Multi Need a handheld CB radio...



Tried to read through the Pioneer Takeover radio thread and there was way too much information and numbers to make any sense of it. Besides, I don't want/need a 2-way radio. CB only.

In my area, if you travel into the mountains, you need a CB radio. Why? Because at the entrance of every road where there are logging operations going on, there is a sign that directs you to the CB channel you need to turn to.

Then, every mile there is a corresponding number painted on a tree on the side of the road.

The logging trucks are coming down the mountain loaded with 40k lbs of logs and going insanely fast on a narrow dirt road with multiple blind corners. They will get on their CB and announce what mile marker they just passed and what direction they are going.

This enables you to have time to pull over at the next available wide spot and give them room so you don't get killed.

If you don't have a CB, then it is like playing Russian roulette. This happened to me a couple of weeks ago heading up a mountain road. After two near misses, I had to turn around and get off that road.

So I need a CB. I wanted a handheld so I could easily move it from my Yukon to my Pioneer.

I see average reviews on Amazon for the strictly CB radio handhelds from Cobra and Midland. The Chinese radios get better reviews, ironically, but don't specifically say they are CB radios.

Any suggestions on radios?


NTC Ambassador of Walls
Lifetime Member
Oct 1, 2016

  1. Other Brand

  2. 500
Would look at wattage output of hand held vs mobile unit installed, also sound quality from speakers as the P500 can be loud. Antenna type very important, fixed better than short “rubber duckies”. Honda ROPs clamps for mounting pretty makes for easy removal for use in P500 or in car. Hand held units often have a belt case available for that type of overhead mount. Like this Midland option to connect to a standard fixed antenna, and maybe others have it also.
75-822 Portable/Mobile CB Radio | Midland Radio

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