefs. I could explain all about her and her training... etc. But that doesn't help anything or anyone. Their experiences are unknown to me and it would be extraordinarily rude for me to accuse them of having unjustified concerns.

That being said, if anyone else didn't approach us due to our service dog, it's fine. Also, if we did talk to you and I may have turned away suddenly, the bouncing SXS had her nerves on edge. I was constantly watching her to make sure she was OK. I watched for several indicators including when she needed to potty. Off leash she goes to the bushes, on leash she goes where ever if I'm not paying attention. Turning her away from stress helps keep her calm and re-enforces her trust of me. I apologize if anyone thought I was brushing them off. That was not the case at all, just trying to take care of the girl who takes care of us. (she's a registered service dog, not emotional support)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
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Supporting Member
Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

  1. 1000-3

  2. 1000-5
Observations and things I learned at the 2023 take over.

To understand my perspective you must first know my experience. I’ve been a motor sport / gear head all my life. I’ve ridden in groups with Goldwings, trucks, dirt bikes, ATV’s, PWC’s, canoes and Kayaks even horses. Thats 50 years of group riding experience. I attend annual gatherings of like minded people to socialize and glean ideas, and help each other anyway we can. (One group generally has around 300 rigs, twice a year) I also have miles and miles of riding that doesn’t cost a penny, paying to ride goes against my nature but tolerable for the right place with the right people.

This is my wife and I’s perspective from what we encountered. I don’t need or want an explanation. I’m only providing this for the few who might actually give a sh!t.

1. Extremely disorganized. If you’ve attended multiple TO’s and know what going on and who people are, it helps. But for a new person, it’s chaos and a complete cluster f***. When we arrived on Fri. there was no one there to greet us or help us get settled.

No designated information center or people person to talk to. Why couldn’t helpers all wear a bright colored shirt and hat to identify who they are. I asked Richard and he says one thing, then go to the person he said to go to and they say something different. Told we would meet at a certain point for a ride, they left from a different location so we were left behind.

2. Group rides are a disaster. First group we went with was a night ride. The group split multiple times and went in different directions. Heading back home people left in different directions and split into multiple groups. Guide? There was no guide, Richard was on that ride, he told me one thing then did something else. Someone else tried to help and sent me down a black trail at night… alone. I had to turn around where there was no place to turn around.

Second group ride I was on has been discussed thoroughly in another thread. Side of the trail fighting biting flies for two hours +, never reached our destination. Every other group I’ve ever riden with has a recovery team designated prior to the ride. Groups need a lead, a drag and recovery team. Most groups standard were, 30 min to get’m rolling or it’s time for the group to go and recovery team takes over.

3. Band was decent / good and I enjoyed the genre they played.

4. I didn’t really care because I didn’t buy raffle tickets, but I heard multiple people complaining about the system used where they get to choose whatever prize they want. After a few top prizes were gone people started leaving. I don’t know, maybe that’s intentional.

5. The wife and I made multiple attempts to meet people and interact. We left feeling very unwelcome. NOT ONE PERSON INVITED US TO JOIN IN ANYTHING… Not a ride, a meal, a drink, a chair or even a conversation… nothing. We felt like the third person on a date. We approach a campsite with folks sitting around, no one gets out of their chair to greet us, introduce ourselves they say hi but don’t introduce themselves. I’ve seen sooooo many post about how great everybody is on here… from my experience thats BS. Maybe to the clicks they’ve already formed, but anyone else is an outsider and made to feel that way. In fact some people were down right A-holes who acted like we were idiots for not knowing what was going on. (One guy, I can’t remember name, met on the trail when going solo to top of the world. Saw him in camp and he came to talk to us, nice guy cheerful and friendly. Still didn’t introduce anyone, or suggest any activity.)

I’m saying this only as a gauge to how we felt:

I attended a camping event where most everyone there is in a home made / self converted camper. School busses, box trucks, cargo trailers… etc. 95% of everyone there was hard core liberals. I’m hard core conservative. We felt so much more welcome by them than we did this group. Stop, take a breath and think about that.

6. I commented a little about my experience at the TO and the reply was I need to plan better if I’m going to travel that far and should stay longer. KMFA!!!! I planned based on the information posted in the forum which I’ve now learned is really just kind of a suggestion. (See #1) If you already know whats going on from multiple events, and know everyone I’m sure it’s easier. This was scheduled for two days, I was there both days. It sucked. (BTW RRB site plainly says check in NO EARLIER THAN 3pm, rides are scheduled for that morning, see any problems?)

