Project Cleanup: Join the #SATVTrailCleanupChallenge!



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2013
Madison, IN
Project Cleanup: Join the #SATVTrailCleanupChallenge!
Details on how to enter to win a $100 SuperATV gift card at the bottom!

Full article here:

There are countless reasons why riders are drawn to off-roading: the thrills, the mud, and the relationships formed are just a few. But one overarching theme that everyone seems to agree on is that we love how off-roading brings us closer to nature. Whether you’re cruising down your favorite trail or climbing a rock shelf at your go-to ride park, quads and side-by-sides allow us to experience the great outdoors in a way that nothing else can.

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciates those trails and ride parks the same way. Even the most beautiful ride spots across the country are at risk of being marred by litterers—a crumpled up can here, a candy wrapper there.
Trail trash
Seeing trash littering your beloved trails is annoying, and it can totally kill the mood if you were hoping for some one-on-one time with nature.
So your friends at SuperATV are attempting to do something about it.

Doing Our Part
Keeping your favorite ride spot beautiful doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal. We’re not asking you to organize and execute a huge group cleanup event (although we wouldn’t discourage it!). All we’re encouraging is to just get out and ride as usual, and clean up as you go along. The next time you spot some trash on the trail, instead of complaining about it or ignoring it, just pick it up! Easy as that.

Here are some tips to help you out:

Come Prepared
Keep a small trash bag or receptacle in your UTV. Not only does this give you somewhere to place your own trash besides on the ground, but you’ll also have somewhere to put the garbage you collect along the way.

Be Sanitary
If you’ve got some spare first aid kit gloves or even riding gloves, it wouldn’t hurt to throw them on when cleaning up the trails. You never know where that trash has been, so it’s always good to use some extra caution. And don’t forget to slap on some hand sanitizer when you’re done!

Use Common Sense
This should go without saying, but don’t pick up any potentially hazardous items. If you see broken glass, needles, or something covered in bodily fluids, we obviously don’t want you reaching for that. In the instance you do come across an item that’s unsafe to pick up, be sure to reach out to park security or local law enforcement so it can be disposed of properly.

Get the Kids Involved
If you have little ones in your life, lead by example and teach them to clean up their surroundings whenever possible. Consider turning it into a game while you’re out adventuring—who can pick up the most litter from the trail? (This is also a great way to instill some good ol’ “pick up after yourself” values in future generations.)

The Cleanup Challenge
If you’re doing your part in keeping our riding trails and off-road parks clean, we feel that you should be rewarded. We also think it should be kind of fun. That’s why we’re offering an incentive to make things interesting and hopefully motivate you to keep the great outdoors beautiful.
Clean trail 1536x1024

Throughout the next four months—June, July, August, and September—we want you to document any time you clean up trash on the trail or at the ride park. Doing so will enter you in our #SATVTrailCleanupChallenge contest. Each month, one lucky participant will be selected to win a free swag bag, which will include a $100 gift certificate to!

How do you enter, you ask? Easy—just follow these steps:
  1. Snap a photo as proof that you’ve cleaned something up.
  2. Post your image to your personal Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
  3. Tag SuperATV in the photo.
  4. Use the hashtag #SATVTrailCleanupChallenge somewhere in your caption.
Once you’ve done that, you’re automatically entered for that month.

You can find SuperATV on social media here:
Winners will be chosen at random on the 30th of each month, from June through September. We’ll announce each month’s winner on all of our social media platforms, so be sure to keep an eye on our feeds!

Now what are you waiting for? Get riding, start cleaning, and don’t forget to post those photos!


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2019

  1. 700-4
Lol all im missing is the pictures i keep a bucket in the back of mine and hit the hot spots at our local park a good bit. Cans mostly on creek edge or next to off camber water holes where machines might spill or cans will float out. Keep it clean and keep the kiddos feet intact. Along with the wildlife.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2013
Madison, IN
Lol all im missing is the pictures i keep a bucket in the back of mine and hit the hot spots at our local park a good bit. Cans mostly on creek edge or next to off camber water holes where machines might spill or cans will float out. Keep it clean and keep the kiddos feet intact. Along with the wildlife.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Hell yeah buddy! We really appreciate the guys that are already doing it. Just trying to offer a little extra incentive for you guys, and the guys that don't think about it. Get some pics and post them to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the hashtag
Do it every month up till September, and you'll automatically be entered to win the gift certificate!


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
Wish good ol Rocmar was still around. He was so good about constantly cleaning up, would’ve had some great photos to add


Well-Known Member
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Jul 6, 2017
da Yoop

  1. 1000-3

  2. Talon X
Hell yeah fellas! Jump in the game. Just tag us in your post and use the hashtag!

I think we only have like 10 people that have done it yet, so the chances are pretty good. One winner a month, through September.
I'd love to but this is as "Social Media" as I get, I refuse to use Crackbook, Instacrack or Twittless.