Haha you guys laugh at this $hit, dosnt bother me I can too. I have been diagnosed as Dyslexic since I was a kid and im cool with it.use to effect me bad when I was a kid. I can make fun and laugh about it now. I dont let it get me down Like my Lib leaning screwool Teachers would pretty much tell me to, Let people fell bad for you! You have a problem take advantage of that. F them, I embrace it I dont need that $hit dirt bags!
Spelling and grammar is one of my main issues with the disability. My brain moves faster than what I write and type ,But working with my hands and my Hand Eye coordination is of the charts than the average person why I excelled in sports and shooting. Those are my gifts. Seeing how things go together and making something out of nothing where most people would stand a scratch there head and say..how did u do that? . I cant write clearly (terrible as Phuck penmanship lol) and reading comprehension past a magazine article is All Fog in my brain. But I can sure predict the direction of a curve balls drop point at pin point accuracy from how it comes out of a pitchers hand, I love when my mind thinks of what I hear but later knowing what it really is and putting it all together to make it something else like Flustrated. Its Fluster and Frustrated in one word I always thought was the correct way, easier for me to understand that way
Most of u may never understand this haha but its ok. Its all good! Keep on keepin on! It would Behoove (big word ha) you to keep doing it! makes me laugh.