7. I don’t know who the guy was, but I ask him if he was going on one of the group rides. He laughed and said “no, I ain’t riding with these folks, tried it, won’t go no more” and he drove away before I could ask anymore questions.

So this guy has attended multiple events and has came to the conclusion he’s better off riding solo with a GPS. What does that tell ya?

8. Location. The group was scattered all over the place. Trying to figure out whos with us and who isn’t was a pain. I found two machines with “hondasxs” decals who told me they weren’t there for the TO. By now we should know an average attendance and should be able to negotiate a price, and area for the group. Registration and fees should all go through the forum. Pre registration maybe get a small discount in order to have a solid negotiating tool. An example would be 10% for 90 day pre register, 5% for 45 days. They save a little and attendance numbers are more defined prior to the event.

Richard, I can connect you with the organizers of the camping event and I know they’ll be glad to answer any questions or explain how and why they do what they do. It’s up to you, if your happy with it the way it is… then that’s fine, it’s your bicycle, you can ride it any way you want. Also, they ask for volunteers for certain events and provide discounts of fees to those who help. This way attendees can go tackle one function for a few hours and they are done, no one is stuck working the whole time, not even you. You're missing out on a LOT of money.

9. Meal tickets. These worked out well. My Sandwich was pretty good.

10. Haldog77 & Jackal are stand up good folks. They were patient and helpful, thanks guys.

For us, we didn’t get to see anything on a group ride. We went to the top of the world on Friday when no one was around. Thats it, that’s all we got to see. We sat and ate and tried to talk to people… nope. I burned a little over ½ tank of fuel. I’ve done more than that in my back yard.

Our goal was to get acclimated to the group, scout it out and decide if my brother (p700) and son in law (polaris ranger) and “partner in crime” (p-700) and a couple of other guys we ride with would want to attend. If it would be something my grandkids would enjoy. The kids looked like they were having fun and my grandkids would have a blast. But it’d be stupid to attend just for the grandkids.
The wife and I won't be back, lesson learned. Get a GPS for trails and avoid the group, just like the guy who drove off said. (see #7)

I won’t be spending my money and energy to be treated like a leper, and do no riding or socializing. Others say plan better come back and get use to it, stay longer… why would I spend more money to be miserable? Why do I need to spend more money and energy to “learn” how an event works.

After all this you may think I’mma big ole A-hole cry baby, you can think whatever you like. But I’m the new guy looking for a place to spend a little money, have a blast riding and meeting people who enjoy the same things. I don’t know, but how many people have the same experience and just walk away with no comment? I’ve seen several comments about people who don’t stick around. I’m (new people) the one who needs to be drawn in. Our perspective is the groups feel like they’re big enough and they don’t want anyone else, and they could care less about growing this event.

Message received.
WOW! I'm sorry you had a bad time! Did you stay at the CI? If you would have came back to RRB and visited with all the different groups gathered night every where and told them you were new and looking for a group to ride with the next day, things would have been different. The TO isn't the military, it's vacation time. Did you not look at the TO ride schedule on the forum? JACKLE had his rides listed and what time?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2019

  1. 1000-3
WOW! I'm sorry you had a bad time! Did you stay at the CI? If you would have came back to RRB and visited with all the different groups gathered night every where and told them you were new and looking for a group to ride with the next day, things would have been different. The TO isn't the military, it's vacation time. Did you not look at the TO ride schedule on the forum? JACKLE had his rides listed and what time?
I stayed at RRB, We walked the whole place, on multiple occassions, introducing ourselves to anyone we could find who looked like they might be part of the TO.

Did you READ the whole thing, I know it's long, but theres some details in there.


Beast of the East
Lifetime Member
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Dec 22, 2016
Painesville Ohio

  1. 1000-5
Observations and things I learned at the 2023 take over.

To understand my perspective you must first know my experience. I’ve been a motor sport / gear head all my life. I’ve ridden in groups with Goldwings, trucks, dirt bikes, ATV’s, PWC’s, canoes and Kayaks even horses. Thats 50 years of group riding experience. I attend annual gatherings of like minded people to socialize and glean ideas, and help each other anyway we can. (One group generally has around 300 rigs, twice a year) I also have miles and miles of riding that doesn’t cost a penny, paying to ride goes against my nature but tolerable for the right place with the right people.

