There are quite a few threads with the parts list you’ll need to address the issue. Unfortunately it’s probably too late but making sure L or a gear number is displayed before pushing the gas prevents what has become known as the shift bang which quickly tears out the gears in these things. 😔. The search up top for low range gears should get you to one of the threads with the parts list.Have a Pioneer 1000-3, 2019, model and having issues with Low Range. We can select low range , but as soon as power is applied the pioneer jumps out of gear and grinds. Any help or fixing ideas would be appreciated. The High Range doesn't have an issue.
I agree with @906UP and @NTCPrezJBHave a Pioneer 1000-3, 2019
Thanks for the help & advice. I will check these threads out later today. I will put some photos also. Once again thanks to all.I'd suggest checking the cable adjustment to start, do a search for it....lots of threads on this topic