This is my wife and I’s perspective from what we encountered. I don’t need or want an explanation. I’m only providing this for the few who might actually give a sh!t.

1. Extremely disorganized. If you’ve attended multiple TO’s and know what going on and who people are, it helps. But for a new person, it’s chaos and a complete cluster f***. When we arrived on Fri. there was no one there to greet us or help us get settled.

No designated information center or people person to talk to. Why couldn’t helpers all wear a bright colored shirt and hat to identify who they are. I asked Richard and he says one thing, then go to the person he said to go to and they say something different. Told we would meet at a certain point for a ride, they left from a different location so we were left behind.

2. Group rides are a disaster. First group we went with was a night ride. The group split multiple times and went in different directions. Heading back home people left in different directions and split into multiple groups. Guide? There was no guide, Richard was on that ride, he told me one thing then did something else. Someone else tried to help and sent me down a black trail at night… alone. I had to turn around where there was no place to turn around.

Second group ride I was on has been discussed thoroughly in another thread. Side of the trail fighting biting flies for two hours +, never reached our destination. Every other group I’ve ever riden with has a recovery team designated prior to the ride. Groups need a lead, a drag and recovery team. Most groups standard were, 30 min to get’m rolling or it’s time for the group to go and recovery team takes over.

3. Band was decent / good and I enjoyed the genre they played.

4. I didn’t really care because I didn’t buy raffle tickets, but I heard multiple people complaining about the system used where they get to choose whatever prize they want. After a few top prizes were gone people started leaving. I don’t know, maybe that’s intentional.

5. The wife and I made multiple attempts to meet people and interact. We left feeling very unwelcome. NOT ONE PERSON INVITED US TO JOIN IN ANYTHING… Not a ride, a meal, a drink, a chair or even a conversation… nothing. We felt like the third person on a date. We approach a campsite with folks sitting around, no one gets out of their chair to greet us, introduce ourselves they say hi but don’t introduce themselves. I’ve seen sooooo many post about how great everybody is on here… from my experience thats BS. Maybe to the clicks they’ve already formed, but anyone else is an outsider and made to feel that way. In fact some people were down right A-holes who acted like we were idiots for not knowing what was going on. (One guy, I can’t remember name, met on the trail when going solo to top of the world. Saw him in camp and he came to talk to us, nice guy cheerful and friendly. Still didn’t introduce anyone, or suggest any activity.)

I’m saying this only as a gauge to how we felt:

I attended a camping event where most everyone there is in a home made / self converted camper. School busses, box trucks, cargo trailers… etc. 95% of everyone there was hard core liberals. I’m hard core conservative. We felt so much more welcome by them than we did this group. Stop, take a breath and think about that.

6. I commented a little about my experience at the TO and the reply was I need to plan better if I’m going to travel that far and should stay longer. KMFA!!!! I planned based on the information posted in the forum which I’ve now learned is really just kind of a suggestion. (See #1) If you already know whats going on from multiple events, and know everyone I’m sure it’s easier. This was scheduled for two days, I was there both days. It sucked. (BTW RRB site plainly says check in NO EARLIER THAN 3pm, rides are scheduled for that morning, see any problems?)

7. I don’t know who the guy was, but I ask him if he was going on one of the group rides. He laughed and said “no, I ain’t riding with these folks, tried it, won’t go no more” and he drove away before I could ask anymore questions.

So this guy has attended multiple events and has came to the conclusion he’s better off riding solo with a GPS. What does that tell ya?

8. Location. The group was scattered all over the place. Trying to figure out whos with us and who isn’t was a pain. I found two machines with “hondasxs” decals who told me they weren’t there for the TO. By now we should know an average attendance and should be able to negotiate a price, and area for the group. Registration and fees should all go through the forum. Pre registration maybe get a small discount in order to have a solid negotiating tool. An example would be 10% for 90 day pre register, 5% for 45 days. They save a little and attendance numbers are more defined prior to the event.

Richard, I can connect you with the organizers of the camping event and I know they’ll be glad to answer any questions or explain how and why they do what they do. It’s up to you, if your happy with it the way it is… then that’s fine, it’s your bicycle, you can ride it any way you want. Also, they ask for volunteers for certain events and provide discounts of fees to those who help. This way attendees can go tackle one function for a few hours and they are done, no one is stuck working the whole time, not even you. You're missing out on a LOT of money.

9. Meal tickets. These worked out well. My Sandwich was pretty good.

10. Haldog77 & Jackal are stand up good folks. They were patient and helpful, thanks guys.

For us, we didn’t get to see anything on a group ride. We went to the top of the world on Friday when no one was around. Thats it, that’s all we got to see. We sat and ate and tried to talk to people… nope. I burned a little over ½ tank of fuel. I’ve done more than that in my back yard.

Our goal was to get acclimated to the group, scout it out and decide if my brother (p700) and son in law (polaris ranger) and “partner in crime” (p-700) and a couple of other guys we ride with would want to attend. If it would be something my grandkids would enjoy. The kids looked like they were having fun and my grandkids would have a blast. But it’d be stupid to attend just for the grandkids.
The wife and I won't be back, lesson learned. Get a GPS for trails and avoid the group, just like the guy who drove off said. (see #7)

I won’t be spending my money and energy to be treated like a leper, and do no riding or socializing. Others say plan better come back and get use to it, stay longer… why would I spend more money to be miserable? Why do I need to spend more money and energy to “learn” how an event works.

After all this you may think I’mma big ole A-hole cry baby, you can think whatever you like. But I’m the new guy looking for a place to spend a little money, have a blast riding and meeting people who enjoy the same things. I don’t know, but how many people have the same experience and just walk away with no comment? I’ve seen several comments about people who don’t stick around. I’m (new people) the one who needs to be drawn in. Our perspective is the groups feel like they’re big enough and they don’t want anyone else, and they could care less about growing this event.

Message received.
Thank you and your wife for your feedback.
Richard and the other volunteers can discuss some of your observations going forward.


President of #NTC
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Jan 30, 2018
Canton, OH

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No one pays a fee to to attend the Takeover. Registration (if you bother to register) is free. You get a free meal for registering. Maybe you get what you pay for? 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s far less of a produced/itinerary based event and far more of a very large family reunion of strangers that have met on the internet aka the forum.

I think you are comparing apples and oranges a bit. I feel pretty confident in saying The Takeover isn’t done to make Richard a single penny. It’s done for the forum community. Ultimately Takeover and the forum is whatever you choose for it to be.

Think of me and this post what you will but the Takeover and the forum at large are both filled with great people. It’s your loss if you haven’t figured that out since you joined in 2019.


Club Founder
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Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon R
Sounds like a map, some recovery gear, radio, and bug spray would have fixed 75% of your issue. I thought thos would been standard carry. Yet I don't have anywhere close to 50 years of riding experience. I'm still learning what's needed and whats not.

One thing is for sure tho. The day this event becomes a J.O.B. I'm done with it. Goal has never been and will never be to profit.

I'm sorry you got lost on the easy TOW trail Friday. Seems the group got spaced out and the perone in front of you didn't wait at the turns. Thats my fault for not covering the trail rules with them.

My only concern was the meal tickets. Glad those went well for you.

I might reply to each line sometime.
Thanks for your feedback.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
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Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

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  2. 1000-5
I stayed at RRB, We walked the whole place, on multiple occassions, introducing ourselves to anyone we could find who looked like they might be part of the TO.

Did you READ the whole thing, I know it's long, but theres some details in there.
Did you communicate? If you would have, they would have steered you to Tramguage1's site and Mike would have got you hooked up, I hung around down there and if you would have talked to me, I would have invited you to go along with us! This bunch is a friendly group, all you have to do is introduce yourself and speak up. Did you look at JACKALS RIDE schedule? He led a group every day that met behind the stage every morning


Go ride!
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Jun 15, 2014

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Trail 9 at 9 was posted, meet at the stage at 7 head out at 8, we even hung out an extra 30 min for anyone. Spent our own $ for prizes to anyone there. To those 2nd guessing you missed out on a fun night ride with a campfire and hotdogs provided for free. Out of 40 people not 1 person drank the free bud light. So it was used to put out the fire lol!


Well-Known Member
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Sep 7, 2021

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon R LV
Last week was also my first Takeover (TO). I have nothing to do with the TO planning or gathering. I'm just another forum user.

I'm sure others will correct me on any factual mistakes, and I'm sure Richard will let me know if I'm out of line, but here is my take:

TO is not some sort of sanctioned or sponsored event.

You don't buy tickets to attend or be part of it. No one is required to pay ANY fee or cost to show up. The only things you need to pay for are your own personal expenses (e.g., cabin/RV rental, fuel, food, beverages, etc.). You're not even required to pay for the (FREE) meal you and your wife ate on SAT. Generating profit is not part of this gathering's goals.

There are no paid event organizers.
There is no paid marketing team.
There is no paid concierge.
There are no paid greeters.
There are no paid security staff, kitchen staff, or cleaning crew.
There are no paid ride leaders or organizers.
There is no paid safety team or medical team.
There are no paid mechanics on duty to fix what you break.

This is a grassroots gathering of like-minded SXS riders who simply want to get together, ride, and enjoy camaraderie and friendship with others.

Anyone/everyone that has anything to do with "helping" is personally volunteering out of the kindness and generosity of their hearts.

The costs for the TO - everything from the banners to the raffle prizes to the food truck and the band - were paid with VOLUNTARY DONATIONS made by event sponsors, forum members, and others who gave out of the goodness of their hearts. I'm sure Richard, himself, paid for plenty out of his own pocket, too.

If you came to the TO expecting professionally trained marketing people in a color-coordinated shirts and shorts waiting to greet you, hand you pamphlets and trail maps with twenty seven 8-by-10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was, give you a tour of the (numerous) campgrounds, tell you where you need to go, what to do, where to pee, and force people to greet you upon arrival shower you with love and affection, then your expectations were, IMHO, completely unrealistic.

I've been attending OTHER voluntary group events (just not SXS related) like this since the mid 1990s, and I can easily say that I NEVER had your level of expectation from a group of unpaid, uncompensated volunteers who were doing this simply for the love of the subject matter and to enjoy friendships.

Did you and your wife approach other people and introduce yourselves and make conversations? Or did you just expect them to find you and do all the work?

You got lost? What kind of maps or mapping software did you bring?

Didn't like the raffle? Well, buying raffle tickets is a choice, and you chose not to buy them. I see no problem there.

Honestly, other than 5 or 6 people that I met just last month, I had never met one single person from the forums until this TO.

My wife (who had NEVER met or talked online with ANYONE here) and I stopped and introduced OURSELVES to TONS of other people. We told them our names (and my screen name), and we did what most adults do: We had verbal conversations with other people. We found out who they were, what they rode, where they were staying, what their screen names were, and just chatted about everything. We met a TON of great people because we put ourselves out there - we didn't expect them to do everything.

While there will likely be some dissent, I'd say that the vast majority of people who attend TO have absolutely ZERO interest in turning this into some kind of organized, sanctioned, for-profit event that requires us to shell out dollars for fancy organizers, greeters, and paid staff, and follow schedules and timelines.

Sorry if our non-sanctioned, non-professionally organized, not-catered, non-handholding event wasn't up to your standards. The best part about all of this is that nobody did or can force you to attend again.

As for me and my wife, we met a TON of good people, made quite a few friends, and we look forward to seeing them at future non-sanctioned, non-professionally organized, not-catered, non-handholding gatherings.

God bless and good luck, no matter where your travels take you and your family.
Last edited:


NTC's NoMo Chupacabra Caliente!!....
Lifetime Member
Oct 31, 2019
Loxahatchee, florida

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No one pays a fee to to attend the Takeover. Registration (if you bother to register) is free. You get a free meal for registering. Maybe you get what you pay for? 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s far less of a produced/itinerary based event and far more of a very large family reunion of strangers that have met on the internet aka the forum.

I think you are comparing apples and oranges a bit. I feel pretty confident in saying The Takeover isn’t done to make Richard a single penny. It’s done for the forum community. Ultimately Takeover and the forum is whatever you choose for it to be.

Think of me and this post what you will but the Takeover and the forum at large are both filled with great people. It’s your loss if you haven’t figured that out since you joined in 2019.
I was going to say something but, ☝️JB pretty much said everything I would've......minus a few cuss words.

Cunt🌲boi it sounds like you were expecting a full blown Honda sponsored event where they tell you the where, what, and who you'll be riding with. Sorry but as mentioned it's more of a....... "here's where some people are going and around what time, you're more then welcome to tag along" kinda event. I would be willing to bet just about anything that @Hondasxs isn't putting this event together for the money. The man along with everyone else involved work their asses off to put this FREE gathering together so we can all BS and hang out with like minded people we meet through this forum. I was once a NEW GUY and can honestly tell you I've never felt left out for one sec. I wasn't able to attend this year and I'm sorry you and your wife feel like you had a bad time, but I think you had your expectations/mind set on a different type of event.

🤔....well shít, I guess I ended up saying something anywheyz, at least I didn't cuss. 'cept for shít.....phuck!!!! I did it again 🙄


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Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

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Last week was also my first Takeover (TO). I have nothing to do with the TO planning or gathering. I'm just another forum user.

I'm sure others will correct me on any factual mistakes, and I'm sure Richard will let me know if I'm out of line, but here is my take:

TO is not some sort of sanctioned or sponsored event.

You don't buy tickets to attend or be part of it. No one is required to pay ANY fee or cost to show up. The only things you need to pay for are your own personal expenses (e.g., cabin/RV rental, fuel, food, beverages, etc.). You're not even required to pay for the (FREE) meal you and your wife ate on SAT. Generating profit is not part of this gathering's goals.

There are no paid event organizers.
There is no paid marketing team.
There is no paid concierge.
There are no paid greeters.
There are no paid security staff, kitchen staff, or cleaning crew.
There are no paid ride leaders or organizers.
There is no paid safety team or medical team.
There are no paid mechanics on duty to fix what you break.

This is a grassroots gathering of like-minded SXS riders who simply want to get together, ride, and enjoy camaraderie and friendship with others.

Anyone/everyone that has anything to do with "helping" is personally volunteering out of the kindness and generosity of their hearts.

The costs for the TO - everything from the banners to the raffle prizes to the food truck and the band - were paid with VOLUNTARY DONATIONS made by event sponsors, forum members, and others who gave out of the goodness of their hearts. I'm sure Richard, himself, paid for plenty out of his own pocket, too.

If you came to the TO expecting professionally trained marketing people in a color-coordinated shirts and shorts waiting to greet you, hand you pamphlets and trail maps with twenty seven 8-by-10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was, give you a tour of the (numerous) campgrounds, tell you where you need to go, what to do, where to pee, and force people to greet you upon arrival shower you with love and affection, then your expectations were, IMHO, completely unrealistic.

I've been attending OTHER voluntary group events (just not SXS related) like this since the mid 1990s, and I can easily say that I NEVER had your level of expectation from a group of unpaid, uncompensated volunteers who were doing this simply for the love of the subject matter and to enjoy friendships.

Did you and your wife approach other people and introduce yourselves and make conversations? Or did you just expect them to find you and do all the work?

You got lost? What kind of maps or mapping software did you bring?

Didn't like the raffle? Well, buying raffle tickets is a choice, and you chose not to buy them. I see no problem there.

Honestly, other than 5 or 6 people that I met just last month, I had never met one single person from the forums until this TO.

My wife (who had NEVER met or talked online with ANYONE here) and I stopped and introduced OURSELVES to TONS of other people. We told them our names (and my screen name), and we did what most adults do: We had verbal conversations with other people. We found out who they were, what they rode, where they were staying, what their screen names were, and just chatted about everything. We met a TON of great people because we put ourselves out there - we didn't expect them to do everything.

While there will likely be some dissent, I'd say that the vast majority of people who attend TO have absolutely ZERO interest in turning this into some kind of organized, sanctioned, for-profit event that requires us to shell out dollars for fancy organizers, greeters, and paid staff, and follow schedules and timelines.

Sorry if our non-sanctioned, non-professionally organized, not-catered, non-handholding event wasn't up to your standards. The best part about all of this is that nobody did or can force you to attend again.

As for me and my wife, we met a TON of good people, made quite a few friends, and we look forward to seeing them at future non-sanctioned, non-professionally organized, not-catered, non-handholding gatherings.

God bless and good luck, no matter where your travels take you.
Well stated!


Club Founder
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Feb 13, 2013
Charlotte, NC

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We have discussed a posting a "silver riders" group ride in the past. Leave later, return sooner, all green trails, geared towards new riders or beginners.

Yes I would say we failed in this category fairly hard.

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Well-Known Member
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Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

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We have discussed a posting a "silver riders" group ride in the past. Leave later, return sooner, all green trails, geared towards new riders or beginners.

Yes I would say we failed in this category fairly hard.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
Thought that was @JACKAL's groups! HA!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2019

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Sounds like a map, some recovery gear, radio, and bug spray would have fixed 75% of your issue. I thought thos would been standard carry. Yet I don't have anywhere close to 50 years of riding experience. I'm still learning what's needed and whats not.

One thing is for sure tho. The day this event becomes a J.O.B. I'm done with it. Goal has never been and will never be to profit.

I'm sorry you got lost on the easy TOW trail Friday. Seems the group got spaced out and the perone in front of you didn't wait at the turns. Thats my fault for not covering the trail rules with them.

My only concern was the meal tickets. Glad those went well for you.

I might reply to each line sometime.
Thanks for your feedback.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
Recovery gear... lol you making assumptions?

Radio... brought four gmrs, retivis rt-29, have channel 4 programmed to work with the blister packs. Tried with one guys, (Dan maybe, white 1000 had a little overheating going on from stopped up rad and a bumper that restricted air flow.) Didn't work with his.

Snatch blocks, two 30' pull straps, 5 or so each of 7018 & 6011 jumper cables, compressor, all in a water proof bag.
I was told he lost a bolt. By the time I knew he actually broke something they already had him rolling. Maybe somebody should've asked.

Bug spray was back at camp... you know, the place where sitting around is supposed to happen.

I didn't get lost, one of the guys who you said was riding drag sent me down that trail. I stopped and turned around because I knew how to get back from camp from TOW.

No I don't have a trail GPS, this is the first time I've ever even considered a trail gps, never needed it.

Must be nice to have enough money to not need any more. It doesn't have to be a job to make money. That being said, it's yours you can do with as you please. Even as it is, it seems to keep you pretty busy for sure.


KGB, SNS, Duchess Sheldon, Ms. Daisy, Natasha
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Feb 3, 2021

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Here ya go, bless your heart...

Just curious … and I am just venturing a guess here. Your attitude might be the reason no one wanted to interact with you. I am hoping you were nicer in person, cause .. Yikes, glad we did not met.

As for reading comprehension, you commented on the ride list about all the planned rides but failed to find out where they left from and what time. Pot met Kettle..


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2019

  1. 1000-3
Just curious … and I am just venturing a guess here. Your attitude might be the reason no one wanted to interact with you.

As for reading comprehension, you commented on the ride list about all the planned rides but failed to find out where they left from and what time. Pot met Kettle..
Did you meet me? Then you don't know what your talking about. Just because you don't like when I tell the truth doesn't mean I have an attitude. So all the folks here can say whatever they want and it's fine, but if I say something I have an attitude. cool Hypocritical don't ya think.

You need a little reading comprehension yourself. Try the second pargraph in point #1. Where I point out the rides didn't leave from where they said. Which is kinda the point of that post. Pot and kettle had a kid named irony.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 6, 2017
da Yoop

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Did you meet me? Then you don't know what your talking about. Just because you don't like when I tell the truth doesn't mean I have an attitude. So all the folks here can say whatever they want and it's fine, but if I say something I have an attitude. cool Hypocritical don't ya think.

You need a little reading comprehension yourself. Try the second pargraph in point #1. Where I point out the rides didn't leave from where they said. Which is kinda the point of that post. Pot and kettle had a kid named irony.
You seem quite unhappy here.....thats sad


The Scrappapotamus
Lifetime Member
Nov 2, 2022
Midway KY

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  4. Talon R LV
Hmmm? I booked my room last year, marked my calendar and showed up Wednesday evening about dark. My girl friend and I got our machine off the trailer and hit the trails. Nothing planned, just ran up on groups everyday and tagged along. Everyone was overly nice and took us in and made us part of their group rides. We were supposed to go on the Prison ride Friday, but got my wires crossed on where to meet. We arrived late at the RRB Stage after the group had departed and was immediately welcomed to come along on a ride which Remington was leading. Great group, fun time and great ride. We even had a long haired Wiener Dawg riding in our group. No bug spray needed during our entire experience. Had a flat heading back to our room and made 4 additional friends while fixing the tire. Went out Saturday and invited ourselves on another ride and had a blast. Only person I never ran into was (Rick) Smitty and you and your wife I'm guessing? BTW, we were in a green P1K-5 with the old dude with the wild, long hair with the cute blonde. We even had a colorful cat named Ed who kept everyone in stitches on our Friday ride. I'll be back next year unless someone feels we shouldn't return. Speak now folks or beware.
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